Option Explicit
'VBS 实现求 1000! 位数
'作者: xiaoyuehen(萧月痕)
'日期: 2006-1-6
'MSN: xiaoyuehen(at)
'参数 x: 加数, y: 被加数
function GetAddResult(x, y)
Dim arrR(), strX, strY, lx, ly
strX = StrReverse(x)
strY = StrReverse(y)
lx = Len(strX)
ly = Len(strY)
'Msgbox lx
Dim i, iMax, iJinWei
If lx > ly Then
iMax = lx
iMax = ly
End If
ReDim arrR(iMax)
iJinWei = 0
For i = 1 to iMax
arrR(i) = int("0" & Mid(strX, i, 1)) + int("0" & Mid(strY, i, 1)) + iJinWei
iJinWei = arrR(i) \ 10
arrR(i) = Right(arrR(i), 1)
Dim strResult
strResult = StrReverse(Join(arrR, ""))
If Left(strResult, 1) = "0" Or iJinWei = 1 Then
strResult = "1" & strResult
End If
GetAddResult = strResult
End function
'参数 x: 加数, y: 被加数
function GetAddNResult(x, y)
Dim strX, strY, lx, ly
strX = StrReverse(x)
strY = StrReverse(y)
lx = Len(strX)
ly = Len(strY)
Dim i, iMax, iJinWei
If lx > ly Then
iMax = lx
iMax = ly
End If
Dim iTemp, strResult
iJinWei = 0
iTemp = 0
For i = 1 to iMax
iTemp = int("0" & Mid(strX, i, 1)) + int("0" & Mid(strY, i, 1)) + iJinWei
iJinWei = iTemp \ 10
strResult = (iTemp Mod 10) & strResult
If Left(strResult, 1) = "0" Or iJinWei = 1 Then
strResult = "1" & strResult
End If
GetAddNResult = strResult
End function
'参数 x: 大数, y: 小数(一位)
function GetMulResult(x, y)
GetMulResult = 0
Dim i
For i = 1 to y
GetMulResult = GetAddResult(GetMulResult, x)
End function
'参数 x: 大数, y: 小数
function GetMultResult(x, y)
GetMultResult = 0
Dim str, lx, ly, i
ly = Len(y)
For i = 1 to ly
GetMultResult = GetAddResult(GetMultResult, GetMulResult(x, CInt(Mid(y, i, 1))) & String(ly - i, "0"))
End function
'参数 x: 大数, y: 大数
function GetMulcResult(x, y)
If Len(x) > Len(y) Then
GetMulcResult = GetMultResult(x, y)
GetMulcResult = GetMultResult(y, x)
End If
End function
'参数 x: 自然数
function GetFactorialResult(x)
GetFactorialResult = x
Dim i
For i = (x - 1) to 2 step - 1
GetFactorialResult = GetMulcResult(GetFactorialResult, i)
End function
'参数 x: 自然数
'原作: aiur2000(闭关失败,走火入魔,开关拉!)
'vbs代码实现: xiaoyuehen
function GetFactorialLength(x)
Dim iLen, iSum, iVal, i
iLen = 0
iSum = 0
iVal = 1
For i = 1 to x
iLen = Len(i)
If Len(iVal) > iLen * 2 Then
iSum = iSum + (Len(iVal) - iLen * 2)
iVal = Left(iVal, iLen * 2)
End If
iVal = iVal * i
GetFactorialLength = Len(iVal) + iSum
End function
Dim t, x, y
t = Timer
x = String(1000, "9")
y = String(1000, "9")
'y = String(200, "9")
'Msgbox " String 总用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"
't = Timer
'Call GetAddResult(x, y)
'Msgbox " GetAddResult: " & "GetAddResult(x, y)" & " 总用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"
t = Timer
'Call GetFactorialLength(1000)
Msgbox " GetFactorialLength(1000): " & GetFactorialLength(1000) & " 总用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"
't = Timer
'Call GetMulResult(x, y)
'Msgbox " GetMulResult: " & GetMulResult(x, y) & " 总用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"
't = Timer
'Call GetMulResult(x, y)
'Msgbox " GetMultResult: " & GetMultResult(x, y) & " 总用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"
't = Timer
'Call GetMulResult(x, y)
'Msgbox " GetMulcResult: " & GetMulcResult(x, y) & " 总用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"
't = Timer
'Call GetAddResult(x, y)
'Msgbox " GetAddResult 总用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"
't = Timer
'Call GetAddNResult(x, y)
'Msgbox " GetAddNResult 总用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"
'x = 300
't = Timer
'Call GetFactorialResult(x)
'Msgbox " GetFactorialResult(" & x & ") = " & GetFactorialResult(x) & " 总用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"
'Msgbox " 共 " & Len(GetFactorialResult(x)) & " 位, 用时: " & FormatNumber(Timer - t) & " 秒"