DJ:Roger Sanchez
专辑:Release Yourself Vol.4
纽约著名浩式 DJ Roger Sanchez 不只打得一手好碟,也不只能制作出让人翩然起舞的 House 经典单曲,更重要的是,他也是一位能在你需要放松的时刻,可以为你贴心的准备一段弛放旅程的好 DJ!而这一系列 " Release Yourself " 就是最好的证明!最新的第四辑中,收录了 Mylo,Silicon Soul,Louie Vega,Kaskade 等音乐制作单位以浩室为基础炮制出欢愉而放松的醇美曲目,带给所有音乐爱好者放松摇摆的优闲感受!
CD 1 (Pure Party)
1. Breathe Me [ Mylo Mix ] [ Sia ]
2. A Better Love[ Rocco Mix ] [ Sueno Soul ]
3. This World[ Dominica ] 试听
4. This Song Is For You[ Quicksound ]
5. Journey’s Prelude[ Frankie Feliviano Beats ] [ Louie Vega ]
6. Bright Like A Star[ Nikos ]
7. Kana[ Raw Artistic Soul ]
8. No More Believe[ Franck Roger & M’selem ]
9. Inside My Soul[ Liquid People ]
10. Te Quiero[ Cube Guys ]
11. Boa Viagem[ Gregor Salto ft. Magda Maldes ]
12. Sonice[ Colors + Cannus ]
13. Sweet Love[ Fred Everything Mix ] [ Kaskade ]
14. Feeling Blue[ Silicon Soul ]
CD 2 (Party)
1. Tempa Da Solo [ David Vendetta Mix ] [ Sueno Soul ]
2. Breathe Again[ We Deliver ]
3. Atfer Midnight[ Deep n Dense ]
4. Bbylon (into A Groove)[ Nu Thythmix ]
5. You Should’ve Said[ Abgel Moraes ft. Dana Divine ]
6. Raindance[ Carl Kennedy Mix ] [ Steven Mestre & Wilson Santos ]
7. Save Our Souls[ Muzzaik ]
8. 8-Letters[ Holmes Ives ft. Avalon Frost ]
9. Let The Sun Shine[ Cevin Fisher & The Scumfrog ]
10. I Like Old School[ Miquel Picasso ]
11. Music Is Your Life (Keep On Dancin)[ Angel Moraes ft. Dana Divine ]
12. Let’s Get Happy[ Jesse Parcia ]
13. La Noche[ Coca & Villa ]
14. Nocturnal (Noctume 2)[ Klement Boneli ft. Dragon Fly ]
15. Lotta Love[ Sucker DJ’s ]
16. Rise (Accapella)[ Soul Providers ft. M. Shellers ]