

王朝百科·作者佚名  2012-03-06
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边继明, 男, 1973年生, 现任大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院副教授, 博士生导师。

个人简历1998年获大连轻工业学院无机非金属材料专业硕士学位, 2005年获中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所材料科学与工程专业博士学位。2005年6月通过大连理工大学特殊评审为副教授,2008年6月通过大连理工大学特殊评审为博士生导师。博士期间(2002-2005)起一直从事新一代宽带隙半导体-氧化锌光电材料与器件的研究工作。参加过中科院百人计划基金、国家自然科学基金、上海市科委光科技行动计划等多项科研课题, 已在国内外学术刊物和会议上发表论文近50篇。在ZnO材料与光电器件方面大连理工大学微电子边继明老师

获得了国际水平的原创性研究成果, 多篇论文在国际权威刊物美国应用物理快报(Applied Physics Letters)上发表。另外, 申请者2008至2009年曾在新西兰奥克兰大学国际纳米材料与器件专家WeiGao教授(新西兰皇家科学院院士)研究组访学一年,专门从事一维ZnO 纳米线/棒的生长和发光器件研究。担任国家自然科学基金同行评议专家,中科院国际材料物理中心协作成员等职。 辽宁省百千万人才工程“千人层次”入选者。


1) J. M. Bian(边继明), X. M. Li, C. Y. zhang, et al. “Synthesis and characterization of two-layer-structured ZnO p-n homojunctions by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Applied Physics Letters, 84(19), p.3783-3785 (2004).

2) J. M. Bian(边继明), X. M. Li, C. Y. Zhang, et al. “P-type ZnO films by monodoping of nitrogen and ZnO based p-n homojunctions.” Applied Physics Letters, 85(18), p. 4070-4072 (2004).

3) J. M. Bian(边继明), X. M. Li, X. D. Gao, et al. “Deposition and electrical properties of N-In codoped p-type ZnO films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Applied Physics Letters, 84(4), p.541-543 (2004).

4) Ji Ming Bian(边继明), Xiao Min Li, Li Dong Chen, et al.“Properties of undoped n-type ZnO film and N-In codoped p-type ZnO film deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Chemical Physics Letters, 393(3), p. 256-259(2004).

5) Jiming Bian(边继明), Weifeng Liu, Hongwei Liang, et al., “ Room temperature electroluminescence from the n-ZnMgO/ZnO/p-ZnMgO heterojunction device grown by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Chemical Physics Letters, 430, p. 183-187(2006).

6) Jiming Bian(边继明), Yingmin Luo, Jingchang Sun, et al., “Synthesis and temperature dependent photoluminescence of Zn1-xMgxO films grown by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Journal of Materials Science, 42 (20): 8461-8464 (2007).

7) Ji Ming Bian(边继明), Xiao Min Li, Tong Lai Chen, et al., “Preparation of high quality MgO thin films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Applied Surface Science, 228(1-4), p. 297-301(2004).

8) Ji Ming Bian(边继明),Xiao Min Li, et al., “Growth and Characterization of High Quality MgO Thin Films by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis”, Key Engineer Material, 280-283, p. 1171-1175(2005).

9) Jiming Bian(边继明), Weifeng Liu, et al., “Synthesis and defect-related emission of ZnO based light emitting device with homo- and heterostructure”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 184, p.451-454, (2007).

10)边继明, 李效民, 高相东, “衬底温度对ZnO薄膜生长过程及微观结构的影响研究”, 无机材料学报, 19(3), p. 641-646(2004).

11)边继明, 李效民, 张灿云, 赵俊亮, “ZnO基薄膜载流子传输特性研究”, 中国有色金属学报, 14(s3), p. 478-481( 2004).

12)边继明, 李效民, 赵俊亮, 于伟东, “PLD法生长高质量ZnO薄膜及其光电导特性研究”, 无机材料学报, 21(3), p. 701-706(2006).

13)边继明, 刘维峰, 胡礼中, 梁红伟, “超声喷雾热解法生长氧化锌同质p-n结及其电致发光性能研究”, 无机材料学报, 22(1), p. 173-175 (2007).

14) 边继明, 刘维峰, 梁红伟, 孙景昌, 骆英民, 胡礼中, 杜国同, “超声喷雾热解法生长氧化锌基发光原型器件研究”, 光电子.激光, 17, p.79-80, 2006.

15) 边继明, 李效民, 张灿云, 赵俊亮, 于伟东, 高向东, “氮-铟共掺杂ZnO薄膜光学性能研究”, 液晶与显示, 20(3), 200-204, 2005.

16) 边继明, 杜国同, 胡礼中, 李效民, 赵俊亮, “脉冲激光沉积(PLD)法生长高质量ZnO薄膜及其发光性能”, 发光学报, 27(6),958-962,2006.

17) Qingwei Li, Jiming Bian(边继明), Jingchang Sun, et al., “Controllable growth of well-aligned ZnO nanorod arrays by low-temperature wet chemical bath deposition method ”, Applied Surface Science, 256, 1698-1702(2010). (通讯联系人)

18) G. T. Du, W. F. Liu, J. M. Bian(边继明), et al., “Room temperature defect related electroluminescence from ZnO homojunctions grown by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis ”, Applied Physics Letters, 89, p.052113 (2006).

19) Yingmin Luo, Jiming Bian(边继明), Jingchang Sun, et al., “Deposition and tunable photoluminescence of Zn1-x(Mg,Cd)xO film system ”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 189, 473-476 , (2007). (通迅联系人)

20) W. F. Liu, J. M. Bian(边继明), L. Z. Hu, et al., “Electroluminescence from a ZnO homojunction device grown by pulsed laser deposition ”, Solid State Communications, 142, 655-658, (2007). (通迅联系人)

21) Tianpeng Yang, Jiming Bian(边继明), Hongwei Liang, et al., “High quality p-type ZnO films grown by low pressure plasma-assisted MOCVD with N2O RF plasma doping source”, Journal of Materials Science, 204, 481-485 (2008). (通讯联系人)

22) T. P. Yang, H. C. Zhu, J. M. Bian(边继明), et al., “Room temperature electroluminescence from the n-ZnO/p-GaN heterojunction device grown by MOCVD”, Materials Research Bulletin, 43, 3614-3620(2008). (通讯联系人)

23) WANG Jing-Wei, BIAN Ji-Ming(边继明), et al., “Enhanced p-type ZnO films through nitrogen and argentum codoping grown by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Chinese Physics Letters, 25(9), 3400-3402(2008). (通讯联系人)

24) 王经纬, 边继明, 孙景昌, 梁红伟, 赵涧泽, 杜国同, “Ag掺杂p型ZnO薄膜及其光电性能研究”, 物理学报, 57(8), 5212-5216(2008). (通讯联系人)

25) Jingchang Sun, Jiming Bian(边继明), Hongwei Liang, et al., “Realization of controllable etching for ZnO film by NH4Cl aqueous solution and its influence on optical and electrical properties”, Applied Surface Science, 253, 5161-5165 (2007).

26) C. W. Zou, X. D. Yan, J. Han, R. Q. Chen, J. M. Bian(边继明), E. Haemmerle, W. Gao, “Preparation and enhanced photoluminescence property of ordered ZnO/TiO2 bottlebrush nanostructures”, Chemical Physics Letters, 476, 84-88 (2009).

27) C. W. Zou, J. M. Bian(边继明), “Comment on “Influence of growth mode on the structural, optical, and electrical properties of In-doped ZnO nanorods” Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 041906, 2009”, Applied Physics Letters, 95, 126101 (2009).

28) J. C. Sun, J. Z. Zhao, H. W. Liang, J. M. Bian(边继明), et al., “Realization of ultraviolet electroluminescence from ZnO homojunction with n-ZnO/p-ZnO:As/GaAs structure”, Applied Physics Letters, 90, p.121128 (2007).

29) Jun-Liang Zhao, Xiao-Min Li , Ji-Ming Bian(边继明), et al., “Comparison of structural and photoluminescence properties of ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition and ultrasonic spray pyrolysis ”, Thin Solid Films, 515, 1763-1766, (2006).

30) J. Z. Zhao, H. W. Liang, J. C. Sun, J. M. Bian(边继明), et al., “Eelectroluminescence from n-ZnO/p-ZnO:Sb homojunction light emitting diode on sapphire substrate with metal-organic precursors doped p-type ZnO layer grown by MOCVD technology”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41 (19), 195110 (2008).

31) J. Z. Zhao, H. W. Liang, J. C. Sun, Q. J. Feng, J. M. Bian(边继明),et al., “p-Type Sb-Doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Metal organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Using Metallorganic Dopant”, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 11, 12 H323 (2008).

32) Zhao Z W, Hu L Z, Zhang H Q, Sun J C, Bian J M(边继明), et al., “Effect of Different Substrate Temperature on Phosphorus-Doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared by PLD on Sapphire Substrates”, Chinese Physics Letters, 26(5), 057305(2009).

33) J. C. Sun, T. P. Yang, G. T. Du, H. W. Liang, J. M. Bian(边继明), “ Influence of annealing atmosphere on ZnO thin films grown by MOCVD” , Applied Surface Science, 253, 2066-2070, (2006).

34) Sun Jing-Cang, Liang Hong-Wei, Zhao Jian-Ze, Bian Ji-Ming(边继明), et al., “Realization of ultraviolet electroluminescence from ZnO homojunction fabricated on silicon substrate with p-type ZnO:N layer formed by radical N2O doping”, Chinese Physics Letters, 25(12), 4345-4347(2008).

35) J. C. Sun, H. W. Liang, J. Z. Zhao, J. M. Bian(边继明), et al., “Ultraviolet electroluminescence from n-ZnO:Ga/p-ZnO:N homojunction device on sapphire substrate with p-type ZnO:N layer formed by annealing in N2O plasma ambient”, Chemical Physics Letters, 460 (4-6), 548-551 (2008).

36) Jun Liang Zhao, Xiao Min Li, Ji Ming Bian(边继明), et al., “Structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO films grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD)”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 276, p.507-512, (2005).

37) Can Yun Zhang, Xiao Min Li, Ji Ming Bian(边继明), et al., “Structural and electrical properties of nitrogen and aluminum codoped p-type ZnO films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Solid State Communications, 132, p. 75-78 (2004).

38) Can Yun Zhang, Xiao Min Li, Ji Ming Bian(边继明), et al., “Nitrogen and aluminum codoped p-type ZnO films and ZnO p-n homojunctions”, Surface and Coating Technology, 198, P. 253-256 (2005).

39) Jun-Liang Zhao, Xiao-Min Li, Ji-Ming Bian(边继明), et al., “Growth, electrical and optical properties of N-doped p-type ZnO thin films grown by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 280, P. 495-501 (2005).

40) Zhang X., Li X. M., Chen T. L., Ji-Ming Bian(边继明), et al., “Structural and optical properties of Zn1-xMgxO thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis”, Thin Solid Films, 492, p.248-252(2005).

41) 赵俊亮, 李效民, 边继明, 张灿云, 于伟东, 高向东, “喷雾热解法生长N掺杂ZnO薄膜机理分析”, 无机材料学报, 20, p. 959-964(2005).


1. 边继明, 李效民, 高相东, 于伟东

“一种p型氧化锌薄膜的制备方法”。专利号:03151096 (已授权)

2. 边继明, 李效民, 高相东, 于伟东


3. 梁红伟, 杜国同, 赵涧泽, 孙景昌, 边继明, 胡礼中

“一种Sb掺杂制备p型ZnO薄膜方法” 专利号:200810010104(已授权)

4. 李效民, 边继明, 张灿云, 赵俊亮


5. 李效民, 张灿云, 边继明, 于伟东, 高相东


6. 边继明, 杜国同, 胡礼中, 刘维峰, 王新盛, 梁红伟


7. 梁红伟, 孙景昌, 杜国同, 赵涧泽, 边继明, 胡礼中

“一种N掺杂的ZnO的受主激活方法” 申请号:200810010103.0

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