2001-2004:华南农业大学昆虫学系,获博士学位,导师庞雄飞院士,Prof. Masanori J. Toda,梁广文教授
2004年3-6月:日本北海道大学,进行与生殖隔离有关的基因的研究;筑波大学,林氏果蝇Courtship song的研究;
2006年4月-2007年3月:英国谢菲尔德大学动物与植物科学系,果蝇courtship song候选基因及其进化研究(Royal Society International fellowship)
主要发表论文Dang X.L., Tian J.H., Yang W.Y., Wang W.X., Ishibashi J., Asaoka A., Yi H.Y., Li Y.F., Cao Y., Yamakawa M., Wen S.Y* Bactrocerin-1: A novel inducible antimicrobial peptide from pupae of oriental fruit fly,Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel. ARCHIVES OF INSECT BIOCHEMISTRY & PHYSIOLOGY.(Accepted) (*Corresponding author).
Wang W.X., Wang Y.P., Deng X.J., Dang X.L., Tian J.H., Yi H.Y., Li Y.F., He X.F., Cao Y., Xia Q.Y., Lai R., Wen S.Y.* Molecular and functional characterization of a c-type lysozyme from the Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis. JOURNAL OF INSECT SCIENCE. (Accepted) (*Corresponding author).
Logisz M., Wen S. Y., Klappert K., Mazzi D., Hokkala A., Ritchie M. G., Butlin R. K. 2007. Candidate gene association analysis for male croutship song carrier frequency in Drosophila montana. 11th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Uppsala, Sweden. p252.
Yang W. Y., Wen S. Y., Huang Y. D., Ye M. Q., Deng X. J., Han D., Xia Q. Y., Cao Y. 2006. Functional divergence of six isoforms of antifungal peptide Drosomycin in Drosophila melanogaster. GENE. 379: 26-32.
Dang X. L., Tian J. H., Yi H. Y., Wang W. X., Zheng M., Li Y. F., Cao Y., Wen S. Y*. 2006. Inducing and isolation of antibacterial peptides from oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel. INSECT SCIENCE. 13: 229-233. (* corresponding author)
Wen S. Y.*, Shimada K., Kawai K. and Toda M. J., 2006. Strong purifying selection on odysseus gene in two clades of sibling species of Drosophila montium species-subgroup. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR EVOLUTION. 62: 659-662. (* corresponding author)
Takenaka K., Yin J. T., Wen S. Y. and Toda M. J., 2006. Pollination mutualism between a new species of the genus Colocasiomyia de Meijere (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and Steudnera colocasiifolia (Araceae) in Yunnan, China. ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE. 9: 79-91.
Dang, X. L., Wen S. Y.*, He X. F. and Pang X. F., 2005. M-PCR: A powerful method for rapid molecular identification of Trichogramma wasps (Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae). INSECT SCIENCE. 12: 77-85. (* corresponding author)
温硕洋,谢力,彭统序,1997,林氏果蝇线粒体DNA分析。昆虫学报。40(3): 225-231.
Oguma Y., Wen S. Y., Tomaru M., Matsubayashi H., and Peng T., 1995, Reproductive isolation between Drosophila lini and its siblings. THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF GENETICS. 70 (3): 311-320.
温硕洋,1990,粗鞘双条杉天牛交配行为生物学及雌性识别信息素研究。植物保护学报。18 (2): 168-172.