竖琴大师Bronn Journey(波昂.杰尼)继《山腰上的家》在全球创下惊人的销售佳绩后,他的最新力作《Life Is Beautiful》(美丽人生),在美国一推出即登上畅销排行榜,在全球音乐销售榜上已冲破百万张的记录,再度让所有乐迷慑服在他神奇的音乐魔力之下。本专辑收录15首你最熟悉的电影主题曲,包括[阿甘正传]、[辛德勒名单]、[泰坦尼克号]、[美丽人生]等不朽经典,Bronn Journey用他金黄色的竖琴和丰富的情感倾心弹奏,大师级的演奏功力,不仅重现银幕上的浪漫乐章,更让人迷失在温暖的琴音中,不自觉地爱上竖琴这种天使的乐器。此刻,闭上眼睛,让Bronn Journey带我们进行一次音乐旅行吧!
很喜欢电影《美丽人生》,所以特别推荐第14曲“Buongiorno Principessa”。
01. The Feather Theme (Forest Gump) 羽毛之歌 (阿甘正传)
02. The Days Of Wine And Roses 醇酒和玫瑰的日子 (相见时难别亦难)
03. The Green Leaves Of Summer (The Alamo) 夏之绿叶 (边城英烈传)
04. Looking Through The Eyes Of Love (Ice Castles) 眼神之爱意 (冰城)
05. Theme From M-A-S-H 1970年『外科医生』主题曲
06. Moonlight Becomes You (Road To Morocco) 月光恍似你 - (到摩洛哥之路)
07. Theme From Schindler’s List 『辛德勒名单』主题曲
08. My Heart Will Go On (Titanic)爱无止尽 (铁达尼号)
09. The Impossible Dream (Man Of La Mancha)不可能的梦想 (梦幻骑士)
10. Claudia’s Theme (Unforgiven)克劳蒂亚 (杀无赦)
11. Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head (Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid)雨点不断打在我头顶上 (虎豹小霸王)
12. Misty (Play Misty For Me)迷雾 (迷雾追魂)
13. New York, New York (Theme From New York, New York)『纽约 纽约』主题曲
14. Buongiorno Principessa (Life Is Beautiful)美丽人生 (美丽人生)
15. Anne’s Theme (Anne Of Green Gables)安妮 (清秀佳人)
About the Artist
Bronn Journey, gentle master of the classical harp. Encouraged by his Welsh mother, he began studying harp, the national instrument of Wales, together with piano at an early age. Although he can play almost any instrument, he admits that "Harp is the only instrument I'd dare to play for anyone," and adds that in choosing music to play, "It's important to put the listener's feelings first. I try to do things that others want to hear."
Product Description
Journey with Bronn to a time when our land was young. Listen as his harp brings to life folk songs written long ago. Bronn adds simple yet eloquent accompaniment to his harp with the addition of folk instruments such as the penny, whistle, violin and mandolin. Journey into the music of our heritage written by greats such as Stephen Foster. Journey Home.
01. Shenandoah
02. Simple Gifts
03. Home On the Range
04. Stephen Foster Medley
05. Carry Me Back To Old Virginny
06. Wayfaring Stranger
07. Ashokan Farewell
08. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
09. When You and I Were Young, Maggie
10. Red River Valley
11. Cindy
12. Patriotic Medley
13. Dixie