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谢如刚教授先后为本科生、硕士和博士研究生主讲《有机化学》、《有机合成实验》、《甾体化学》、《仿酶研究进展》、《近代有机合成》、《高选择性有机合成》等课程;已培养博士、硕士研究生约 50名,目前他们在美国、日本、法国、加拿大、香港、台湾等国家和地区的著名高等院校、科研院所或企业单位有很好的发展。
1 生物有机中若干功能体系研究 国家自然科学基金(重点项目)29632004 1997-2000 总75万元(北大、清华、川大各25万元) 负责川大承担的“模拟酶”课题
2 酪氨酸酶的模拟:酚类化合物高选择性邻位氧化反应 国家自然科学基金(面上项目)29872028 1999-2001 12万元 负责人
3 Novel chiral lewis acid-catalyzed asymmetric aldol reactions 香港理工大学资助课题 1998-2001 10万港币 负责人
代表性成果 (获奖成果、专著、论文、专利,限 10项)
在生物有机化学、高选择性有机合成、天然产物和功能材料等领域发表学术论文 180余篇,其中在 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 、 Chem Commun 、 Synlett 、 Tetrahedron 系列、 J. Mol. Cat. A-Chemical、《高等学校化学学报》 等杂志发表SCI收录论文80余篇。4项成果获奖,合著合译专著4部。
1.Highly enantioselective alkyne additions to aldehydes in the presence of 1,1'-bi-2-naphthol and hexamethylphosphoramide, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA , 2004, 101(15), 5417-5420
2.A simple copper salt catalysed the coupling of imidazole with arylboronic acids in protic solvent, Chem. Commun. , 2004, (2), 188-189
3.A simple copper salt catalyzed N-arylation of amines, amides, imides, and sulfonamides with arylboronic acids, Synlett , 2004, (6), 1095-1097
4.Highly diastereoselective epoxidation of cholest-5-ene derivatives catalyzed by polymer- supported manganese(III) porphyrins, J. Mol. Catal. A-Chem. , 2004, 216(1), 7-12
5.Homochiral molecular tweezers as hosts for the highly enantioselective recognition of amino acid derivatives, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry , 2003, 14, 3651-3656
6.Hydrolytic metalloenzyme models enantioselective hydrolysis of long chain a-amino acid esters by chiral metallomicelles composed of lipophilic L-histidinol, J. Mol. Cat. A-Chemical , 2003, 202, 17-22
7.Highly Enantioselective Phenylacetylene Additions to Both Aliphatic and Aromatic Aldehydes, Org. Lett. , 2002, 4(23), 4143-4146
8.Synthesis and Selective Anion Recognition of Imidazolium Cyclophanes, Tetrahedron , 2002, 58, 8993-8999
9.Novel Chiral Imidazole Cyclophane Receptors: Synthesis and Enantioselective Recognition for Amino Acid Derivatives, Chem. Commun. , 2001, 1816-1817
10.Chiral Monoamidoalcohols and Diamidoalcohols of Squaric Acid: New Catalysts for the Asymmetric Reduction of Ketones by Borane, Tetrahedron Lett. , 2001, 42(6), 1107 -1110