美国 AOA 建筑规划设计集团(AOA DESIGN GROUP)成立于2000年,是一家总部位于美国加州洛杉矶的前卫设计公司. AOA DESIGN GROUP 以创造高质量的设计作品为宗旨,以城市规划、城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计和项目前期策划为主业,强调各设计专业的融合。公司目前已进入中国市场,致力于成为中国领先的研究型设计公司。
AOA(上奥)Design Group 多年来专注于规划、建筑与景观设计领域,致力于创造丰富当地的社区环境,与历史、自然相和谐的设计作品。AOA一直运用创造性的思维方式和理性的逻辑分析来应对设计过程中的各种挑战。我们相信将建筑与城市空间、景观环境放置在一起进行考虑和设计时,能产生出色的效果。在中国,AOA 在更广阔的领域,诸如城市规划、城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计等方面做出了不俗的业绩,在业界留下了优质的口碑与赞誉。 AOA 的合作伙伴主要为国内各级政府规划管理部门,各类房地产开发企业,以及专业策划公司。
AOA 的理念:
AOA 的战略发展:
About AOA Design Group Founded in 2000, AOA brings creative thinking and big picture perspective to design problems of all scales. We believe that when buildings are designed together with the larger environment, the resulting whole will be greater than the sum of its parts. Our practice is devoted to creating buildings and places of enduring memory and economic resilience that enrich the communities they serve. With offices in Los Angeles, Chicago and Beijing, AOA’s expertise encompasses everything from large-scale urban redevelopment to signature campus buildings; urban waterfronts to transportation hubs; and primary schools to complex mixed-use development. We are a group of passionate urbanisms, equally committed to regenerating our cities and pushing the boundaries of design.