

王朝百科·作者佚名  2010-04-29
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

〓个人档案〓全名:Jesse Abraham Arthur McCartney

小名:Jess, Jmac, Jmac Daddy, Double Shot, Jman, Orange Boy


身高:5' 10" (178 cm)

体重:150 Pounds (68 kg)



前女友:Katie Cassidy

现任女友:Jasmine Waltz(比JESSE年长5岁)

兄弟姐妹:Lea (14) 和 Timmy (9)







〓个人喜好〓最喜欢的歌手:Craig David, Linkin Park, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Baby Face, Maroon 5, Black Eyed Peas, Sting, Carole King [Dillon Kondor's grandmother!], James Taylor, Switch foot, Hoobastank, Usher, Justin Timberlake, The Beatles, Gavin DeGraw...

理想的大学:也许是 UCLA 或者 Pepper dine...一些电影或者导演学校










最喜欢的歌:(最近一次被问时的回答)"If You're Not the One" - Daniel Bedding field

最喜欢的音乐录影带:(最近一次被问时的回答) "Yeah" by Usher

最喜欢的一首自己的歌:Beautiful Soul



最喜欢的女孩子的名字:Halie 或者 Taylor

最喜欢的男孩子的名字:Jack, Cole, Krew

最喜欢的食物:披萨及加州酪梨寿司(California Rolls)










最喜欢的小说:「大亨小传」(The Great Gatsby)



最好的朋友:Dream Street乐团团员Greg Raposo


最喜欢的城市:美国加州的圣地牙哥(San Diego, California)

最喜欢的音乐类型:摇滚乐和流行乐(Rock and Pop)










口头禅:"Cool, cool"..."Dude"..."You know"..."its weird."



*他的键盘手Katie Spencer认为Jesse是一个很有魅力的人,但是他仅仅把他当作好朋友

*当Katie和Jesse在一个叫Sugar Beats少儿团体的时候,她就对Jesse一见钟情,她当时才10岁,而Jesse才9岁!







《Beautiful Soul 》(天使的心)※专辑介绍※

《Beautiful Soul 》(天使的心)杰西首张个人专辑《Beautiful Soul》,由空前超级制作阵容打造,包括:Mattew Gerrard (希拉蕊、尼克卡特)、Robbie Nevil (天命真女、洁西卡)、Andreas Carlsson (布兰妮)等精心催生,杰西也动手创作专辑中部份歌曲,就如他所形容专辑是表现他青春无敌的奔放纪事及内心情感世界,活力澎湃直击人心!整张专辑有感人浪漫的情歌,也有充满年轻人活泼舞动的轻快歌曲。吉他及弦乐合奏出节奏强烈的“She's No You”、同名单曲“Beautiful Soul”、扭腰摆臀的舞池必备曲“Get Your Shine On”、带点初恋般微甜的“Take Your Sweet Time”、还有略带雷鬼混合摇滚气氛的“Without U”、真挚情歌“Why Don't You Kiss Her?”,有些舞台剧震撼效果的“Because You Live”,专辑曲风非常丰富,杰西带来属于17岁的音乐魔力。

艾美奖、全美音乐奖、MTV音乐奖提名,2005青少年直选(Teen Choice Awards)“最佳跨界艺人”、“最佳男歌手”及“最具突破男艺人”大奖,美国影歌爆红偶像以首张专辑“天使的心”创下2005台湾唱片市场最畅销西洋专辑!

Track Listing:

1. She's No You 无人可代替你

2. Beautiful Soul 天使的心

3. Get Your Shine On 你就是主角

4. Take Your Sweet Time 慢慢来

5. Without U 如果没有你

6. Why Don't You Kiss Her 为何不亲吻她

7. That Was Then 错误的曾经

8. Come To Me 奔向我

9. What's Your Name 请问芳名

10. Because You Live 你的存在

11. Why Is Love So Hard To Find 真爱难寻

12. The Stupid Thing 愚蠢的事

Bonus Track超值加收:

13. The Best Day Of My Life(from Cinderella Story O.S.T.) 幸福时刻

14. The Stupid Things(Acoustic Version) 愚蠢的事(不插电版)

《Right Where You Want Me》(真情守候)※专辑介绍※


用“阳光男孩”、“青少年偶像”、“少女杀手”…等等字眼来形容杰西麦卡尼,仅只能形容出不到十分之一的他。这位有着帅气外貌的18岁金发碧眼男孩,却希望大家从他身上看到的不是有形的外表,而是更多无形且具有深度的特质,也就是他的才华。 这位从小就踏入戏剧界的歌手是美国家喻户晓的好演员,他为演戏所投注的心力从他两度入围艾美奖日间节目类最佳年轻男演员奖项就可窥知一二,但杰西更大的兴趣与抱负是在音乐方面,他在14岁时就加入了男孩团体Dream Street,该团的首张同名专辑还创下白金销售佳绩,虽然后来乐团解散,但杰西对音乐的热情丝毫没有减褪,他在继续维持戏剧演出之余,还是努力充实自己,在创作与演唱方面不断吸收更多不同的养分。

对各种类型音乐兼容并蓄的涉足让杰西的唱腔与创作含括了摇滚、灵魂、流行与舞曲等等不同风格,他的超龄成熟歌声却还是能够让每一个音符与每一句歌词透射出青春的气息,无怪乎花了两年时间精心琢磨的首张专辑“天使的心(Beautiful Soul)”一推出就大受欢迎,获得全美专辑榜第15名的好成绩。杰西的创作与演唱实力已藉他的首张专辑建立起口碑,他的巡回演唱会在全球各地票房处处告捷、歌曲在电视台及电台获得超高的点播率、在2005年青少年直选(Teen Choice Awards)中连得三项大奖-“最佳跨界艺人”、“最佳男歌手”以及“最具突破男艺人”-,并且获得2005全美音乐奖“最佳新进艺人”奖项提名….等等睥睨同侪的成就在在证明了杰西正创立了一股属于自己的新风潮,这股风潮相对地也反映出杰西对音乐事业积极的态度和他天赋加上努力的双倍成效。

在这个秋天,杰西麦卡尼为我们带来了制作将近一年左右的新专辑《Right Where You Want Me》,这张专辑甫一推出就取得了令人骄傲的成绩:五周全美音乐排行榜冠军单曲、全美音乐电台冠军POP流行榜冠军、流行杂志音乐最佳封面等等。上市首周即登陆billboard top200第14位以及美国Top Internet Album的第9位。而所有傲人的成绩所得都与这张专辑的制作与杰西麦卡尼分不开的,因为他参与了所有歌曲的创作与制作。这张专辑也是小帅哥杰西卓越才华的真实体现,在这张唱片中,Jesse McCartney在选曲方面大下功夫,带给我们一个音乐的新视野,新专辑中除了运用多种音乐元素外,还清晰地体现出音乐与歌者融为一体之感。

另外,这张新专辑绝对是电台有利的收听保证。除了极具流行元素外,还能感受到另类的酷,而Right Back In The Water这首单曲,在全美播放率已经超出了点播的范围,相信在内地也一定会大红大紫,还有专辑中Just So You Know、We Can Go Anywhere 、Tell Her 那样属于个人气质的作品,也非常的完美。


Track Listing:

1. Right Where You Want Me(真情守候)

2. Just So You Know(只是要你知道)

3. Right Back In The Water(回到起点)

4. Anybody(谁)

5. Tell Her(告诉她)

6. Just Go(离去)

7. Can' t Let You Go(舍不得你)

8. We Can Go Anywhere(我们可以去任何地方)

9. Feelin' You(感觉你)

10. Invincible(所向披靡)





收录访台之「真情守候电视演唱会」之 LIVE 实况影音精华

专辑未收录之〈Just So You Know〉LIVE独家acoustic影音版本「A Day In The Life: Taiwan」 <LI>贴身拍摄小杰、一日星踪台湾独家画面〈Right Where You Want Me〉、〈Just So You Know〉2首音乐 MV 完整影像收录〈Right Where You Want Me〉官方MV珍贵幕后拍摄花絮




【2008年5月20日全新专辑《Departure 航向未来》在台湾,欧美等地同步发行】



以首张专辑《天使的心Beautiful Soul》在全球大破白金,出生于纽约的杰西麦卡尼,自小就开始参加地区性音乐剧的演出,小杰16岁开始展开个人的音乐事业,2004年发行的首张个人专辑《天使的心Beautiful Soul》,迅速在全球卖出150 万张,更在台湾地区的G-Music风云榜、五大金榜都夺下冠军宝座,还连冠Hit FM、飞碟电台、 ICRT、 KISS Radio四大电台,更以超高人气拿下2005雅虎台湾搜寻榜西洋艺人第一名,创下无人匹敌的人气纪录。不仅销售成功,小杰也获得许多奖项的肯定,其中包括荣获美国音乐奖(American Music Award)提名最佳新进艺人(Best New Artist)、MTV音乐大奖(MTV Award)提名最佳音乐录影带(Best Pop Video),以及Teen Choice Awards颁发的Breakout Artist、Choice Male Artist、Crossover Artist三项大奖!早已成为流行乐坛最受瞩目的小杰,于2006年9月发行的第二张专辑《真情守候Right Where You Want Me》,展现小杰音乐更丰富的一面,这张作品同样在台湾开出白金唱片的傲人成绩!

这位拥有灿烂微笑的乐坛金童,带着他的迷人风采,推出大家等候以久的第三张成绩单,这张专辑定名为《航向未来Departure》,我们可清楚感受到,和之前的作品比较起来,更为直接大胆、弥漫着更多的都会气息。而小杰无论在音乐上或是样貌上,都更加地成熟洗炼,已从昔日的“阳光小王子”,慢慢蜕变成一位拥有独特魅力的潮流型男。新辑特地集结目前流行乐坛,最炙手可热的三大王牌制作人:由Sean Garrett(碧昂丝、亚瑟小子、天命真女、小野猫)、The-Dream(蕾哈娜、珍娜杰克森、玛莉亚凯莉)、及J. R. Rotem(五角、珍妮佛罗培兹、布兰妮)共同掌舵,航向小杰的音乐新纪元!在旋律上以复古曲式铺陈,再将时代感注入歌曲当中,首发单曲〈远走高飞 Leavin’〉,是由乐坛怪杰Tricky,以及打造Rihanna旋风单曲〈小雨伞Umbrella〉的幕后推手团队The-Dream一同制作,这首带有R&B气息,以过耳不忘的旋律,加上碎烈且俱侵略性的时尚元素,崭新的小杰让人惊艳不已;Sean Garrett现身表演的〈搞定你Rock You〉,小杰男人味全开,在张牙舞爪的节奏里,瞬间掳获你的心,带来不一样的表现;〈爱上你Into Ya〉是一首散发性感韵味、十分亲密、布满感官刺激、同时又有浪漫感受的出色单曲;而〈你睡得好吗? How Do You Sleep?〉,在失眠夜里迈向夜空,努力地走出一段已经终止的美好初恋;来自纽约的Eric Hudson为小杰量声订做了,一首中版抒情歌曲〈早说过Told You So〉,而J.R. Rotem制作的〈小北鼻My Baby〉,小杰善用80年代的唱腔,道出一段纯纯的爱恋;和Madd Scientist一同合作,带点放克曲式的〈狂欢夜Freaky〉,舞感四射、节奏明朗,小杰展现强悍的音乐光芒。


Track Listing:

1. Leavin'

2. It's over

3. Rock you

4. How do you sleep

5. Into ya

6. Make up

7. My baby

8. Told you so

9. Relapse

10. Runnin'

11. Freaky

12. Not you enemy

13. Bleeding Love(特别收录,可能有些版本不会收录)







远走高飞、航向未来!全台西洋音乐纪录保持人,阳光小王子蜕变潮流型男第三张、 成熟蜕变转型力作 Sean Garrett(碧昂丝、阿瑟小子、天命真女、小野猫)、The-Dream(蕾哈娜、珍娜、玛莉亚凯莉)、及J. R. Rotem(五角、珍妮弗罗培兹、布兰妮) 流行乐坛铁三角精采领航,飞向小杰音乐新纪元 <LI>特别加收小杰原汁原味、演唱个人亲笔原创作品『Bleeding Love』(里欧娜Leona Lewis英美冠军名曲) <LI>随辑赠送精美小海报。


以首张专辑《天使的心Beautiful Soul》在全球大破白金,出生于纽约的杰西麦卡尼,自小就开始参加地区性音乐剧的演出,小杰16岁开始展开个人的音乐事业,2004年发行的首张个人专辑《天使的心Beautiful Soul》,迅速在全球卖出150 万张,创下无人匹敌的人气纪录。不仅销售成功,小杰也获得许多奖项的肯定,其中包括荣获美国音乐奖(American Music Award)提名最佳新进艺人(Best New Artist)、MTV音乐大奖(MTV Award)提名最佳音乐录像带(Best Pop Video),以及Teen Choice Awards颁发的Breakout Artist、Choice Male Artist、Crossover Artist三项大奖!早已成为流行乐坛最受瞩目的小杰,于2006年9月发行的第二张专辑《真情守候Right Where You Want Me》,展现小杰音乐更丰富的一面。

这位拥有灿烂微笑的乐坛金童,带着他的迷人风采,推出大家等候以久的第三张成绩单,这张专辑定名为《航向未来Departure》,我们可清楚感受到,和之前的作品比较起来,更为直接大胆、弥漫着更多的都会气息。 而小杰无论在音乐上或是样貌上,都更加地成熟洗炼,已从昔日的「阳光小王子」,慢慢蜕变成一位拥有独特魅力的潮流型男。新辑特地集结目前流行乐坛,最炙手可热的三大王牌制作人:由Sean Garrett(碧昂丝、阿瑟小子、天命真女、小野猫)、The-Dream(蕾哈娜、珍娜杰克森、玛莉亚凯莉)、及J. R. Rotem(五角、珍妮弗罗培兹、布兰妮)共同掌舵,航向小杰的音乐新纪元!在旋律上以复古曲式铺陈,再将时代感注入歌曲当中,首发单曲〈远走高飞Leavin'〉,是由乐坛怪杰Tricky,以及打造Rihanna旋风单曲〈小雨伞Umbrella〉的幕后推手团队The-Dream一同制作,这首带有R&B气息,以过耳不忘的旋律,加上碎烈且俱侵略性的时尚元素,崭新的小杰让人惊艳不已;Sean Garrett现身表演的〈搞定你Rock You〉,小杰男人味全开,在张牙舞爪的节奏里,瞬间掳获你的心,带来不一样的表现;而〈你 睡得好吗? How Do You Sleep?〉,在失眠夜里迈向夜空,努力地走出一段已经终止的美好初恋;来自纽约的Eric Hudson为小杰量声订做了,一首中版抒情歌曲〈早说过Told You So〉,而J.R. Rotem制作的〈宝贝My Baby〉,小杰善用80年代的唱腔,道出一段纯纯的爱恋;和Madd Scientist一同合作,带点放克曲式的〈狂欢夜Freaky〉, 舞感四射、节奏明朗,小杰展现强悍的音乐光芒。

小杰开心地表示,这张新作,让他降落在一个让自己感到最安全、最有信心的音乐区域里,无论是音乐风格、崭新的声线、或是词曲想表达的意境,藉由《航向未来Departure》,相信所有小杰迷,会看到他全新的蜕变,和他一起迈向充满惊奇的新音乐时代!亚洲限定版还加收小杰原汁原味献唱与Ryan Tedder共同创作、利昂娜的英美冠军名曲〈Bleeding Love〉。




专辑歌手:Jesse McCartney



唱片公司:Hollywood Records



Track Listing:

01. Leavin'

02. It's Over

03. Rock You (Ft. Sean Garrett)

04. How Do You Sleep (Ft. Ludacris)

05. Into Ya

06. Make up

07. My Baby

08. Told You So

09. Relapse

10. Runnin'

11. Freaky

12. Not Your Enemy

13. Oxygen

14. Crash & Burn

15. Body Language

16. In My Veins


With his release of "Departure" last May, Jesse McCartney struck hard, establishing himself at the forefront of a new pop/R&B hybrid. Yet even as the album has seen great success and reaped a platinum single with “Leavin’,” Jesse knew he had more to say musically. Re-entering the studio late last year, he recorded several new songs, each too good to languish until the next album. He asked, "Why wait?," then answered his own question with "Departure: Recharged," that includes the songs from his 2008 Hollywood Records CD in addition to four new tracks and a hot remix of "How Do You Sleep" featuring Ludacris.

"I wanted songs that were moving towards what the next album might possibly sound like," says Jesse. "Out came these tracks. I loved them and thought people should hear them.”


"Departure: Recharged" still opens with "Leavin’," the two-million-selling #1 smash hit. But it ends with four brand new tracks, including the deliriously infectious new single, "Body Language," a song Jesse co-wrote (produced and recorded by The Movement) and calls “an epic summertime track.”


Other new tracks include "Oxygen," (produced by Eric Hudson for Just E. Production Group) a beautiful ballad Jesse co-wrote during the initial "Departure" sessions. Adding this to “Departure: Recharged” is Jesse’s “chance to have everyone hear it." He also co-wrote "Crash and Burn" (produced by Brian Kennedy for Team BK) features an uptempo beat with more subdued vocals illustrating the tale of a doomed relationship, while the smoldering "In My Veins" compares love to a drug, pushing Jesse into uncharted lyrical territory. "It’s a bit more controversial," says, "and it’s way more R&B than I’ve ever gone."

Teaming up with Ludacris was a dream come true for Jesse, who had loved the rapper’s music for years. "Ludacris is good friends with Sean Garrett,” says Jesse, referring to the co-writer/producer of the song. "Sean played the song for him, and he loved it.” Not only did the two trade vocals on the remix, they also joined forces for a video of the song.

As much as Jesse loves the newly added tracks, he always regarded "Departure" as "the most complete package in my music career." He says he chose the title because, "There have been departures in my career, in my personal life. I’ve learned a lot since doing my first couple of records. I think I’ve landed in the most comfortable place I’ve ever been musically as the style of music, my vocals and the lyrical content of the songs on this album."

With hit making writers and producers such as Sean Garrett (Usher,Mary J. Blige,Beyonce,Pussycat Dolls), Tricky & The-Dream (Rihanna,Mariah Carey), J.R. Rotem (Britney Spears, 50 Cent, Rihanna) and The Clutch (Omarion, Timbaland, Ciara, Bobby Valentino), "Departure" has an edgier pop/urban sound than "Beautiful Soul" and Jesse’s sophomore album, 2006’s "Right Where You Want Me."

The album’s first hit single, "Leavin’" (produced by Tricky and The-Dream) went on to see enormous success was the #1 most played Top 40 single officially released in 2008 with over 200,000 total spins. “Leavin'” spent 5 weeks at #1 on the CHR Top 40 Chart and went gold and platinum with over 2 million digital downloads on iTunes.

<My Baby>

The motivation for the track "My Baby" (produced by J.R. Rotem) comes directly from one of real relationship: "I wrote that about the ‘puppy love’ stage I went through when I first got together with an ex-girlfriend. Wherever we went, whatever we did, all eyes were on her – she was that girl! It was cool, I didn’t worry about it because I knew at the end of the evening, she was mine."

<It’s Over">

As co-writer of many of the songs, Jesse chose to share personal experiences. A prime example, "It’s Over" which Jesse says "represents the reality when you know a relationship is not going to continue." On a different tip,

<Into Ya>

"Into Ya" is, says Jesse, "a sexy, intimate, sensual, romantic kind of song,"


while the funky "Freaky" (produced by Madd Scientist) is a dance-flavored uptempo cut that’s "about whatever you think it’s about" (says Jesse).

<Rock You>

"Rock You" which features a performance by Sean Garrett, a cut that Jesse says was "a stretch for me. I heard the track and I was like, ‘That’s fire!’ I can’t wait to perform it live."

Produced by New York-producer Eric Hudson,

<Told You So>

"Told You So" is a mid-tempo track that Jesse says is "more about situations that my friends have told me they’ve been in after a relationship is over. Same thing with


‘Runnin’,’ which is something guys go through sometimes when a girl tries to push a relationship to the next level. Guys get scared of getting our hearts broken."

<Make Up>

With songs like the infectious "Make Up," produced by Kwame;


the upbeat "Relapse," the story of a man hooked by a ‘hard-to-get’ woman (based, Jesse says, "on a personal experience when I was young and na&iuml;ve"); and the beautiful ballad,

<Not Your Enemy>

"Not Your Enemy," a big production track that demonstrates Jesse’s vocal power and strength, "Departure" reveals Jesse has arrived with new confidence and maturity.

Jesse McCartney 成长的感言

Released in 2004, Jesse’s debut CD "Beautiful Soul" sold over 1.5 million copies, with the title track/debut first single burning up the charts in the U.S., Australia, Italy, the Philippines and Taiwan.

Over the years Jesse has racked up a number of awards and nominations, including an American Music Award nod for "Best New Artist," an MTV Award nomination for "Best Pop Video" and four Teen Choice Awards, including wins in the "Choice Male Artist" category twice, "Breakout Artist" and "Crossover Artist."

Being on the road for eight straight months gave Jesse the impetus for his second album, "Right Where You Want Me." Released in 2006, the album drew on Jesse’s life-long love of R&B artists like Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles and Lauryn Hill while expressing a more rock-flavored side of his music. Since the release of "Departure" last year, he headed out on an extensive national tour wit h Jordin Sparks, with whom he hit it off and for whom he will soon be writing songs.

Expanding his professional horizons, Jesse appeared on the hit television show "Summerland" and in the filmed his first feature, "Keith." In 2007, he was heard as the voice of Theodore in the box office smash, "Alvin & The Chipmunks” and recently signed on to, “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel” set for release on Christmas Day 2009. This spring McCartney can been seen on ABC Family’s breakout hit “Greek” where he portrays Andy, a football star who becomes a Kappa Tau pledge.

Jesse also expanded as a songwriter, composing songs for other artists. "Bleeding Love," a powerful ballad co-written with Ryan Tedder, was picked by music industry veteran Clive Davis as a single for singer Leona Lewis, earning a Grammy nomination for Record of the Year, one of the highest honors in music. "Leona Lewis is an amazing vocalist, and capable of pretty much anything," says Jesse. "She took ‘Bleeding Love’ to a whole new level. When I learned about the nomination, it was such a rush. There is a lot of validation there."

Jesse’s strength as a songwriter has attracted several major artists, including Toni Braxton, who want to work with Jesse after he co-penned Leona Lewis' #1 single in the US and Britain, Bleeding Love.

While establishing himself as a songwriter is certainly in Jesse’s game plan, his current focus is the new album. "I spent over a year on ‘Departure’ and I’m thrilled with how it turned out," says Jesse. "‘Departure’ represents a new start for me, a new sound. It seals the deal for me."


◎首张专辑《天使的心Beautiful Soul》◎






◎首张现场演唱特辑《天使的心 现场电力盘Live : The Beautiful Soul Tour》◎


2005年7月9号在加州圣荷西郊区圣塔卡拉(Santa Clara)的「Paramount's Great America」主题乐园所做的现场演唱会录音作品

◎第二张专辑《Right Where You Want Me真情守候》◎








◎第四张专辑《Departure Recharged》◎


▓音乐奖得奖与提名纪录▓◎ 得奖篇 ◎

--2009年全美儿童直选大奖 最受欢迎男歌手

--2007年迪士尼电台音乐大奖 最受欢迎男歌手

--2006年全美儿童直选大奖 最受欢迎男歌手


--2005年迪士尼电台音乐大奖 最佳重复播放歌曲艺人

--2005年迪士尼电台音乐大奖 最佳卡拉ok歌曲艺人

--2005年全美青少年直选大奖 最佳男艺人

--2005年全美青少年直选大奖 最具突破性男艺人

--2005年全美青少年直选大奖 最佳跨界艺人

--2002年全美青少年艺人大奖 最佳晨间电视影集表演艺人

--2001年全美青少年艺人大奖 最佳晨间电视影集表演艺人

◎ 提名篇 ◎

--2009年全美青少年直选大奖 最好的爱情歌曲 [作品:<How Do You Sleep> ]

--2007年意大利儿童直选大奖 最受欢迎国际男歌手

--2007年意大利TRL大奖 最佳男艺人

--2007年意大利TRL大奖 最佳音乐录影带[作品:〈Just So You Know〉]

--2007年全美儿童直选大奖 最受欢迎男歌手

--2005年全美音乐奖 最佳新进艺人提名

--2005年MTV音乐录影带大奖 最佳流行音乐录影带提名[作品:〈Beautiful Soul〉]


1998–1999热门电视影集「All My Children」担任JR一角

2000热门电视影集「Law & Order」担任Danny Driscoll一角

2001电视影集「The Pirates of Central Park」担任Simon Baskin一角

2002电视影集「The Strange Legacy of Cameron Cruz」担任Cameron Cruz一角

2004–2005热门电视影集「Summerland」担任Bradin Westerly一角

2005电影「Pizza」当任Justin Bridges一角


2006 游戏「Kingdom Hearts」国际版 替Roxas一角配音




2008动画电影「荷顿奇遇记」替JoJo McDodd一角配音


2008动画电影「Tinker Bell」替Terence一角配音

2009 电影 「Kingdom Hearts」替Roxas一角配音

2010 电影「Beware the Gonzo」饰演主角Riley




1997年与The Who合唱团大将罗杰道崔(Roger Daltrey)在纽约麦迪花园广场一同演出「圣诞礼赞」(A Christmas Carol)

1998-2001年参与晨间节目艾美奖得奖影集「All My Children」的演出

1999年5月成为Dream Street乐团主唱

2002年8月Dream Street乐团因卷入制作人之间的合约纠纷而宣告解散



2004年4月与安妮海瑟薇一起在「麻辣变公主」电影原声带中对唱艾尔顿强名曲〈Don't Go Breakin' My Heart〉

2004年9月28号发行首张专辑《Beautiful Soul天使的心》


2005年2月24号首张专辑《Beautiful Soul》获得美国唱片工会颁发白金唱片的销售认证


2005年5月2号《The Beautiful Soul Tour》巡回演唱於加州首府山克拉门都(Sacramento)起跑,全部行程涵盖56个城市


2005年9月10号「The Beautiful Soul Tour」巡回演唱於加州的Madera画下句点


2005年11月15号发行现场演唱特辑「Live:The Beautiful Soul Tour」

2005年加入一个帮助孩童音乐教育的慈善组织「Little Kids Rock」

2005年11月21日和众艺人一同发行美国卡翠娜飓风救助慈善单曲〈Come Together Now〉

2006年6月11号应邀在「A Time For Heroes Celebrity Carnival」慈善活动中担任演唱嘉宾,此一活动是在为「伊莉莎白葛蕾丝儿童爱滋基金会」所进行的抢救生命计画进行募款

2006年8月3号单曲〈Right Where You Want Me〉音乐录影带在美国MTV频道节目「TRL」中做全球首播


2006年8月29号 单曲〈Right Where You Want Me〉於全美发行

2006年9月8、12号重返ABC电视网影集「All My Children」担任特别演出

2006年9月19号发行第2张专辑《Right Where You Want Me 真情守候》

2007年12月著手录制个人第三张专辑《Departure 航向未来》

2008年1月为新人Leona Lewis创作的单曲〈Bleeding Love〉顺利拿下2007英国最畅销单曲

2008年2月展开《Departure 航向未来》的电台宣传行程



〓英语版资料〓(与中文版有些不同)Full Name: Jesse McCartney

Nicknames: Jess, Jester, Orange Boy

Date Of Birth: April 09, 1987

Astrological Sign: Aries

Birthplace: New York City

Current Residence: Westchester, NY

Hair Color: Blond (natural hair color is brown)

Eye Color: Green

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120 lbs.

Shoe Size: 9 1/2

Best Feature: Smile

Right/Left Handed: Right Handed

Siblings: 1 younger brother; Timmy-5, 1 younger sister; Lea-11

Pets: Cat named Oliver

Jesse goes to Ardsley High


Fave Color: Orange

Fave Actresses: Joan Cusack, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Cady McClain

Fave Actors: Robin Williams, Will Smith and Jim Carrey

Fave Singers/band: Eve 6, Aerosmith, Sting, James Taylor, BBMak

Fave Music: Hip Hop, Pop, Rock and some R&B.

Fave DS Song: "It Happens Everytime"

Fave Song That isn't theirs: Mario's New Song ?("Braid My Hair")?

Fave Christmas Song: "Silent Night"

Fave Subject: Math and Physical Education

Least Fave Subject: History

Best Subject: Spanish

Fave Store: Abercrombie and Fitch, Structure, Tommy, Guess, and Gap

Fave Drink: Pepsi and Root Beer

Fave Food: Steak, California Rolls, Bagels & Cream Cheese.

Fave Fruit: Kiwi and Strawberry

Least Fave Veggie: Brussel Sprouts

Fave Candy: Gummy Bears & Sour Patch Kids

Fave Lollipops: Raspberry tootsie roll pops.

Fav Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate

Fave Phrase: "Zip It!"

Fave Sports Team: NY Yankees and New York Giants

Fave Sports: Baseball and Football

Fave TV Show: Friends,

Fave Movies: The 6th Sense, Grease and American History X

Fave Type of Books: Biographies

Fave Type Of Clothing: Structure

Fave Cars: Farrari and Lamborghini Diablo

Fave Cartoon: Anything with Elmer Fud and Porky Pig.

Fave person you have ever worked with?: Hayley Mills

Fave Superhero?: God!

Fave Breakfast Meal: Scrambled Eggs and also Pumpkin Pie

Other Facts

Hobbies: Playing baseball, playing his sax, four wheeling, singing and acting

What sports do you play?: Baseball!!

Future Car: BMW M3. Baby Blue or Electric Blue

Commercials: K-Mart (1999), Lowes, Spokesperson for Kids for a Drug FreeAmerica 60 sec radio spot Broadway (and National Broadway Tours): "The King and I" w/ Hayley Mills (as Louis), "A Christmas Carol" as Young Scrooge (Madison Square Garden), A Sunny Delight Commercial (2002), Charmin' Ultra w/ Greg (2002), Auditioning for a pizza & hockey commercial..

Most Prized Possession: baseball glove and phone.

What Do You Look For In A Girl?: Personality and a nice smile.

Name Of His Baseball Team: The Panthers

Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers baby! (go Jess! lolz)

Biggest Like: Snow/Water Skiing

If you have a dramatic scene where you have to cry, how do you get ready for it and do it?: I think of things that made me upset a long time ago.

How did you get started in the business?: My parents used to be in it and they taught me everything they know.

What was your first acting job?: "Oliver," in a local theatre.

First Kiss?: It was in the sixth grade. He liked her a lot!

Biggest Fear: Car accidents

Future College?: UCLA

Type Of Cologne: Acqua Di Gio by Giorgio Armani

First Date: "My first date was with a girl who is now one of my good friends. We went to Great Adventure for the day. We still laugh about it. It was a lot of fun."

Last Day (March 03): "About a month ago a friend of mine and I went on a double date and went clubbing. It was a dance workout. Good for the legs and lots of fun!"

Worst Date: "Looking back. my worst date is probably one of the funniest ones. It had been set up by a friend and so I didn't know the girl very well. We went to the mall. Everything went fairly well for the first hour or so until I stepped on the escalator and my shoelace got stuck in the stairs. I couldn't move. Eventually I had to take my shoe off and leave the laces stuck in the escalator. I had to wear my shoe for the rest of the night without a lace and it wa embarrassing."

Best Date: "I was in LA and a quite wonderful girl and I went out to dinner in an open-air restaurant right on the beach in Venice Beach. We walked down the bike trail there on the beach for a mile watching the Street Performers do their thing and then we took our shoes off and ran down the beach after dark right along the shoreline. The weather was beautiful, the girl was beautiful and I decided I may have to live in California at some point."

Did You Know...?

-Jesse wears glasses for fashion

-Jesse's Mom and Dad are/were both singers who have/had an acappella vocal group that sings/sang doo-wop. Jesse and Lea have both sung doo-wop background vocals at home his Mom and Dad for several years.

-Jesse use to act on the soap opera All My Children. He played Adam Chandler Junior (JR)

-Jesse drinks coffee [Jesse uses creme and two pacts of sugar]

-Jesse got braces at the end of December of 2001

-Jesse's rat Mocha just recently died

-Jesse was too shy to tell his crush that he liked her so he told her friend to her tell and realized that she liked him too!

-That the McCartney family did several shows together for several months a year before dream street.

-Their producer says that Jesse is the bad boy of the group. He says "I know he's the one who will be arrested first, out of anyone in the group." ::Credit to:: Untouchable

-When Jesse auditioned for Dream Street, he sang a Backstreet Boys' song, forgot the words, and covered it up with an "Ooh ooh ooh". That's when the producer knew he wanted Jesse for the group. ::Credit to:: Untouchable

-Jesse once got beaten up by some boys just for being an actor and model. ::Credit to:: New York Newspaper Article Untouchable

-He doesn't like the sound of squeaky shoes

-Filing finger nails gets on Jesse's nerves

-Jesse prized possession is his four wheeler

-Jesse says his best feature is his smile

-Jesse plays the Saxaphone

-Jesse was a member of a singing group called Sugar Beats

-Jesse is now going back on performing on Broadway

-Jesse might be going solo!

-Jesse's fastest pitch is about 65 MPH. People strike out on the curve ball.

-Jesse and his friends cook! They come up with their own concoctions.

-Jesse's fave animal is a Giraffe..

-Jesse usually stays up until about 11:00 PM on school nights and on weekends about 12:30 or 1:00 AM.

-Jesse was born on a Thursday

-Jesse's dad is a volunteer firefighter

-Jesse thinks himself as a 'preppy person'

-Jesse would love to meet Will Smith and work with him sometimes on music or movie

-Jesse has a scar on his left eyebrow

-If he could change his name he'd want it to be Boris (err...ok..?)

-He uses aresol spray deoderant

-His favorite roller coaster is the Goliath

-His favorite colonue is Acqua di Gio by Armani

-He hates Snowcones

-He wears shoes most of the time, not sneakers

-He tried out for the 6th sense (THIS i never knew!)

-He had braces (Jan. 23, 2002- May 10, 2002)

-He was in a NFL commercial as Peyton Manning

-He was in a sunny delight commercial

-A fan once gave Jesse a 24 k-gold bracelet with his name engraved on it.

-His favorite X-Box game is NHL Fever

-His first crush was a girl named Samantha

-The longest he had a relationship for was 8 months in 9th grade

-He prefers to wear hats over visors

-In March of 2003, Jesse's producer, Sherry, posted on his message board: "And okay, Jesse's eyebrows ARE a bit bushy but he's just too manly to wax or tweeze. I actually asked him if he would. Negative on that." aww! lolz

-Greg's little cousin Teresa has a HUGE crush on Jesse!

-During the filming of the music video for It Happens Every Time, a piece of firework exploded too close to the boys and a part of the rocket fell onto Jesse's arm and burned him!


Jesse的父亲叫Scott McCartney,母亲是Ginger McCartney.


Jesse最喜欢的歌手有 Justin Timberlake, Usher Raymond, Maroon5, Sting, Ray Charles and Akon.不包括Paul.因此二人没有任何关系.

杰西曾经与女星Katie Cassidy谈恋爱约两年半的时间,他们已经结束了关系。杰西在意大利(Italy)公开宣布他是「单身男人」,Katie Cassidy则发送以下信息给他们的影迷网站─JKfans。

「 我写这信息给你们,是要感谢你们这些年来的支持。可惜,我们已经不能在一起,或成为夫妇了。但是我们仍会是亲密的朋友,如果我们都在同一个城市的话,我们都愿意花些时间见面。兴许是我们都都忙於各自的事业,总要在不同的国家工作,但是我们仍然是会深爱与敬慕彼此的。我只是想再次感谢你们,谁也不知道今後会发生什麼事,也许我们会在某一点默默地工作… …谢谢所有的歌迷,并愿上帝祝福! 」


慈善事业2004年,杰西参加Come Together Now的慈善活动,帮助于2004年亚洲海啸和2005年飓风的受害者,杰西参加了一个由非盈利慈善组织的计划,免费向在公立学校的儿童提供免费的乐器训练及教育。2005年,杰西将巡回救灾录制电台节目推广的收益捐给慈善机构,为孩子们建立一个“无毒的美国运动”,更是圣犹大儿童研究医院的发言人,并参与慈善机构创办的一些活动,杰西希望音乐会演出的会令癌症中心获益。

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