

王朝百科·作者佚名  2009-12-30
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鲍德温四世(Baldwin IV of Jerusalem),(1161年 – 1185年) ,耶路撒冷王国国王,耶路撒冷的阿马里克一世(AmalricⅠof Jerusalem)与库尔特奈的阿格尼丝(Agnes of Courtenay)之子,即位于1174年。即位初期,的黎波里伯爵雷蒙德被选为摄政,王国内分为两派。以雷蒙德、医院骑士团、西顿的雷纳德、伊柏林家族和托伦的杰弗里等本地骑士为一方,以圣殿骑士团和库尔特奈(Courtenay)和吕西尼昂家族(Lusignan)等新来的骑士为另一方,1175年,安条克的雷纳德和乔瑟林从阿勒颇被释放回来,也加入了这一方。患麻疯病的鲍德温在两派之间调停,保持着王国的稳定。










由于鲍德温的病情恶化,骑士们决定给他的姐姐西比拉(Sibylla)找一个丈夫,作为王位继承人。他们选择了蒙特费拉特的威廉,但威廉未能成婚,就于1177年初死了。1180年,西比拉爱上了一个来东方冒险的年轻骑士、吕西尼昂的居伊(Guy of Lusignan),二人于复活节完婚。由于雷蒙德摄政反对这门婚事,居伊作为王储,加入了另一派。




当Baldiwin IV 陛下生下来接受洗礼之时,当时他的叔父BaldwinIII作为孩子的教父参与主持洗礼。有一位议厅的贵族笑着问国王除了把自己名字给予这个孩子之外,还正式准备了什么洗礼的礼物.

结果Baldwin III看着圣十字架,大笑回答:‘圣地王国!(THE KINGDOM OF Jerusalerm!)所有在场的人都记下这刻。当时正当盛年的国王根本就没有想过自己后嗣的问题。

但是事实确实是,一年之后当Baldwin III国王忽然去世,他兄弟后来的阿莫利一世能之所以能获得王位,除了因为他本身地位,最高议廷也因为尚在襁褓中王子--他被前任国王所给予许诺和王国继承人的地位。

王子幼年时和伙伴玩征战游戏,结果就被他老师william of TYre 发现左手臂毫无痛觉,经过医治诊断后确认是麻风,如果说开始为了安定人心,尚还保密,但十岁时,这些最高议厅的所有人员甚至贵族全部都很清楚!而且他十三岁即位时,他的病症已经很明显了。





所以Baldwin 加冕是在最高议廷,各大教区,所有贵族百姓,都知道他们王子Baldwin将来出现于臣民面前的国王,现在年幼无法执政。而将会是会被麻风腐蚀身体,会毁容,会残疾,会盲目,虚弱之下连签署公文都无法,甚至不会有后嗣!可他们都不曾有过犹豫地确认对他的效忠。

关于Baldwin IV 除了他出生,他叔父耶路撒冷王国的许诺,还有绿十字的传说。一说,在他的加冕时,忽然还有一只老鹰飞入加冕的礼堂。张开双翼落在主教正要加冕的王冠之上,正好形成十字于冠上。



这里是一读者看了他的传记《The Leper King and his Heirs》写下的一介绍。几乎还是不错,可以看看我很欣赏她最后的话,意思大概就是:博杜文的事迹看似神话传说,但是它是真的。它是一份


Baldwin IV, king of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem is largely - and unfairly - unknown in the west today. But, as Bernard Hamilton details in The Leper King and his Heirs, he deserves so much better. For a start, he accomplished so much more than his famous Crusading near contemporary Richard the Lionheart, and under infinitely more trying conditions.

Not only was his childhood troubled - his father Amalric had been forced to disown his mother Agnes when Baldwin was two years old before the aristocracy would accept him as king, and Baldwin was only 13 when Amalric died and he took the throne - he contracted leprosy at a young age (Baldwin's symptoms are discussed in a useful appendix by Piers Mitchell).

The disease could not be hidden; “It grew more serious each day, specially injuring his hands and feet and his face, so that his subjects were distressed whenever they looked at him,” William of Tyre, chief contemporary chronicler of the day, relates.

A lesser person would have quickly broken under such circumstances. But Baldwin was animated by both a bold spirit and a tremendous sense of duty, of his obligation to his people. One of the most human touches is William of Tyre’s depiction of Baldwin as “a good looking child for his age“ who grew up ”full of hope“ and ”more skilled than men who were older than himself in controlling horses and in riding them at a gallop,” (p 43). Baldwin had taught himself this skill, vital to a knight, despite already losing feeling in his right hand. And he continued to ride at the head of his men into battle when there was no way he could have remounted had he been unhorsed. Determination and courage were to be the hallmarks of his all too brief career.

For Baldwin was by any measure a successful king - considering his circumstances and limited resources, a great one. Though his people were massively outnumbered and surrounded on three sides, this boy, who took the throne in 1164 and died aged not quite 24 in 1185, for 11 years frustrated the ambition of Saladin, the greatest warrior of the age, to forge unity among the Arab people and drive the Christians from the Holy Places.

Despite being significantly outnumbered, he defeated Saladin in two major battles, Mont Gisard in 1177 and Le Forbelet in 1182, and forced him to raise the siege of Beirut in 1182 and the major fortress of Kerak twice, in 1183 and 1184. On the latter occasions he was blind and so debilitated he had to be slung in a litter between two horses.

Hamilton also helps untangle the intricate web of domestic and international relations in which Jerusalem, the center of the world for three faiths, was ensnared. Baldwin had to balance the conflicting jealousies and agendas of his own nobility, always maneuvering to secure their positions first in the event of a regency, then at the succession; the knightly orders that were within his kingdom but not of it; the neighboring Crusader states; the attitude of the Papacy; the interests of Byzantium; and the distant and fickle responses of the western European powers. And overshadowing all this was ever-present menace of the Islamic counterattack that could come anytime, anyplace. Given this ever-precarious situation, Baldwin perhaps emerges with even greater credit for his diplomacy than for his skills with the sword. Certainly, he made no fatal mistakes and left the kingdom in no weaker condition than he found it.

Hamilton makes no great departures in his work, but goes some way towards rehabilitating Reynald of Chatillon from his characteristic depiction as loose cannon psychopath. Following Michael Lyons and David Jackson's Saladin: The Politics of Holy War, he also demythologizes the Crusader's nemesis, emphasizing the traditional argument that the Christian state unnecessarily provoked Saladin into war is flawed: The great leader of the Muslim world had been working towards the cleansing Jihad his entire career.

This is a book as much about an era as an individual, and at times, Baldwin as a personality tends to disappear inside it. Even considering the limitations of the sources, one wishes there was more representing his perspective in his voice. But we are limited to a heartfelt letter he wrote to Louis VII of France, humbly recognizing his limitations and offering to hand the kingdom over to a candidate as noble, and more healthy, than he: “To be deprived of one is limbs is of little help to one in carrying out the work of government... It is not fitting that a hand so weak as mine should hold power when fear of Arab aggression daily presses upon the Holy City and when my sickness increases the enemy‘s daring.” (p 140).

It was fortunate for the Kingdom of Jerusalem that this offer was refused. It is significant that just two years after Baldwin's death Saladin won his great victory at Hattin, fatally wounding the Crusader presence in the Middle East and setting in motion the chain of events that would culminate in their expulsion in 1291.

Few rulers have remained executive heads of state when handicapped by such severe physical disabilities or sacrificed themselves more totally to the needs of their people,” (p 210) Hamilton concludes. Baldwin is accomplishments would seem to be the stuff of myth, but he was quite real, a testament to human courage and endurance, and Hamilton does a fine job of putting his life and times in perspective.

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