书 名: CUDA范例精解
出版时间: 2010年10月1日
ISBN: 9787302239956
开本: 16开
定价: 元
作者简介作者:(美国)山德尔(Jason Sanders) (美国)康洛特(Edward Kandrot)
山德尔(Jason Sanders)是NVIDIA公司CUDA平台团队中的资深软件工程师,他协助开发了早期版本的CUDA系统软件,并且帮助制定了作为异构计算的行业标准的OpenCL 1.0规范。Jason也在ATI Technologies、Apple和Novell担任相关职务。
康洛特(Edward Kandrot)是NVIDIA公司CUDA算法团队中的资深软件工程师,他拥有超过20年的行业经验,主要为Adobe、Microsoft、Google和Autodesk优化代码性能。
about the authors
1 why cuda ? why now?
1.1 chapter objectives
1.2 the age of parau. el. processing
1.3 the rise of gpu computing
1.4 cuda
1.5 applications of cuda
1.6 chapter review
2 getting started
3.1 chapter objectives
2.2 deve!.opment environment
2.3 chapter review
3 introduction to cuda c
3.1 chapter objectives
3.2 a first program
3.3 querying devices
3.4 using device properties
3.5 chapter review
4 parallel programming in cuda c
4.1 chapter objectives
4.2 cuda para[tel programming
4.3 chapter review
5 thread cooperation
5.1 chapter objectives
5.2 splitting parallel blocks
5.3 shared memory and synchronization
5.4 chapter review
6 constant memory and events
6.1 chapter objectives
6.2 constant memory
6.3 measuring performance with events
6.4 chapter review
7 texture memory
7.1 chapter objectives
7.2 texture memory overview
7.3 simulating heat transfer
7.4 chapter review
8 graphics interoperability
8.1 chapter objectives
8.2 graphics interoperation
8.3 gpu ripple with graphics interoperability
8.4 heat transfer with graphics interop
8.5 directx interoperability
8.6 chapter' review
9 atomics
9.1 chapter objectives
9.2 compute capability
9.3 atomic operations overview
9.4computing histograms
9.5 chapter review
10 streams
10.1 chapter objectives
10.2 page-locked host memory
10.3 cuda streams
10.4 using a single cuda stream
10.5 using multipte cuda streams
10.6 gpu work scheduling
10.7 using multiple cuda streams effectively
10.8 chapter review
11 cuda c on multiple gpus
11.1 chapter objectives
11.2 zero-copy host memory
11.3 using multiple gpus
11.4 portable pinned memory
11.5 chapter review
12 the final countdown
12.1 chapter objectives
12.2 cuda tools
12.3 written resources
12.4 code resources
12.5 chapter review
a advanced atomics
a.1 dot product revisited
a.2 impl. ementing a hash tabte
a.3 appendix review