KKB Hon, 韩国强教授,毕业于香港专门制造(现香港理工大学)。现就职于英国利物浦大学,先进制造技术首席教授,在快速成型技术,先进制造技术及可持续制造等工程领域颇有建树。韩国强教授于1986年在英国建立了一所中文学校,对传播华夏文化作出了杰出贡献.
韩国强教授 现为英国利物浦大学制造系统工程讲座教授. 韩教授是制造系统工程领域的国际知名学者,专门从事生产科技及制造系统研究,并开展快速原型技术及微系统封装等崭新领域研究,多年来发表有关科学论文及刊物逾百篇。他曾於多间英国著名学府任教,并获伯明翰大学颁授金奖,表扬他对该校的杰出服务;他也是南京航空航天大学荣誉教授及武汉科技大学教授。[1]
Prof. Bernard Hon Kwok-keung
- 1971/ Higher Diploma in Production Engineering
Prof. Hon is currently Professor of Manufacturing Systems of the University of Liverpool in the UK. A world renowned scholar in the area of manufacturing systems, Prof. Hon’s research expertise lies in production technology and manufacturing systems, with over a hundred scientific publications. He stimulates new engineering developments in the areas of rapid prototyping, product innovation and microsystems packaging. He has made enormous contributions to the academic development of PolyU’s Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Prof. Hon is Fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering and the Institution of Engineering and Technology. He is also Honorary Chair Professor of the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Professor of the Wuhan University of Technology. To promote Chinese culture, Prof. Hon founded the Birmingham Chinese School in 1986 which offers Chinese and cultural classes for adults.[2]