学院坚持以教学为中心,注重教育教学改革,不断提升教学科研水平。生物科学专业、汉语言文学专业和地理科学被列为湖南省重点专业,文艺学、光学、动物学、机械设计及理论被确定为湖南省重点建设学科,生物基础课实验室被列为湖南省普通高等学校基础课示范实验室建设对象,“文艺鉴赏学”被列为国家级精品课程。《湖南文理学院学报》被列为全国优秀百佳期刊。学院教师先后主持国家哲学社会科学基金项目5 项、国家自然科学基金项目2项、国家星火计划项目1项、教育部重点项目5项;公开发表科研论文4000多篇,其中被《SCI》、《EI》、《ISTP》、《CSSCI》、《新华文摘》和人大复印资料收录或复印500多篇,出版专著200多部。学院还被列为湖南省环洞庭湖社会发展研究基地、湖南省城市文化研究基地。2004年7月,在中国科学评价研究中心与中国青年报社联合研发的《中国高校科技创新竞争力评价报告》中,我院在全国619所本科院校中总排序为第243名;在《中国高校人文社会科学研究竞争力评价报告》中,我院在全国570所本科院校中总排序为第237名。
Introduce Hunan University of Arts and Science in English
Hunan University of Arts and Science (HUAS), a multidisciplinary university, accredited by the Hunan Provincial Ministry of Education,has a history of over 50 years in the historic and cultural city of Changde. Located in the northwest of Hunan, Changde lies near the vast Dongting Lake to the east. Beyond the city, Changde stretches to Yiyang City in the south, the Wuling Mountains in the west, and the cities of Jinsha and Yichang in the north. Changde has a railway station and a domestic airport, offering convenience for travel around China. Changde has received national awards for excellence as a tourist destination, as a garden city, for its culture and cleanliness.
The university covers an area of nearly 103 hectares. HUAS has a teaching faculty of 778 members, 70 among whom are professors, 268 associate professors, 343 Doctor's or Master's degree holders, 11 recipients of special grants from the government, 12 recipients of the State Education Commission’s Zeng Xianzi Education Fund Award, and 42 “Young Backbone Teachers” at the provincial level. HUAS comprises 24 departments and one college, which offer 36 specialties covering fields of literature, science, engineering, economics, management, law, agriculture, history, and education. HUAS has an enrollment of over 14,000 full-time students from 28 provinces and municipalities around China. From the year 2000 to 2006, HUAS has undertaken 119 scientific programs at both the State level and Provincial level, among which are 3 National Philosophical and Social Science Fund Programs, 2 State Natural Science Fund Programs, 1 State Spark Program and 5 key Programs of Ministry of Education. In 2005, HUAS has accomplished the program of: “Exploration & Practice of running Local Universities” which has been awarded the second prize of State Teaching Achievements. The course of “Culture and Art Appreciation” has been determined to be the course with fine quality at the State level. In the same year, approved by the Ministry of Science & Technology and Ministry of Education, HUAS became the State Linux Technology Training Center. In December, 2005, as a newly built university, HUAS got “good” level in the Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation of the Ministry of Education. This indicates HUAS has ranked one of the top universities of the same kind in China.
At present, HUAS has established friendly relationship of exchanges and cooperation with many universities and organizations in America, England, Russia, Canada, Japan, etc and it has made great achievements in this regard. Many renowned experts and scholars have made lectures in this university in succession. Since 2004, HUAS has started education towards overseas students and students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
We look forward to friendly cooperation with other education organizations, universities and colleges and we warmly welcome international teachers and students to Hunan Universities of Arts and Science. We sincerely hope that the friendship and cooperation can be deepened through extensive exchanges and contacts, thus promote mutual common development.