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Nikos Kazantzakis (1885-1957) nikos kazantzakis ( 1885至1957年)

Prolific Greek writer, whose works include essays, novels, poems, tragedies, travel books, and translations of such classics as Dante's The Divine Comedy and JW von Goethe's Faust .希腊多产作家,其作品包括散文,小说,诗歌,悲剧,旅游书籍,并翻译这些经典但丁的神圣喜剧和李钟郁冯歌德的浮士德 。 Like his hero, Odysseus, Kazantzakis lived most of his artistic life outside Greece - except for the years of World War II.如同他的英雄奥德修斯, kazantzakis住了他的大部分艺术人生以外希腊-除为年第二次世界大战的。 "I am a mariner of Odysseus with heart of fire but with mind ruthless and clear," Kazantzakis wrote in TODA RABA (1934). "我是一名水手的奥德修斯与心脏的大火,但与记无情的和清楚的, " kazantzakis写的Toda使用( 1934年) 。 Several of the author's novels deal with the history and culture of his own country, and the mystical relationship between man and God.几位作者的小说处理的历史和文化,他自己的国家,和神秘的人与神的关系。 In 1957 he lost the Nobel Prize by a single vote to the French writer Albert Camus. 1957年,他失去了诺贝尔文学奖一票,以法国作家加缪何俊仁。

"Having seen that I was not capable of using all my resources in political action, I returned to my literary activity. There lay the the battlefield suited to my temperament. I wanted to make my novels the extension of my own father's struggle for liberty. But gradually, as I kept deepening my responsibility as a writer, the human problem came to overshadow political and social questions. All the political, social, and economic improvements, all the technical progress cannot have any regenerating significance, so long as our inner life remains as it is at present. The more the intelligence unveils and violates the secrets of Nature, he more the danger increases and the heart shrinks." (from Nikos Kazantzakis by Helen Kazantzakis, 1968) " 看到我是不是有能力使用我的所有资源,在政治行动,我回到了我的文学活动,因此奠定了在战场上适合我的气质,我想使我的小说延长我自己的父亲的斗争,为自由。但渐渐地,因为我的不断深入,我有责任,作为一个作家,人权问题来掩盖的政治及社会问题,而所有的政治,社会和经济的改善,所有的技术进步不能有任何再生的意义,因此,只要我们的内在生命仍然是因为它是目前较为情报发布,并违反了秘密的本质,他更危险的增加和心脏收缩时" (从nikos kazantzakis由海伦kazantzakis , 1968 )

Nikos Kazantzakis was born in Megalokastro, Ottoman Empire, now Iráklion, Crete, as the son of Michael Kazantzakis, a farmer and dealer of in animal feed, and his wife, the former Maria Christodoulzki. nikos kazantzakis出生于megalokastro ,奥斯曼帝国,现在iráklion ,克里特,作为儿子的迈克尔kazantzakis ,农民和经销商,在动物饲料中,和他的妻子,前玛丽亚christodoulzki 。 Kazantzakis was raised among peasants and although Kazantzakis left Crete as a young man, he returned to his homeland constantly in his writings. kazantzakis提高农民虽然kazantzakis离开克里特作为一名年轻男子,他回到他的故乡,不断在他的著作。 He attended the Franciscan School of the Holy Cross, Naxos, and the Gymnasium at Herakleion (1899-1902).他参加了方济各学校的圣十字,商Naxos ,以及健身房,在herakleion ( 1899至1902年) 。 Kazantzakis then studied four years at the University of Athens, becoming Doctor of Laws in 1906. kazantzakis然后进行学习四年,在雅典大学,成为法学博士,是在1906年。

From 1907 to 1909 Kazantzakis studied philosophy in Paris at the Collège de France under Henri Bergson .从1907年至1909年kazantzakis学习哲学,在巴黎,在学院的法国根据柏格森 。 His first book, OPHIS KAI KRINO, was published in 1906.他的第一本书, ophis启krino ,出版于1906年。 In the same year appeared his play XEMERÕNEI.在同一年出现,他扮演xemerõnei 。 Between the 1910s and 1930s Kazantzákis wrote dramas, verse and travel books, and travelled widely in China, Japan, Russia, England, Spain, and other countries.与1910s三十年代kazantzákis写话剧,韵文和旅行书籍,并走访了广泛,在中国,日本,俄罗斯,英国,西班牙等国。 His first novel, Toda raba , was published in French when he was 51.他的第一部小说的Toda使用 ,出版,在法语的时候,他是51 。 Kazantzakis spent many years in public service. kazantzakis花了很多年的公共服务经验。 In 1919 he was appointed director general at the Greek Ministry of Public Welfare.在1919年,他被任命为总干事,在希腊内政部公共福利。 By 1927, when Kazantzakis resigned from this post, he had been responsible for the feeding and eventual rescue of more than 150 000 people of Greek origin, who had been caught up in the civil war raging in the Caucasian region of the Soviet Union.由1927年,当kazantzakis辞去了这一职务,他一直负责喂养,并最终拯救了超过15万人的希腊血统,已陷入了内战肆虐期间,在高加索地区的前苏联。 Though never a member of the Communist party, Kazantzakis sympathized leftist movements in the early phase of his life and was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize later.虽然从未加入共产党, kazantzakis同情左派运动,在早期阶段,他的生活和被授予列宁和平奖。 However, after three journeys in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, he became disenchanted with the materialism of the Bolsheviks.然而,经过3个行程,在苏联于20世纪20年代,他成为幻想与唯物主义的布尔什维克。 The basis of his own philosophy, which contained elemests from Bergson, Marxism, Nietzsche, Christianity, and Buddism, Kazantzakis presented in SALVATORES DEI (1927), written in 1922-23 in Berlin.根据他自己的哲学,其中载有elemests从柏格森,马克思,尼采,基督教,佛教, kazantzakis在萨尔瓦托雷斯dei ( 1927 ) ,写在1922年至1923年在柏林举行。 "We come from a dark abyss, we end in a dark abyss, and we call the luminous interval life," were his much quoted opening words in the book. "我们来自一个黑暗的深渊,我们最终在一个黑暗的深渊,我们呼吁发光区间生命" ,他引用了许多开放的话,在这本书。

Kazantzakis's epic poem ODYSEIA (1938) continued the Homer's tale. kazantzakis的史诗诗odyseia ( 1938 )继续荷马的故事。 Before WW II Kazantzakis settled on the island of Aegina, and in 1948 he moved to Antibes, southern France.前第二次世界大战kazantzakis定居于岛上的aegina ,并在1948年他被转移到antibes ,法国南部。 After the war, he served as a minister in the Greek government of Aegina.战争结束后,他曾担任过部长,在希腊政府的aegina 。 In 1947-48 he worked for UNESCO.在1947年至1948年他为联合国教科文组织。 Kazantzákis died of leukemia on October 26, 1957, in Freiburg im Breisgau, in Germany. kazantzákis死于白血病于1957年10月26日,在弗赖堡的IM赖斯高,在德国。 Helen Kazantzakis, his wife, tells in the author's biography that he always had as his traveling companion a miniature Dante, and Dante alone remained at his bedside until his last breath.海伦kazantzakis ,他的妻子,告诉在作者的传记说,他总是为他的旅行同伴一个缩影但丁,但丁,仅停留在他的床边,直到生命最后一息。

Although Kazantzakis wrote a number of his novels in French, his most celebrated works were composed in the colloquial language of the Cretan working classes. Zorba the Greek, his best-known novel, was made into a popular and highly successful movie and inspired the Broadway musical by Joseph Stein, John Kander, and Fred Ebb.虽然kazantzakis写了他的一些小说中的法国人,他最著名的作品组成,在口语的cretan工作班。 zorba希腊,他最知名的小说,被改编成流行和非常成功的影片,并激发了百老汇音乐剧由约瑟夫斯坦,约翰坎德尔,和弗雷德低潮。 The story focuses on the relationship of a writer and intellectual, modelled on Kazantzakis, and an uneducated man, Zorba, who drinks, works, loves and lives like a force of nature.故事的重点放在关系的作家和知识分子,为蓝本kazantzakis ,以及一个未受过教育的男子, zorba ,饮料,工程,爱和生命一样自然的力量。 His character has been seen as the personification of Henri Bergson's ideas of élan vital .他的性格一直被看作是人格化的柏格森的思想依兰至关重要的 。 He doesn't care about books, he values more experience and understanding than scholarly learning.他不关心的书籍,他的价值更多的经验和认识比读书学习。 The narrator meets Alexis Zorba in Pireus.叙述者会见亚历克zorba在pireus 。 He plans to reopen on the island of Crete an abandoned mine and Zorba becomes his foreman.他计划重开对克里特岛的一个废弃矿井和zorba成为他的工头。 Kazantzakis weaves the narrator's childhood memories and thoughts against the life and teaching of Zorbas. kazantzakis编织叙述者的童年记忆与思考对生活和教学的zorbas 。 After a series of tragedies, failures and small victories, the narrator leaves Crete, but asks his friend to teach him to dance.经过一连串的悲剧,失败和小胜即满,叙述者离开克里特岛,但问及他的朋友来教他跳舞。 "How simple and frugal a thing is happiness: a glass of wine, a roast chestnut, a wretched little brazier, the sound of the sea." (from Zorba the Greek ) "多么简单俭朴的一件事情是幸福的:一个鸡尾酒,烤栗子,可怜的小布雷热时,声音的海上" (从zorba希腊 )

Freedom or Death was based on the Cretan revolt of 1889, one of the final rebellions against Turkish rule. 自由或死亡的基础上, cretan起义的1889年,其中最后的反叛反对土耳其统治。 One of the central characters is Captain Mikalis, who chooses rebellion instead of love, and dies in the middle of his cry, "Freedom or..."其中一个中心角色,是队长mikalis ,如选择叛乱而不是爱,并在模具中,他哭的, "自由或… … " Kazantzakis shows also understanding of the Turkish culture in the character of Nuri bei, who commits suicide. The Greek Passion was story about a group of villagers under Turkish domination, who re-enact the Passion. The Last Temptation of Christ explored the theme of the battle between spirit and flesh. kazantzakis显示,也了解了土耳其文化中的特色努里鼻,犯了自杀。 希腊的激情,是故事,一组村民,根据土耳其统治,他们重新制定了激情。 上次的诱惑基督探讨的主题了战役之间精神和肉体。 The book was banned by Vatican in 1954 and in 1955 Kazantzakis was excommunicated from the Greek Orthodox Church.这本书被取缔后,由梵蒂冈在1954年和1955年kazantzakis被驱逐来自希腊东正教教堂。 The members of the Orthodox Church of America damned the work as extremely indecent and atheistic, after admitting that they hadn't read it and had based their case on the magazine articles.成员的东正教教堂,美国该死的工作,极为不雅和无神论,后承认说,他们没有看过,并根据他们的情况,该杂志的文章。 Kazantzakis presented Christ as an existential hero, a rebel against his divine mission until he is awakened by Judas, whom he calls his brother. kazantzakis介绍基督为现实存在的英雄,一个反抗他的神圣使命,直至把他吵醒,犹大人,他呼吁他的兄弟。 Judas tries to same in Jerusalem, but his heroic struggle against God ends in failure.犹大试图同时在耶路撒冷,但他的英勇斗争,神完失败。 Martin Scorsese's film adaption from 1988 boosted the sale of the book.马丁史柯西斯的电影改编自1988年提高了出售这本书。 Kazantzakis's major work was the enormous poetic work ODÌSSIA (Odyssey: A Modern Sequel), 33 333 lines long, which he wrote seven times and published in 1938. kazantzakis的主要工作是巨大的诗意工作odìssia (奥德赛:一个现代续集) , 33333线长,这是他写的7倍,并刊登在1938年。 The poem was accused of being too revolutionary in vocabulary and diction. Odìssia manifested the author's deep knowledge of modern archeological and anthropological discoveries.诗被指责过于革命,在词汇和文辞。 odìssia体现了作者的深厚知识,现代考古学和人类学的发现。

For further reading: Nikos Kazantzakis and His Odyssey by P. Prevelakis (1961); Nikos Kazantzakis by H. Kazantzakis (1968); Nikos Kazantzakis: La vie, son oeuvre by C. Janiaud-Lust (1970); Kazantzakis and the Linguistic Revolution in Greek Literature by P. Bien (1972); Nikos Kazantzakis by P. Bien (1972); Nietzsche and Kazantzakis by BT McDonough (1978); The Spiritual Odyssey of Nikos Kazantzakis , ed. 为进一步读: nikos kazantzakis和他的奥德赛由页prevelakis ( 1961年) ; nikos kazantzakis由每小时kazantzakis ( 1968年) ; nikos kazantzakis :生命,儿子oeuvre由长janiaud -利令智昏( 1970年) ; kazantzakis以及语文革命在希腊文学作品中 ,由体育bien ( 1972年) ; nikos kazantzakis由页bien ( 1972年) ; 尼采和kazantzakis由BT麦克多诺( 1978年) ; 精神奥德赛的nikos kazantzakis ,教育署。 by K. Friar (1979); The Cretan Glance by MP Levitt (1980); Tormented by Happiness by P. Bien (1982); Kazantzakis: Politics of the Spirit by P. Bien (1988); The Last Temptation of Hollywood by LW Poland (1988); God's Struggler , ed. 克雷伯弗莱尔( 1979年) ; cretan一眼 ,由国会议员利维( 1980年) ; 折磨,由幸福的 ,由体育bien ( 1982年) ; kazantzakis :政治的精神,由体育bien ( 1988年) ; 最后的诱惑,由好莱坞大白猪波兰( 1988年) ; 上帝的事迹 ,教育署。 by Darren Middleton and Peter Bien (1996 ); Kazantzakis and God by Daniel A. Dombrowski (1997); Creative Destruction: Nikos Kazantzakis and the Literature of Responsibility by Lewis Owens (2002); Kazantzakis: Politics of the Spirit by Peter Bien (2006) 由达伦Middleton的彼得bien ( 1996年) ; kazantzakis与神的 ,由丹尼尔甲dombrowski ( 1997年) ; 创造性破坏: nikos kazantzakis与文学的责任,由刘易斯欧文斯( 2002年) ; kazantzakis :政治的精神,由彼得bien ( 2006 )

Selected works: 获选作品:

* OPHIS KAI KRINO, 1906 - Serpent and Lily (trans. by Theodora Vasils) ophis启krino , 1906 -蛇和百合( t rans.由t heodorav asils)

* PRÕTOMASTORAS, 1910 prõtomastoras , 1910

* SALVATORES DEI / ASKITIKÍ, 1927 - The Saviors of God: Spiritual Exercises (trans. by Kimon Friar)萨尔瓦托雷斯dei / askitikí , 1927 -救世神:神操( t rans.由k imon弗莱尔)

* NIKEPHOROS PHÕKAS, 1927 nikephoros phõkas , 1927

* TAXIDEUONTAS, 1927 taxideuontas , 1927

* CHRISTOS, 1928克里斯托, 1928

* TI IDA STI RUSSIA, 1928 - Russia (trans. by Michael Antonakes and Thanasis Maskaleris)钛开发协会性病俄罗斯, 1928年-俄罗斯( t rans.由M ichaela ntonakes和t hanasism askaleris)

* TODA RABA, 1934 - (trans. by Amy Mims)的Toda使用, 1934年-( t rans.由艾米m ims)

* ISPANIA, 1937 - Spain (trans. by Amy Mims) ispania , 1937年-西班牙( t rans.由艾米m ims)

* ODYSEIA, 1938 - The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel (trans. by Kimon Friar) odyseia , 1938 -奥德赛:一个现代续集( t rans.由k imon弗莱尔)

* IAPÕNIA-KINA, 1938 - Japan/China (trans. by George C. Pappageotes) iapõnia -基那, 1938年-日本/中国( t rans.由G eorge长p appageotes)

* ANGHLIA, 1941 - England anghlia , 1941年-英格兰

* IULIANOS, 1945 iulianos , 1945年

* KAPODISTRIAS, 1946 kapodistrias , 1946年

* VÍOS KAI POLITÍA TOY ALEXSI ZORBÁ, 1946 - Zorba the Greek (trans. by Carl Wildman) - Kerro minulle, Zorbas (suom. Vappu Roos) - film film 1964, dir. víos启politía玩具alexsi zorbá , 1946 -z orba希腊( t rans.由卡尔w ildman) - ke rromi nulle,z o rbas(s u om.va ppuro os)-电影电影, 19 6 4年,迪尔。 by Michael Cacoyannis, music by Mikis Theodorakis, starring Anthony Quinn 由Michael cacoyannis ,音乐由mikis theodorakis ,影星安东尼奎因

* O KAPETÁN MIHÁILIS, 1953 - Freedom of Death (trans. by Jonathan Griffin) - Vapaus tai kuolema (suom. Elvi Sinervo ) o kapetán miháilis , 1953年-新闻自由死亡( t rans.乔纳森格里芬) - va paus大k u olema(s u om.el vi西内尔沃)

* CHRISTOS XANASTAURÕNETAI, 1954 - The Geek Passion (trans. by Jonathan Griffin) / Christ Recrusified (trans. by Jonathan Griffin) - Ikuinen vaellus (suom. Juho Tervonen) - film film 1957, dir.克里斯托xanastaurõnetai , 1954年-发烧友的激情( t rans.乔纳森格里芬) /基督r ecrusified( t rans.乔纳森格里芬) - ik uinenva ellus(s u om.ju ho泰尔沃宁)-电影电影, 19 5 7年,迪尔。 by Jules Dassin, Melina Mercouri, Pierre Vaneck, Gert Fröbe, Grégoire Aslan, Teddy Bilis, Carl Möhner 由朱dassin ,皮塔mercouri ,皮埃尔瓦内克,格特罗森塔尔fröbe , grégoire阿斯兰,玩具碧利斯卡尔möhner

* O TELEFTEOS PIRASMOS, 1955 - The Last Temptation of Christ (trans. by PA Bien) - see also Jose Saramago 's O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo , 1991 - Viimeinen kiusaus (suom. Elvi Sinervo) - film 1988, dir. o telefteos pirasmos , 1955年-最后的诱惑基督( t rans.由坝b ien) -又见何塞萨拉马戈奇摩 oe v angelhoSe gundo的耶稣Cr isto的, 1 9 91年- v ii meinenkiu saus(su o m.elv i西内尔沃)-电影19 88年,迪尔。 by Martin Scorsese, script Paul Schrader. "For many years I had the Kazantzakis novel The Last Temptation of Christ under option. That was one I'd always intended to do. I was so glad that Marty [Scorsese] finally did it [1988] because: can you imagine what would have happened if a Jew had done that movie?" Sidney Lumet in Who the Devil Made It by Peter Bogdanocich (1998). 由马丁史柯西斯,剧本创作保罗schrader "多年来,我有kazantzakis 小说 < 最后的诱惑下, 基督的选择,这是一个我一直打算干什么,我是如此高兴马蒂[ 77 ]终于没有[ 1988 ] ,因为:你能想象会是怎样发生的,如果一个犹太人这样做的电影" ?西德尼lumet在谁是魔鬼了 ,由彼得bogdanocich ( 1998 ) 。

* KUROS, 1955 kuros , 1955

* MELISSA, 1955梅丽莎, 1955

* OMIROU ILIADA, 1955 omirou伊利亚达, 1955

* THEATRO, 1955 theatro , 1955

* BOUDHAS, 1956 (trans. by Kimon Friar and Athena Dallis-Damis) boudhas , 1956 ( trans.由kimon弗莱尔和雅典娜dallis -达米斯)

* SODOMA KAI GOMORRHA, 1956 sodoma启gomorrha , 1956

* O FTOHOYLIS TOY THEOY, 1956 - Saint Francis (trans. by PA Bien) / God's Pauper (trans. by PA Bien) - Pyhä köyhyys (suom. Aaro Peromies, Pentti Saarikoski) o ftohoylis玩具theoy , 1956年-圣方济( t rans.由坝b ien) /上帝的贫民( t rans.由坝b ien) - py häkö yhyys(s u om.aa rope romies,p e ntti萨里科斯基)

* EPISTLES APO TI GALATIA, 1958 - partial tr.书信载脂蛋白钛galatia , 1958年-局部的T R。 in The Sufering God在sufering上帝

* LE JARDIN DES ROCHERS, 1959 - The Rock Garden (trans. by Kimon Friar)乐jardin万rochers , 1959年-石庭( t rans.由k imon弗莱尔)

* TERSTINES, 1960 terstines , 1960

* ANAPHORA STO GRECO, 1961 - Report to Greco (trans. by PA Bien) - Tilinteko El Grecolle (suom. Aarno Peromies)在STO照应希腊, 1961年-报告中,以希腊( t rans.由坝b ien) - ti linteko下午gr ecolle(s u om.阿尔诺pe romies)

* TAXIDEUONTAS, 1961 - Journeying (trans. by Themi Vasils and Theodora Vasils) taxideuontas , 1961年-旅( t rans.由t hemiv asils和t heodorav asils)

* O MORIAS, 1961 - Journey to the Morea (trans. by F. A Reed) o morias , 1961年-行程要M orea报告( t rans.由楼芦苇)

* ADERPHOPHADES, 1963 - The Fratricides trans. aderphophades , 1963 -f ratricides转运。 by Athena Gianakas Dallas) - Veljesviha (suom. Kyllikki Villa)由雅典娜gianakas达拉斯) -v eljesviha( s uom.屈利基别墅)

* Three Plays, 1964 (trans. by Athena Gianakas Dallas)三个剧本, 1964年( trans.由雅典娜gianakas达拉斯)

* ADELPHOPHADES, 1965 adelphophades , 1965

* TETRAKOSIA GRAMMATA TOY KAZANTZAKIS STON PREVELAKI, 1965 tetrakosia grammata玩具kazantzakis ston prevelaki , 1965

* SYMPOSION, 1971 - Symposium (trans. by Theodora Vasils and Themi Vasils) symposion , 1971年-专题讨论会( t rans.由t heodorav asils和t hemiv asils)

* The Suffering God, 1978 (trans. by Philip Ramp and Kathrina Anghelaki Rooke)痛苦的上帝, 1978年( trans.由弘坡道和kathrina anghelaki鲁克)

* Alexander the Great, 1981 (trans. by Theodora Vasils)亚历山大大帝, 1981年( trans.由theodora vasils )

* At the Palace of Knossos, 1988 (translated by Themi Vasils and Theodora Vasils)在宫殿的克诺索斯, 1988年(译themi vasils和theodora vasils )

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 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
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