
The Furious Five

王朝百科·作者佚名  2010-07-19
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Grandmaster Flash&theFuriousFive(大师弗莱什和愤怒五人组)对于刚接触饶舌音乐的人来说也许有些陌生,但是他们对饶舌音乐的影响,不是一两句话说的清楚的。 1982 年,当 Grandmaster Flash 和TheFuriousFive发行了专辑《TheMessage 》(教训)以后,说唱音乐已经建立了自己的风格和体系,那就是把三角洲城市布鲁斯、 R&B 、灵魂乐、 FUNK 音乐跟迪士高混合在一起。《TheMessage 》被认为是黑人说唱里程碑式的作品,我们可以和当下的RAP比较,虽然没有那么炫,但基本元素都已经具备了,并且第一次将对尖锐的社会问题的争论引入了说唱音乐。那个时候,没人意识到十几年后说唱乐居然统治了乐坛,对当代音乐产生了深刻的影响。

通过对拓展看起来很年轻的说唱音乐和歌词的氛围,《TheMessage 》打开了一扇通往崭新的表达方式的大门。另一方面,它给了人们用低成本做音乐的希望和可能:几支麦克风、一台打碟机、几张黑胶唱片,就是玩说唱音乐的基本配置了。于是只要你是个有话要说的人,并且能找到一个会在唱机上打碟的 DJ ,那么你就可以玩说唱音乐了。

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

Broken glass everywhere

People pissin' onthestairs, you know they just don't care

I can't takethesmell, can't takethenoise

Got no money to move out, I guess I got no choice

Rats inthefront room, roaches intheback

Junkies inthealley with a baseball bat

I tried to get away but I couldn't get far

'cuz a man with a tow truck repossessed my car

Don't push me 'cuz I'm close totheedge

I'm trying not to lose my head

Uh huh ha ha ha

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

Standin' onthefront stoop hangin' outthewindow

Watchin' allthecars go by, roarin' asthe

breezes blow

Crazy lady, livin' in a bag

Eatin' outta garbage pails, used to be a fag hag

Said she'll dancethetango, skipthelight fandango

A Zircon princess seemed to lost her senses

Down atthepeep show watchin' allthecreeps

So she can tell her stories tothegirls back home

She went tothecity and got social security

She had to get a pimp, she couldn't make it on her own

Don't push me 'cuz I'm close totheedge

I'm trying not to lose my head

Uh huh ha ha ha

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

My brother's doin' bad, stole my mother's TV

Says she watches too much, it's just not healthy

"All My Children" inthedaytime, "Dallas" at night

Can't even seethegame ortheSugar Ray fight

Thebill collectors, they ring my phone

and scare my wife when I'm not home

Got a bum education, double-digit inflation

Can't takethetrain tothejob, there's a strike atthestation

Neon King Kong standin' on my back

Can't stop to turn around, broke my sacroiliac

A mid-range migraine, cancered membrane

Sometimes I think I'm goin' insane

I swear I might hijack a plane!

Don't push me 'cuz I'm close totheedge

I'm trying not to lose my head

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

My son said, Daddy, I don't wanna go to school

'cuztheteacher's a jerk, he must think I'm a fool

And allthekids smoke reefer, I think it'd be cheaper

if I just got a job, learned to be a street sweeper

Or dance tothebeat, shuffle my feet

Wear a shirt and tie and run withthecreeps

'cuz it's all about money, ain't a damn thing funny

You got to have a con in this land of milk and honey

They pushed that girl in front ofthetrain

Took her tothedoctor, sewed her arm on again

Stabbed that man right in his heart

Gave him a transplant for a brand new start

I can't walk throughthepark 'cuz it's crazy after dark

Keep my hand on my gun 'cuz they got me ontherun

I feel like a outlaw, broke my last glass jaw

Hear them say "You want some more?"

Livin' on a see-saw

Don't push me 'cuz I'm close totheedge

I'm trying not to lose my head

Say what?

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

A child is born with no state of mind

Blind totheways of mankind

God is smilin' on you but he's frownin' too

Because only God knows what you'll go through

You'll grow intheghetto livin' second-rate

And your eyes will sing a song called deep hate

Theplaces you play and where you stay

Looks like one great big alleyway

You'll admire allthenumber-book takers

Thugs, pimps and pushers andthebig money-makers

Drivin' big cars, spendin' twenties and tens

And you'll wanna grow up to be just like them, huh

Smugglers, scramblers, burglars, gamblers

Pickpocket peddlers, even panhandlers

You say I'm cool, huh, I'm no fool

But then you wind up droppin' outta high school

Now you're unemployed, all non-void

Walkin' round like you're Pretty Boy Floyd

Turned stick-up kid, but look what you done did

Got sent up for a eight-year bid

Now your manhood is took and you're a Maytag

Spendthenext two years as a undercover fag

Bein' used and abused to serve like hell

'til one day, you was found hung dead inthecell

It was plain to see that your life was lost

You was cold and your body swung back and forth

But now your eyes singthesad, sad song

Of how you lived so fast and died so young so...

Don't push me 'cuz I'm close totheedge

I'm trying not to lose my head

Uh huh huh huh huh

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

Huh, uh huh huh huh huh

It's like a jungle sometimes

It makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under

Huh, uh huh huh huh huh

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