特变电工的发展得到了党和国家领导人的高度关注和亲切关怀。胡锦涛、江泽民、吴邦国、温家宝、贾庆林等党和国家领导人先后莅临公司视察,并对公司的发展给予了高度评价和殷切期望。公司先后荣获 “国家级科技兴贸创新基地”、“全国创新型试点企业”、“全国质量效益型先进企业”、“全国首批专利试点示范企业”、“中国自主知识产权百强企业”、“全国重合同守信用单位”、“全国用户满意企业”、“中国机电企业十大品牌”和 “全国先进基层党组织”、“全国文明单位”等诸多殊荣。
在输变电产业方面,公司拥有变压器、线缆两大产业集团。变压器年产能超1亿kVA,电线电缆年产能约25亿元。围绕国家中长期发展规划,公司承担了我国十五、十一五一大批代表世界输变电设备最高水平的1000kV特高压交流变压器及电抗器、±500—±800kV直流变压器、750kV变压器及电抗器、750kV-1000kV扩径导线等科研攻关计划,掌握了百万千瓦发电机主变压器,大型水电、火电、核电主机变压器等自主知识产权的核心技术,负责完成了多项国家行业标准的制订,填补了诸多世界领域的空白,为我国的三峡工程、西电东送、1000kV、±800 kV特高压示范工程等国家重大项目工程提供了国产首台(套)产品技术和服务。750kV特高压电抗器、750kV扩径导线及母线荣获中国机械工业特等奖、国家科技进步一等奖。在国家十一五重大科研攻关项目—世界首条云南至广东±800kV和世界容量最大的四川至上海±800kV两个特高压直流输电工程中,公司承担了国产化50%以上的重大产品研制任务,是中国研制特高压系列产品承担任务最多、最大的企业。
英文介绍Tebian Electric Apparatus Stock Co., Ltd. (TBEA) is the first company in Chinese transformer production industry to go public (stock code: 600089), the backbone corporation in China's national important and large equipment manufacturing industry, National level company technology center and post-doctorate scientific research working stations, the permission of overseas cooperation and business, and the construction certification of the nation foreign aid projects. TBEA is the first company in Chinese important and large equipment manufacturing industry to gain the title of Chinese Famous Brand, Chinese Famous Products. Simultaneity, TBEA is the important scientific research, produce and Export Company of transformer, wire and cable, high-voltage electric aluminum foil and assembly base on key parts of solar energy equipments in china.
Every step TBEA took has received concerns and cares from the government and country leaders. Since 1996 President Jiang Zemin, President Hu Jintao, Zhu Rongji, Li Peng, Jia Qinglin, Wu Guanzheng, etc came to visit TBEA and gave high approval to its rapid development while also expressed sincere hopes for its further improvements. The company win the pries of Chinese Quality Benefit Advance Company, Chinese Contract Recognition Company, Chinese Credit Keeping Company, Chinese User's Contentment Company, Chinese Advanced Quality Control Company, Chinese Ten Famous Mechanism And Electrization Corporations, Chinese Civilization Company', and enter the 500 strong of the national mechanical industry. Seven modern industrial parks have been set up in Xinjiang, Sichuan, Hunan, Tianjing,Shandong, liaoning,Xi'an, and an echo each other at a distance production pattern of Northwest China-Southwest China-South China-North China-East China-Northeast China has been effectively formed.
As the first group patent experiments unit demonstrate and independence knowledge property right 100 strong corporation of nation, TBEA activity accelerate the actualization of the advanced and applicable patent technology, exert the market benefit of the patent technology, and has elementary came into being the manage system of technology establish-technology exploitation-patent protection-actualization, TBEA has held more than 370 patent rights.
TBEA has always focused the power transmission, new energy resources, new material etc, and possess the two big industry groups of transformer and cable. At present the annual production capacity of the transformers reached at 80 million KVA; the annual revenues of 100KV and above voltage reached at 2.5 billion Yuan. We reached at the international first class at the ultra-high voltage electricity transmission and transformation, direct current transmission and power station projects. TBEA is the first company in China which possessed the 220kV-500kv DC Converter manufacturing technology patent rights, we have the production capability of electric power transformer up to 10000KV, reactor up to 750KV, DC converter up to 500KV,railway traction transformer up to 220KV, rectiformer and other transformers for special usage. The production technologies of 110KV-500KV high voltage cable and 750KV ultra-high voltage large section conduction are in the leading position in china. Our products are wisely used in much national important power transmission, covering in 31provinces, The Three Gorges Project, the West-east Electricity Transportation Project, the West-east Gas Transportation Project, Electrization Railway Project, Guizhou-Guangzhou Double Circle, and The Launch of Divine State 5 Project. Our products are also sold to more than 60 countries and regions all over the world, such as West American Electricity System Improvement Projects, Asian-European Cross Continental Electricity System Improvement Project and international turn-key projects in Africa and Gulf region.
In new energy resources industry, TBEA possess many patent rights, has successfully developed serial products as Solar Wafers, Solar Modules, 5-150KW Stand-alone Photovoltaic Systems, and Comprehensive Solar Lighting & Pumping System and has obtained many patent technologies as self-owned intellectual property. It has implemented some key projects like XinJiang Silk Road Brightness Project, Village Electrification Projects and made the largest off-grid solar PV station in china. New energy resource has its products sold overall in China and to many other countries and areas in Southeast Asia, Africa as well as in Europe and they are widely used in the industries of railway, communications, traffic, petroleum, military, grid connections and for rural power supply. New energy resources has established Sun Oasis joint venture company with BP, and quickening its steps in self in-development and has established strategic cooperation and partnerships with the worldwide leading companies like Shell,etc.
In new materials industry, TBEA possess the key technology of the patented intellectual rights of deep processing of refined aluminum, electronic aluminum foil and electrode foil, we developed the production process of ultra-high purity aluminum (AL=99.999%). We are the top company in China in the production quantity and the quality of refined aluminum, electronic aluminum foil, in which the refined aluminum occupied more 80%, and the electronic aluminum occupied more than 70% of the Chinese market. Moreover, our process technology and the product quality have reached the advanced world-class level, which guarantee our products welcomed both at home and in the international market, such as Japan and South-east Asian country and regions. Our products are widely used in different industries such as aviation, aerospace, national defense, electronic and information technology.
TBEA has always focused on the exploration and development of three inter-supportive business sessions, and has always insisted on scientific development view, look building the corporation to strong, firm, and extract as direction idea, look enhancing the capability of autonomous innovation as guidance, actualize the combination of the system innovation and technologies innovation. We strive to maintain satisfied customers, contented employees, and assured shareholder and make progress in competition, achieve win-win in collaboration, server for the economic of the whole world, impulse the progress of the whole human. TBEA will become internationally approved power technology product provider in the world.