
Earth First!

王朝百科·作者佚名  2010-03-15
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No Compromise in the Defense of Mother Earth !

Earth First !


The symbol of Earth First!: a Monkey wrench and stone hammer.

About Earth First!http://www.earthfirst.org

Are you tired of namby-pamby environmental groups? Are you tired of overpaid corporate environmentalists who suck up to bureaucrats and industry? Have you become disempowered by the reductionist approach of environmental professionals and scientists?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Earth First! is for you. Earth First! is effective. Our front-line, direct action approach to protecting wilderness gets results. We have succeeded in cases where other environmental groups had given up, and have drawn public attention to the crises facing the natural world.

Earth First! was named in 1979 in response to a lethargic, compromising, and increasingly corporate environmental community. Earth First! takes a decidedly different tack towards environmental issues. We believe in using all the tools in the tool box, ranging from grassroots organizing and involvement in the legal process to civil disobedience and monkeywrenching.

Earth First! is different from other environmental groups. Here are some things to keep in mind about Earth First! and some suggestions for being an active and effective Earth First!er: First of all, Earth First! is not an organization, but a movement. There are no "members" of Earth First!, only Earth First!ers. It is a belief in biocentrism, that life of the Earth comes first, and a practice of putting our beliefs into action.

While there is broad diversity within Earth First! from animal rights vegans to wilderness hunting guides, from monkeywrenchers to careful followers of Gandhi, from whiskey-drinking backwoods riffraff to thoughtful philosophers, from misanthropes to humanists there is agreement on one thing, the need for action!

How to form an EF! Group

Earth First! is an international movement composed of small, bioregionally-based groups. Earth First!ers (EF!ers) take it upon ourselves to become intimately familiar with the ecology of our area and the most immediate and serious threats to it. We apply "direct pressure" to stop the bleeding, with a combination of education, litigation, and creative civil disobedience. Many EF!ers experience both the joy of the wild and the anguish of losing it so acutely that they feel isolated and alone before coming together as a group. Nothing is more empowering or more fulfilling than standing defiant in creative consort with other like-hearted people. Dare to love that much!

Earth First! has survived attacks by moderates, would-be leaders and the agents of the system, remaining the most diverse, passionate, committed, and uncompromising group of environmental activists. Our direct actions in defense of the last wild places only seem radical compared to an entire paradigm of denial and control, where the individual is convinced they are powerless, and the organizations set up to protect the wilderness continue to bargain it away.

Earth First! is a priority, not an organization. The only "leaders" are those working the most effectively. New ideas, strategies and crucial initiative come from individuals, and all decisions are made within affinity groups based on preferred tactics. EF! is as much an extended family as an environmental movement, developing the integrity and skills for a new/old way of living with the land. Our actions are tied to Deep Ecology, the spiritual and visceral recognition of the intrinsic, sacred value of every living thing.

To start an Earth First! group in your area, consider the following elements: Contacts: Even though it is up to every individual EF!er to come up with campaigns and strategies and carry them out, a successful group still needs a "contact" to:

Educate yourself on the ways you can attract attention to environmental concerns and dissuade people and corporations from destroying the Earth.

Learn the law. While getting arrested will often bring increased media attention, weigh all the options. Freedom is an important asset. Avoiding jail is sometimes a better strategy.

Become aware of the risks to which you will be exposed. Activists are often arrested during legal actions by police ignorant of the law.

Establish a web site for your local area so that anyone may get in touch with you and learn what you're doing to help.

Gather people to help instigate actions and spread the word on what needs to be done to protect the Earth.

Earth First!From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_First%21"

Earth First! is a radical environmental advocacy group[1] that emerged in the Southwestern United States in the spring of 1980.

Inspired by Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, Aldo Leopold's land ethic, and Edward Abbey's The Monkey Wrench Gang, a group of activists pledged "No Compromise in Defense of Mother Earth!" Environmental activist Dave Foreman, ex-Yippie (Youth International Party) Mike Roselle, Wyoming Wilderness Society representatives Bart Koehler and Howie Wolke and former Park Ranger Ron Kezar were traveling in Foreman's VW bus from the Pincate Desert in northern Mexico to Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Provoked by what they considered a sell-out by mainstream environmental advocates during the RARE II (the Forest Service's Roadless Area and Review Evaluation) meetings, the activists envisioned a revolutionary movement to set aside multi-million acre ecological preserves all across the United States. "Suddenly Foreman called out 'Earth First!' The next thing you know," Wolke says, "Roselle drew a clenched fist logo, passed it up to the front of the van, and there was Earth First!"[citation needed]

There are Earth First! groups in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Philippines, and the Czech Republic.[2] There have also been groups in India, Mexico, France, Belgium, Germany, New Zealand, Poland, Nigeria, Slovakia, Ireland, Italy and Spain.[citation needed]

Contents1 The early years

2 Earth First since 1990

2.1 Judi Bari car bombing

3 Earth First! in the UK

4 See also

5 Notes

6 References

7 Books about Earth First!

7.1 Books about the early Earth First!

7.2 Books about the post-1990 Earth First

7.3 Books critical of Earth First

8 External links

8.1 Earth First today

8.2 Other links relevant to Earth First

The early yearsDuring the group's early years (1979-1986), Earth First! mixed publicity stunts (such as rolling a plastic "crack" down Glen Canyon Dam) with far-reaching wilderness proposals that reportedly went beyond what mainstream environmental groups were willing to advocate (with conservation biology research from a biocentric perspective). The group's proposals were published in a periodical, Earth First! The Radical Environmental Journal, informally known as the Earth First! Journal. Edward Abbey often spoke at early gatherings, and his writings were an inspiration that led him to be revered by the early movement.[citation needed] An annual gathering of the group was known as the Round River Rendezvous, with the name taken from an Ojibwa myth about a continuous river of life flowing into and out of itself and sustaining all relations.[citation needed] The rendezvous is part celebration with art and music, part activist conference with workshops and accounts of past actions.

In the spring of 1985, a nationwide call to action in the Earth First! Journal[citation needed] brought Earth First! members from around the United States to the Willamette National Forest of western Oregon, to take action against Willamette Industries, a logging company. Finding logging road blockades (carried out by Corvallis-based Cathedral Forest Action Group) were offering too short-term a protection, Marylander Ron Huber and Washingtonian Mike Jakubal devised tree sitting as a more effective civil disobedience alternative.[3]

On May 23, 1985 Mike Jakubal made the first Earth First! tree sit.[4] When U.S. Forest Service law enforcement official Steve Slagowski arrived, Mike Roselle, Ron Huber and others were arrested sitting at the base of the tree in support. This first tree sit lasted less than a day—Jakubal came down in the evening to look over the remains of the forest that had been cut down around him that day, and was arrested by a hidden Forest Service officer—but the tree-sitting concept was deemed sound by Earth First! members. Huber and Jakubal, in the company of Mike Roselle, brought the concept to the June 14th Washington EF Rendezvous;[5] on June 23, a convoy of activists arrived at Willamette National Forest, and set up tree platforms[6] in a location "Squaw/Three timbersale"[7] the group thought was threatened with imminent destruction. While at one point, up to a dozen trees were occupied, a July 10 clash[8] took down all the trees with platforms except for Ron Huber's as the other sitters had gone for an overnight meeting elsewhere. Huber remained in his tree, dubbed Yggdrasil, until July 20 when two Linn County sheriff's deputies were lifted in a crane box[9] and wrestled him from the tree.

Later, from about 1987 on, Earth First! became primarily associated with direct action to prevent logging, building of dams, and other forms of development which Earth First! finds may cause destruction of wildlife habitats or the despoilation of wild places. This change in direction attracted many new members to Earth First!, some of whom came from a leftist or anarchist political background or involvement in the counterculture. Dave Foreman has related that this led to the introduction of such activities as a "puke-in" at a shopping mall, a flag burning, heckling of Edward Abbey at a 1987 Earth First rendezvous, and back-and-forth debates in the Earth First! Journal on such topics as anarchism, with which Foreman and others did not wish to be associated. Most of the group's older members, including Dave Foreman, Howie Wolke, Bart Koehler, Christopher Manes, George Wuerthner, and Earth First! Journal editor John Davis became increasingly uncomfortable with this new direction. This change reportedly severed their ties to Earth First! in 1990. Many of them went on to launch a new magazine, Wild Earth, and a new environmental group, The Wildlands Project. Roselle, on the other hand, along with activists such as Judi Bari, welcomed the new direct-action and leftist direction of Earth First!.

Starting in the mid-1980s, Earth First! began an increasing promotion of and identification with "Deep Ecology," a philosophy put forward by Arne Næss, Bill Devall, and George Sessions, which holds that all forms of life on Earth have equal value in and of themselves, without regard for their utility to human beings. Earth First followers use this philosophy to justify an ecocentric view of the world in which intrinsic values for organisms and ecosystems outweigh their resource values.

Earth First since 1990Since 1990, action within the Earth First! movement has become increasingly influenced by anarchist political philosophy. The change also brought a rotation of the primary media organ in differing regions, an aversion to organized leadership or administrative structure, and a new trend of identifying Earth First! as a mainstream movement rather than an organization. In 1992, Earth First! push as a mainstream movement caused members who refused to abandon criminal acts to start a militant offshoot called Earth Liberation Front.[10] Most members of Earth First! liken themselves to a decentralized, locally informed activism based on communitarian ethics while Earth First adversaries characterize the group as conducting a form of terrorism[11].

In various parts of the country, individual citizens and small groups form the nuclei for grassroots political actions, which may take the form of legal actions--i.e. protests, timber sale appeals, and educational campaigns--or civil disobedience--tree sitting, road blockades, and sabotage - called "ecotage" by some Earth First! members, claiming it is done as a form of ecodefense. Often, disruptive direct action is used primarily as a stalling tactic in an attempt to prevent possible environmental destruction while Earth First! lawsuits try to secure long-term victories. Reported tactics include road blockades, activists locking themselves to heavy equipment, tree-sitting, and sabotage of machinery.[citation needed]

Earth First! was known for providing information in the Earth First! Journal on the practice of tree-spiking and monkeywrenching (or ecotage) which have led to reports of injuries from such tactics, although no evidence that Earth First! was involved in related activity. [12] In 1990, however, Judi Bari led Earth First! in the Northern California and Southern Oregon region to renounce these practices, calling them counterproductive to an effort to form a coalition with workers and small logging businesses to defeat large-scale corporate logging in Northern California.

Some critics of the movement still call Earth First! activity eco-terrorism, though Earth First! proponents say that the term more accurately describes the people who destroy the environment. In response to being labeled terrorists, some Earth First! members have adopted the neologism terrist instead.

Judi Bari car bombing

In 1990, a bomb was placed in Judi Bari's car, shattering her pelvis and also injuring fellow activist Darryl Cherney. Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation suspected that she was responsible for the bomb but were unable to find any evidence tying her to the explosion. Bari died in 1997 of cancer, but her federal lawsuit against the FBI and Oakland, California police resulted in a 2002 jury verdict awarding her estate and Darryl Cherney a total of $4.4 million.[13] Eighty percent of the damages were awarded for violating their First and Fourth Amendment rights during the course of investigating the bombing.[14]

Some theories have focused on Mike Sweeney, Bari's estranged ex-husband, who is alleged to have a history of domestic violence and political bombings dating back to the 60s. This theory has been advanced by Kate Coleman, author of The Secret Wars of Judi Bari, as well as Bruce Anderson, editor of the Anderson Valley Advertiser. This theory is dismissed by Friends of Judi Bari as part of a "right-wing funded smear" campaign[15]. Bari's supporters believe there is evidence the FBI helped plan the bombing[citation needed], although there has never been a government investigation into this claim[citation needed]. Special Agent Richard W. Held, who supervised the Bari case for the FBI, was dismissed from the lawsuit early on in 1997[citation needed].

Earth First! in the UKMain article:Environmental direct action in the United Kingdom

Picture:An arrest at the Liverpool docks, with protestors occupying cranes in the background

The Earth First! movement in the United Kingdom started in the 1990, when a group in Hastings Sussex organising an action at Dungeness nuclear power station in Kent. It grew rapidly, and many groups formed, with or without the EF! name, over the next years.

The first big Earth First! actions happened in 1992 and focused around the importation of tropical hardwoods. The first major action happened in London at Tilbury Docks. The second major action, the Merseyside Dock Action, attracted between 200-600 people who occupied Liverpool docks for two days. This action coincided with the Earth First! roadshow, in which a group of UK & US Earth Firsters toured the country. Other early campaign also focused on timber-yards, most notably Timbmet yard in Oxford.[16]

At the first national gathering in Sussex the debate focused on the use of criminal damage as a protest technique. Earth First! did not condone or condemn criminal damage, instead it focused more on non-violent direct action techniques. Some people at the gathering coined the term Earth Liberation Front (ELF), which became a separate movement which spread back to the US. Actions involving criminal damage did happen often under cover of night and were typically done under ELF banner and attributed to elves and pixies, giving a distinctly British feel to the movement.

Major growth in the direct action movement started when the focus shifted to roads, and a protest camp at Twyford Down was started, against the M3 in Hampshire. Whilst Earth First! groups still played a major part, other groups such as the Dongas tribe soon formed. Along with SchNEWS the Earth First! Action Update,[17] Do or Die[18] and , Earth First! gathering[19] were key means of communication between the groups. The movement grew to many other road protest camps including Newbury bypass, the A30, the M11 link road protest in London, where whole streets were "squatted." Later the focus winded to other campaigns including notably Reclaim the Streets, anti-GMO campaigns,[20] Rising Tide, Peat Alert,[21] Plane Stupid[22]... The growth of this wider movement is more extensively covered in environmental direct action in the United Kingdom.

The UK Earth First! groups differed considerably from the U.S. groups as reported in a ten year retrospective of the Earth First! by two of the founders Jake Bowers and Jason Torrance:

“ We knew EF US's original hardline "rednecks for wilderness" attitude wouldn't appeal here, so we set out to build a group that combined radical action and social justice to protect Britain's few remaining natural places.[23] ”

See alsoEarth Liberation Front

Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN)

Deep Ecology

Confessions of an Eco-Warrior

Green anarchism

Green syndicalism

List of environmental organizations

Environmental movement

Edward Abbey

The Monkey Wrench Gang


Tree sitting

Conservation ethic

Sea Shepherd

Paul Watson

Wild Earth

Operation Backfire - FBI operation targeting "eco-terrorism"

Notes^ FBI par.9

^ http://www.earthfirst.org/

^ http://www.penbay.org/ef/treesit_first1985.html

^ http://www.penbay.org/ef/mikejakubal_1sttreesit85.html

^ http://www.penbay.org/ef/washefrendez85.html

^ http://www.penbay.org/ef/milleniumlog85b.html

^ http://www.penbay.org/ef/ronhuber_squaw3map2.jpg

^ http://www.penbay.org/ef/ronfedstatements85.html

^ http://www.penbay.org/ef/ronhuber_treesitter1985.jpg

^ http://portland.fbi.gov/pressrel/2002/testimon.htm

^ mail tribune par.5

^ http://www.iww.org/unions/iu120/local-1/EF/JBari11.shtml

^ law.com par.1

^ law.com 020612b par.2

^ FOJB - The latest attack on Judi

^ http://society.guardian.co.uk/societyguardian/story/0,,481362,00.html

^ http://www.eco-action.org/efau/aulast.html

^ http://www.eco-action.org/dod

^ http://www.earthfirstgathering.org.uk

^ http://www.geneticsaction.org.uk/

^ http://www.peatalert.org.uk/

^ http://www.planestupid.com

^ http://society.guardian.co.uk/societyguardian/story/0,,481362,00.html

ReferencesPenobscot Bay WatchEarth First! Treesitting Blockages Begin. Spring/Summer 1985

fojb.org Friends of Judi Bari - FOJB

Anderson Valley Advertiser Who Bomed Judi Bari? Interviewed by Bruce Anderson

law.com Cal Law - FBI, Oakland Handed Defeats in Bari Lawsuit020612b

Sierra Nevada Earth First! History of Earth First

Federal Bureau of Investigation Congressional Testimony - The Threat of Eco-Terrorism

Mail Tribune Forest speaker says he's no terrorist - By Paul Fattig

Books about Earth First!Books about the early Earth First!

Davis, John, ed. The Earth First! Reader: Ten Years of Radical Environmentalism (1991) (ISBN 0-87905-387-9)

Foreman, Dave. Confessions of an Eco-Warrior (1991) (ISBN 0-517-88058-X)

Foreman, Dave. Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching (1985) (ISBN 0-9637751-0-3)

Manes, Christopher. Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking of Civilization (1990) (ISBN 0-316-54532-5)

Scarce, Rik. Eco-Warriors: Understanding the Radical Environmental Movement (2006) (ISBN 1-59874-028-8)

Zakin, Susan. Coyotes and Town Dogs: Earth First! and the Environmental Movement (1993) (ISBN 0-8165-2185-9)

Books about the post-1990 Earth First

Bari, Judi. Timber Wars (1994) (ISBN 1-56751-026-4)

Lee, Martha. Earth First!: Environmental Apocalypse (1995) (ISBN 0-8156-0365-7)

Scarce, Rik. Eco-Warriors: Understanding the Radical Environmental Movement (2006) (ISBN 1-59874-028-8)

Wall, Derek Earth First and the Anti-Roads Movement (1999) (ISBN 0-415-19064-9)

Chadwick, Paul "Concrete: Think Like A Mountain"

Books critical of Earth First

Arnold, Ron. Ecoterror: The Violent Agenda to Save Nature (1997) (ISBN 0-939571-18-8)

Bradford, George. How Deep is Deep Ecology? (1989) (ISBN 0-87810-035-0)

Clausen, Barry. Walking on the Edge: How I Infiltrated Earth First! (1994) (ISBN 0-936783-12-5)

Coleman, Kate. The Secret Wars of Judi Bari (2005) (ISBN 1-893554-74-0)

External linksEarth First today

Earth First! Journal

Earth First! (unofficial international site)


Earth First! UK Action Reports

Earth First! Summer Gathering (UK)

Do or Die

SchNEWS archive back issues detailing UK action from 1994 onwards.

Weed's environment & road protest camps 1997 onwards

Other links relevant to Earth First

Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN)

North American Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network

Vegan Prisoners Support Group (VPSG)


FBI on Eco-Terrorism

Covert Repertoires: Ecotage in the UK

Do or Die: Voices from the Ecological Resistance

Bombs and Shields: Covers the latest ELF news

The Wildlands Project

The Rewilding Institute - Dave Foreman's latest project

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Abbey's Web (Edward Abbey fan page)

Industrial Workers of the World

Hayduke Speaks!

The Church of Deep Ecology

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