种 名: 再力花
学 名: Thalia dealbata
别 名: 水竹芋、水莲蕉、塔利亚
科: 竹芋科
属: 塔利亚属
原产于美国南部和墨西哥的热带植物。近年新引入我国的一种观赏价值极高的挺水花卉,为纪念德国植物学家约翰尼•赛尔而得此名。(主要种植城市:海口、三亚、琼海、高雄、台南、深圳、湛江、中山、珠海、澳门、香港、南宁、钦州 北海、茂名、景洪)
在微碱性的土壤中生长良好。 好温暖水湿、阳光充足的气候环境,不耐寒,入冬后地上部分逐渐枯死。以根茎在泥中越冬。
Species Name: Thalia
Scientific Name: Thalia dealbata
Synonym: water arrowroot, banana Lotus, Thalia
Branch: Branch Calathea
Are: Thalia is a
Origin distribution
Originating in the southern United States and Mexico tropical plants. China has also cultivated. (Major cities: Haikou, Sanya, Qionghai, Kaohsiung, Tainan, Shenzhen, Zhanjiang, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Macao, Hong Kong, Nanning, Beihai, Qinzhou, Maoming, Jinghong)
Morphological characteristics
Ting perennial weeds present.卵状lanceolate leaf, light blue, the edge of purple, long 50cm, width 25cm. Complex raceme, flowers small, purple堇色. Whole-plant with white powder. Temperate regions is a good greenhouse flowers, pedicel up to 2 meters or more. In recent years, China introduced a very high value of water flowers, to commemorate the German botanist约翰尼赛尔derived from this name. Including 12 species born in the marshes.
Growth habit
In micro-alkaline soils well. Good wet warm, sunny climate and environment, not cold, after the aerial parts of winter gradually withered. To roots in the mud in the winter.
Garden use
Free and easy株形beautiful, cute green leaf color is green water of the top grade flowers flower. Potted plants or for viewing.
Breeding to cultivate
To rhizome ramet reproduction. Early spring, cut off from the plant with 1 ~ 2 bud roots, basin栽入, Shi adequate fertilizer (in peanut cake, bone meal as well), into the pool conservation, grow new trees to be transplanted in the pool Growth .
Watch Application
Free and easy株形beautiful, cute green leaf color is green water of the top grade flowers flower