Gross Rating Point是广告行业中的术语,缩写为GRP。它是指广告的收视率百分点。
在媒体投放时,GRP代表的是一则广告被它的受众群体看到的程度。举例来说,对于户外广告例如投放在公共汽车上的广告,GRP代表了有多少百分点的广告受众看到了广告;对于电视广告,假如一则TV广告播放了5次,有50%的广告受众看到了广告,那么就有250个GRP(这里的GRP相当于我们常说的有几个百分点,GRP的单位应当是%的),GRPs= 投放频率x % 接收度。
GRP (short for Gross Rating Point) is the sum of ratings achieved by a specific media vehicle or schedule. It represents the percentage of the target audience reached by an advertisement. If the advertisement appears more than once, the GRP figure represents the sum of each individual GRP. In the case of a TV advertisement that is aired 5 times reaching 50% of the target audience, it would have 250 GRP = 5 x 50% -- ie, GRPs = frequency x % reach.
Gross Rating Points (GRP) measure the total volume of delivery of your message to your target audience. It is equal to the percent Reach to your target audience times the Frequency of exposure. To arrive at your total Gross Rating Points, add the individual ratings for each media vehicle you are using. You may also get GRP by dividing your gross Impressions by the population base and multiplying the answer by 100.