【材质】布 油彩
【作品赏析】 该画是一幅充满阳光的风景,各种冷暖的色点与絮乱的小笔触,在深思熟虑中被组合进画面,使画面阳光灿烂、风和日丽,洋溢着色彩的旋律。强烈的光被分散到树丛、河流、大桥上,一切都被光所包裹,使阿尔让特伊大桥成为光的杰作。这也是画家艺术个性的表现。
1.莫奈《日本的桥》所描绘的真实图景。称为Japanese Bridge。
2. 有人要求桥宽足以允许小型拖拉机和拖车穿越。设计模仿了此人曾参观的在罗斯柴尔德(Lord Rothschild)家族在南安普顿(Southampton)居所附近的Exbury Hall的设计。该建筑使用英格兰橡木成品和金属装饰,尽管基本上隐而不见,还是能看出是不锈钢的。桥板由交替的厚夹板组成,有助于拖拉机还有徒行者穿越拱桥的时候抓住桥面。
附:The client required a bridge wide enough to allow a mini-tractor and trailer to cross a stream.
The design copied a bridge the client had seen on a visit to Exbury Hall near Southampton home of Lord Rothschild.
The construction uses English Oak with both bandsawn and planed finishes and any metal fixings, although generally concealed, are of stainless steel.
The deck consists of boards of alternating thickness, facilitating grip for the tractor's wheels and pedestrians feet when negotiating the arch.