

王朝百科·作者佚名  2012-03-06
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专家单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 专家职位:研究室主任 专家职称:研究员 擅 长:污水生物处理技术、VOCs和恶臭生物处理技术、污泥减量化和资源化 专家领域:城镇污水处理工艺技术、污水深度处理与再生利用工艺技术、农村污水处理技术与管理、污泥处理处置技术、养殖废水、垃圾渗滤液 个人简历







1987-1999:哈尔滨建筑大学。其中,1994至1996年和1998至1999年先后两次在荷兰应用科学研究院环境科学研究所(TNO-MEP) 高访和参加国际合作项目。


主要从事水污染控制与污水资源化技术及其机理的研究及应用。主要研究内容:⑴ 经济高效的污水生物处理新技术研究,包括新型立体循环一体化氧化沟、新型低能耗膜生物反应器、有毒有害污染物生物降解机理与技术、生物脱氮除磷技术工艺、农村污水处理技术等;⑵ 挥发性有机污染物(VOCs)及恶臭物质的生物降解机理与新型反应器的研究及应用;⑶ 污泥减量化与资源化技术研究。




1. Benyi Xiao and Junxin Liu. Effects of thermally pretreated temperature on bio-hydrogen production from sewage sludge[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2006, 18(1): 6-12.

2. XIAO Benyi and LIU Junxin. pH dependency of hydrogen fermentation from alkali-pretreated sludge [J]. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2006, 51(4):399-404.

3. Wenzhou Lv, Xiang Zheng, Min Yang, Yu Zhang, Ying Liu, Junxin Liu. Virus removal performance and mechanism of a submerged membrane bioreactor [J]. Process Biochemistry. 2006, 41:299-304.

4. Xiang Zheng and Junxin Liu, Dyeing and printing wastewater treatment using a membrane bioreactor with a gravity drain[J]. Desalination. 2006, 190:277-286.

5. Yuansong Wei, Junxin Liu. Sludge reduction with a novel combined worm-reactor[J]. Hydrobiologia. 2006, 564:213-222.

6. CHEN Shao-hua and LIU Jun-xin. Landfill Leachate Treatment by MBR: Performance and Molecular Weight Distribution of Organic Contaminant.[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2006, 51(23):2831-2838.

7. L. Li, J.X. Liu. Removal of xylene from off-gas using a bioreactor containing bacteria and fungi. [J]. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 2006, 58(2):60-64.

8. Xiang Zheng and Junxin Liu. Mechanism investigation of virus removal in a membrane bioreactor[J]. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 2006, 6(6): 51-59.

9. 肖本益、刘俊新. 污水处理系统剩余污泥碱处理融胞效果研究[J].环境科学. 2006, 27(2): 319-323.

10. 王淑梅、刘俊新. 厌氧-立体循环一体化氧化沟除磷脱氮工艺中影响厌氧释磷的因素研究[J]. 环境污染治理技术与设备.2006,7(5): 48-53.

11. 常勤学、魏源送、刘俊新. 通风控制方式对动物粪便堆肥过程的影响[J]. 环境科学学报.2006,26(4): 595-600.

12. 郑祥、刘俊新. 重力出流式膜生物反应器污泥浓度的优化控制[J]. 过程工程学报. 2006, 6(4): 592-597.

13. 张发根、刘俊新、隋军, 活性污泥工艺模型在计算机模拟中的建立与应用[J]. 给水排水. 2006, 32(9):94-100.

14. 陈少华,郑祥,刘俊新. 重力出流式膜生物反应器的膜通量及膜污染控制研究[J]. 环境科学. 2006, 27(12):2518-2524.

15. 王亚炜、魏源送、刘俊新. 颤蚓反应器结构和曝气方式对剩余污泥处理的影响[J]. 中国给水排水. 2006, 22(Z1):338-342.

16. Fagen ZHANG,Junxin LIU and Jun SUI. Sludge concentration dynamic distribution and its impact on the performance of UNITANK.[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2007, 19(2):141-147.

17. X.S. Guo, J.X. Liu, Y.S. Wei and L. Li. Sludge reduction with Tubificidae and impact on performance of wastewater treatment process. [J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2007, 19(3):257-263.

18. Z. Liang and J.X. Liu. Control factors of partial nitritation for landfill leachate treatment. [J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2007, 19(5):523-529.

19. Zheng Xiang, Liu Junxin. Virus rejiection with two model human enteric viruses in membrane bioreactor system.[J]. Science in China series B: Chemistry. 2007,50 (3): 397-404.

20. Lin Li, Changbin Zhang, Hong He, Junxin Liu. An integrated system of biological and catalytic oxidation for the removal of o-xylene from exhaust. [J]. Catalysis Today 2007, 126: 338-344.

21. Tinggang Li, Junxin Liu, Renbi Bai. Dieudonne-Guy Ohandja, Fook-Sin Wang, Biodegradation of organonitriles by adapted activated sludge consortium with acetonitrile-degrading microorganisms[J]. Water Research. 2007, 41(6): 3465-3473.

22. 郭雪松、刘俊新、李琳、魏源送. 清洁型一体化污水处理系统研究. [J].环境工程学报. 2007, 1(2):1-5.

23. 张发根、刘俊新、隋军,利用ASM2D模型分析UNITANK工艺的反硝化行为[J]. 水处理技术. 2007, 33(5):18-21.

24. 刘建伟、刘俊新、李琳. 复合式生物除臭反应器处理城市污水处理厂恶臭气体[J].环境工程学报. 2007, 1(7):78-82.

25. 常勤学、魏源送、刘俊新. 通风控制方式对动物粪便堆肥过程中氮、磷变化的影响[J].环境科学学报2007, 27(5): 732-738.

26. Zhu Liang, Junxin Liu. Landfill leachate treatment with a novel process: Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Anammox) combined with soil infiltration system[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2008, 151(1): 202-212.

27. Li Lin, Wang Saobin, Feng QC, Liu Junxin. Removal of o-xylene from off-gas by a combination of bioreactor and adsorption [J]. Asia-Pac J Chem Eng, 2008, 3: 489-496.

28. Tinggang Li, Renbi Bai, Junxin Liu*, Distribution and composition of extracellular polymeric substances in membrane-aerated biofilm[J]. Journal of Biotechnology, 2008, 135(1): 52–57.

29. Tinggang Li, Junxin Liu, Renbi Bai and F.S. Wong, Membrane-aerated biofilm reactor for the treatment of acetonitrile wastewater[J]. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2008, 42(6): 2099–2104.

30. Lin Li, Chao Yang, Wensheng Lan, Shan Xie, Chuanling Qiao, Junxin Liu*. Removal of Methyl Parathion from Artificial Off-gas Using a Bioreactor Containing a Constructed Microbial Consortium[J]. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2008, 42(6): 2136–2141.

31. Liu Jianwei, Liu Junxin and Li Lin, Performance of two biofilters with neutral and low pH treated off-gases[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences., 2008, 20(12):1409-1414.

32. XU Yiping, ZHOU Yiqi, WANG Donghong, CHEN Shaohua, LIU Junxin, WANG Zijian. Occurrence and removal of organic micropollutants in the treatment of landfill leachate by combined anaerobic-membrane bioreactor technology[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences., 2008, 20(11):1281-1287.

33. 肖本益、刘俊新. 不同预处理方法对剩余污泥性质的影响研究[J]. 环境科学2008, 29(2): 327-331.

34. 欧阳科、刘俊新. 不排泥运行条件下膜生物反应器污泥活性的研究[J]. 给水排水. 2008,34(7):46-51.

35. 谢珊、刘俊新、李琳、乔传令. 利用基因工程菌BL21处理有机磷混合农药废水的研究[J]. 环境工程学报2008, 2(7): 869-874.

36. 曲波、刘俊新. 溶解氧对活性污泥合成可生物降解塑料-PHB的影响[J]. 环境工程学报. 2008, 2(12): 1585-1588.

37. XIE Shan, LIU Junxin, LI Lin, QIAO Chuanling. Biodegradation of malathion by Acinetobacter johnsonii MA19 and optimization of cometabolism substrate[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21(1):76-82.

38. QU Bo and LIU JunXin. Determination of optimum operating conditions for production of polyhydroxybutyrate by activated sludge submitted to dynamic feeding regime[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2009, 54(1): 142-149.

39. Yuansong Wei, Yawei Wang, Xuesong Guo, Junxin Liu. Sludge reduction potential of the activated sludge process by integrating an oligochaete reactor [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 163(1): 87-91.

40. Wei Yuansong, Zhu Hui, Wang Yawei, Li Jinfu, Zhang Peixin, Hu Ji , Liu Junxin. Nutrients release and phosphorus distribution during oligochaetes predation on activated sludge[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 43(3): 239-245.

41. Zhu Liang, Junxin Liu*, Jing Li. Decomposition and mineralization of aquatic humic substances (AHS) in treating landfill leachate using the Anammox process[J]. Chemosphere, 2009, 74(10): 1315–1320.

42. Benyi Xiao, Junxin Liu. Biological hydrogen production from sterilized sewage sludge by anaerobic self-fermentation[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 168(1):163-167.

43. Jing LIAN, Junxin LIU, Yuansong Wei. Fate of nonylphenol polyethoxylates and their metabolites in four Beijing wastewater treatment plants[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407(14):4261-4268.

44. Tinggang Li, Renbi Bai, Dieudonné-Guy Ohandja, Junxin Liu*. Biodegradation of acetonitrile by adapted biofilm in a membrane-aerated biofilm reactor[J]. Biodegradation, 2009, 20(4):569–580.

45. XIAO BenYi and LIU JunXin. Effects of various pretreatments on biohydrogen production from sewage sludge[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2009, 54(12):2038-2044.

46. 肖本益、刘俊新. 污水处理厂剩余污泥热处理发酵产氢的影响因素研究[J]. 过程工程学报,2009, 19(1): 47-52.

47. 王亚炜, 魏源送, 肖本益,刘俊新. 微波-过氧化氢联合作用处理污泥的影响因素[J]. 环境科学学报. 2009, 29(4): 697-702.

48. 欧阳科、刘俊新. 膜生物反应器与传统活性污泥反应器内生物群落特征[J]. 环境科学. 2009, 30(2): 499-503.



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