

王朝百科·作者佚名  2009-12-25
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苏州西山[1]西山是洞庭山的简称,南北宽11公里,东西长15公里,面积79.8平方公里,系太湖第一大岛。西山景区是太湖风景名胜区的精华。它是以群岛风光、花果丛林、吴越以来的古迹见长,以浏览、度假为主的湖岛区。它拥有湖中群岛、湖湾山水、山中坞谷、山顶峰峦四个风景层次。全区规划建设缥缈云场、水月问茶、林屋晚烟、消夏渔歌、甪里犁云、玄阳稻浪、肖山遗踪、毛公积雪、西湖夕照、石 公秋月,风凰烟雨、金铎松篁、文化巽峰、大沙观帆、罗汉古刹、鸡笼梅雪、明湾古村、甪角风涛、天王鱼国、横山旭日等二十个景点。景点的规划面积共计609.3公顷。

















Introduction of Suzhou XishanXishan Dongting Mountain is a short 11 km from north to south, from east to west, 15 km, an area of 79.8 square kilometers, the Department of Taihu Lake's largest island. Xishan scenic area is the essence of Taihu Lake scenic area. It is based on islands scenery, flowers and fruits jungle, Wu Yue has been known for monuments to visit, holiday-based Lake Island. It has a lake, islands, bays landscapes, mountains, dock Valley, Peak levels of the mountainous scenery 4. Region's planning and construction of misty cloud field, Suigetsu asked tea, forest estate late tobacco, summertime fisherman's song, Puli Village plow cloud, Genyo That Shakes the Barley, Xiao Shan left a trace, Maogong snow, Lake Sunset, Shigong Chiu-Huang Rain in the wind , Kim Duo Shoko, cultural Xun Feng, large sand concept of sails, Lohan ancient temples, cages MEI Xue, Ming Wan, an ancient village, Puli angle Fengtao, king fish, country, Yokoyama sun spots, etc. 20. The planning area attractions a total of 609.3 hectares.

"Beautiful lake, the charming Xishan" This is the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Xishan Island, boarded the first sentence of the word praise. Taihu Lake 72 peaks, of which the Western Hills have peaks, the so-called "mountain is not high, but the immortal name" peak ----- misty peaks, only more than 300 meters, but the rich cultural calendar content to enjoy the charm of her endless.

Lin House Hill, is located north of the Western Hills Town, according to historical records, as early as during the Dayu flood control, Dayu left their footprints in this, "Wu recorded in" contains "in the county where there are 130 West Dongting far-reaching World Monensin measured. the king of Wu Ling-wei wife's father into the cave so that, on the 17th can not do, because too Yu water. " Shigong Hill, located at the southeast corner of the Western Hills, as the original giant Taihu Dan Piedmont, Zhuangruo man therefore called "Shigong." "Stone has family together, the Taihu Lake as a" world famous Tang Dynasty had been a "flower Shi Gang" In mining this land and left behind a "joint cloud-impaired" and other relics. Hillside south corner of the Royal Flying Alice ink Pavilion, due to mid-Qing Yu Shu ancestor Junji "Jingfo" the monument is named as a Zhenshanzhibao. "Yu Mo Pavilion" the words of the book by Fu Jie. "Return cloud holes" cursive words for Cheng Ming Yan, XU Gang was regular script "Reading the sage book OK benevolent thing keeping Chunghsiao Heart" LITHOGLYPHS.

Suzhou Xishan - Tourist Attractions1, the world is the ninth hole

Hayashiya hole known as "the world is the ninth cave heavens", commonly known as the Dragon Cave, located in western Shandong, which were the town of Ha Tsuen. Lin house had holes in the Tang Dynasty unearthed Jinlong, Yu Jian, statues and other relics of Taoism. Ancient poem 1000 praise: "Fei zhi mountain lake, the 1000 Jiao hole deep forest estate."

Forest estate is located in the south-dong, also known as not affect the Vihara, lay not affect the seclusion at the Department of Song. He was Pingjiang (today's Suzhou) Co., prefect of discontent in February, he was dismissed from office, gradually built garden retreat, claiming residence as "Road hidden garden." His "Road hidden garden in mind," engraved on the forest estate hole. Published in April 1995 as a provincial heritage conservation units.

2, Lin Mei Hai House

With forest estate as the center, mountains thousands of acres of Merlin continuous, its area is so great that many species of plum, high density, rated highest in the country. Forest estate since ancient times as a shower the plum spot, since the Tang dynasty left a profound effect on MEI historical sites. There are Hongmei, green plum, Bach Mai, especially in Bach Mai up. Every plum blossom season, thousands of acres of Plum, a vast expanse of whiteness, like snow, like the sea, a very spectacular sight. House or the Chinese Mei Mei Hai Lin cultural research base in China's Taihu Lake Plum Blossom Festival annually held here.

Shigong Xishan mountain is a mountain southeast corner of the town, ordered the first eight scenic spots in the Western Hills. It is faced with three of water, rock Qixiu, lush cypress. Shigong Hill Has there been two rocks, stoop-shouldered man is Shigong like the other one is a stone po. They bad shoulder pass away, comparison, look, missed a legend in the day and night across the lake Aunt, uncles. Shigong derived from the name of this.

3, Shigong Hill

Pavilion for the square, Ting Zhu engraved with the famous calligrapher of the Ming Wang Fei new Zhaoao I write the couplet "The mountains meet with people, day of water were floating." The booth is also the ancients Peng Chong's poem: "Stone Deng plate secluded song, solitary pavilion Example slim. Pong empty walls, take months to drink lake."

According to legend, built booths, a group of cranes flying from the West Lake of the release Heting to see mountains, then habitat accommodation nights, so booths were "to crane." Ting Zhu's couplet "Rainbow Feixia Inter-down, crane dancing in the mirror back," the Department of the famous painter Wu Shu-wood. Pavilion is located in unstable rock above the extraordinary momentum. Pavilion after a Cooper, vigorous upright. Cliff at the foot of the "Crane Pond" side.

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