

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-18
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  


这是我找到的一个csh2ksh converter.


#!/usr/bin/nawk -f

#*TAG:35739 34:Apr 17 1996:0755:sh.d/csh2ksh:csh2ksh:

# csh2ksh 1.4


# Original by:Daniel Zepeda (daniel.zepeda@waii.com)

# Enhanced version by:Brian Hiles (bsh20858@challenger.atc.fhda.edu)


# This script will change a C-Shell script into a Korn Shell script.

# usage: csh2ksh <script.csh>


# Obviously, this script isn't going to pick up every little thing.

# You can do yourself a big favor by splitting multiple commands per line.

# Makes a half-hearted attempt to substitute multiple commands per line.


# glob (ksh N/I), hash (csh N/I), rehash, hashstat (N/I)

# get this to work on /usr/bin/vgrind, /usr/local/src/tcpdump-3.0/configure

# Each occurrence of a foreach, switch, while, if...then and else built-in

# must appear as the first word on its own input line.

# passthru!="ON" && /.../ {

# option to pass through/don't pass through unconvertable tokens

# Keep track of goto labels; if encountered, turn into a

# function, else make into an "exit" (special case "_bailout").

# Strip comments, place in buffer to be re-appended to $0 at EOR.

# It has to be assumed that syntactic units will be EOL, semicolon delimited


#XXX need to save IFS? (always reinitialized to '


# Any functs below may be elim'd if script does not use feature.

# However, make sure to elim the respective alias and declaration!



if (ENVIRON["passthru"]!="") #XXX

# flag to pass through unsubstitutable tokens to output

print "passthru=" (passthru="ON") >"/dev/tty"

if (ENVIRON["casualvars"]!="")

# flag to suppress the assumption of variables being arrays

print "casualvars=" (casualvars="ON") >"/dev/tty"

if (ENVIRON["nopreamble"]!="")

# flag to suppress the output of the env preamble code

print "nopreamble=" (nopreamble="ON") >"/dev/tty"

if (nopreamble!="ON")

print "#!ksh


"set -A argv '' "$@"


"home=$HOME mail=$MAIL prompt=$PS1 shell=$SHELL


"term=$TERM user=$USER _IFS=$IFS IFS=:


"set -A cdpath '' $CDPATH; set -A path '' $PATH


"IFS=" $_IFS" alias chdir=cd login='exec /bin/login'


"nice='nice ' rehash='PATH=$PATH' unhash='set +o traceall'


"set -o nounset



## any of the following functions+attributes and/or aliases


"## may be eliminated if that feature is not used in this script



"# avail to serve the usual purpose of a label at or near EOF


"function _bailout





"# directory stack: nec to maintain correct dirstack upon chdir


"alias _cd=cd; typeset -fx _cd


"function _cd


"{# make top of directory stack cwd


"set -o noglob +o nounset


"cd "$@" && set +A _dirstack ~+/



"# emulate the csh implementation of "limit"


"alias limit=_limit; typeset -fx _limit


"function _limit


"{eval ulimit -a ${1:+| "

"egrep "^(nofiles\()?${1#cpu}" ||


"print -ru2 limit -- No such limit}



"# emulate the csh implementation of "shift"


"alias shift=_shift; typeset -fx _shift


"function _shift


"{if [[ ${1-argv} = argv ]]


"thentrap 'set -- "${argv[@]}"


"shift 2


"set -A argv "" "$@"' EXIT


"elsetypeset _varx=$1


"eval set -- ""${$1[@]?}""




"set -A $_varx "$@"





"# emulate the csh implementation of "source"


"typeset -fx _source


"function _source


"{iffile ${1:?source -- Too few arguments} 2>&- |


"grep -s '/bin/k?sh'


"thentrap '. "$@"' EXIT


"elseprint -u2 cannot source "$1" -- not k/sh script


"exit 1





"# directory stack: emulate the csh implementation of "dirs"


"typeset -fx dirs


"function dirs


"{# display directory stack


"set -o noglob +o nounset


"typeset dir


"(($#>=2)) &&


"{print -ru2 'dirs: Too many arguments'


"return 1




"if [[ $1 = -l ]]


"thenfor dir in ${_dirstack[*]:-$PWD/}


"doprint -nr -- "${dir%/} "




"elsefor dir in ${_dirstack[*]:-$PWD/}




"case $dir in


"('')print -nr -- '~ ' ;;


"(/*)print -nr -- "${dir%/} " ;;


"(*)print -nr -- "~/${dir%/} " ;;











"# directory stack: emulate the csh implementation of "popd"


"typeset -fx popd


"function popd


"{# cd to and/or delete stack entry


"set -o noglob +o nounset


"if ((!$#))


"then# pop directory off the stack, cd to new top


"if cd ${_dirstack[1]:?Directory stack empty.}


"thenunset _dirstack[0]


"set -A _dirstack ${_dirstack[*]}




"elseunset _dirstack[0]


"set -A _dirstack ${_dirstack[*]}


"return 1




"elif [[ $# = 1 && $1 = ++([0-9]) ]]


"then# case of popd +n: delete nth dir from stack


"typeset -i ndir


"set ${1#+}


"# uncomment to use last element if param exceeds permissible:


"#let "$1 > (ndir=${#_dirstack[*]}-1)" && set -- $ndir


"let "$1 > ${#_dirstack[*]}-1" &&


"{print -u2 'popd: Directory stack not that deep.'


"return 1




"(($1<=0)) &&


"{print -u2 'popd: Bad directory.'


"return 1




"unset _dirstack[$1]


"set -A _dirstack ${_dirstack[*]}




"elseprint -u2 'popd: Too many arguments.'


"return 1





"# directory stack: emulate the csh implementation of "pushd"


"typeset -fx pushd


"function pushd


"{# make new top of stack cwd


"set -o noglob +o nounset


"if ((!$#))


"then# case of pushd without args; swap top two directories


"if cd ${_dirstack[1]:?No other directory.} 2>&-


"thenset +A _dirstack ${_dirstack[1]} ${_dirstack[0]}




"elseprint -ru2


""pushd: ${_dirstack[1]}: No such file or directory."


"return 1




"elif [[ $# = 1 && $1 = ++([0-9]) ]]


"then# case of pushd +n: rotate left n times directory stack


"typeset -i ndir nrot=${1#+}


"typeset firstdir


"# uncomment to use last element if param exceeds permissible:


"#let "nrot+1>(ndir=${#_dirstack[*]})" && let nrot=ndir-1


"let "nrot > (ndir=${#_dirstack[*]}-1)" &&


"{print -ru2 'pushd: Directory stack not that deep.'


"return 1




"((nrot<=0)) &&


"{print -ru2 'pushd: +0: No such file or directory.'


"return 1




"while let '(nrot-=1)>=0'




"unset _dirstack[0]


"set -A _dirstack ${_dirstack[*]} $firstdir




"cd ${_dirstack[0]} && dirs


"elif (($#==1))


"then# one argument is directory to push


"if cd ${1:?No such file or directory.} 2>&-


"thenset -A _dirstack ~+/ ${_dirstack[*]:-$OLDPWD/}




"elseprint -ru2 "pushd: $1: No such file or directory."


"return 1




"elseprint -ru2 'pushd: Too many arguments.'


"return 1







{donescan="OFF" }# like a "next" command, except ...

/^[ ]*($|#)/ {# empty line or comment

# Suppress newlines between case patterns, so that

# introduced escaped newlines will act appropriately.

if (prevcase==NR-1)






{gsub("[ ]+;", ";")# so that "command ;" !~ /command[ ]/

if ($0!~/[ ]+/)

sub("[ ]+$", "")

sub(";$", "")


/$/ {# normalize and convert variable syntax

#XXX must appear before `.*`

gsub("${?", "${#"); gsub("$?", "$#")

gsub("${?#?[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]+([.*]])?}?", "!<!&!>!")

gsub("$[1-9]", "!<!&!>!")


# delimit variable with braces, if none exist:

gsub("!>![", "[")

if (gsub("]", "&}"))

gsub("]}}", "]}")

if (gsub("!<!$", "&{"))

gsub("!<!${{", "!<!${")

if (gsub("!>!", "}&"))

gsub("}}!>!", "}!>!")


# add default "[@]" array indices, if none exist:

gsub("[*]", "[@]")# [*] -> [@]

# turn positional parameters into argv array r-values (for robustness)

if (casualvars!="ON")

if (gsub("${[1-9]}!>!", "${argv[!#!&!#!"))

{gsub("!#!${", "")

gsub("}!>!!#!", "]}")


if (casualvars!="ON")

if (gsub("}!>!", "[@]&"))

gsub("[@][@]", "[@]")# ${var} -> ${var[@]}

gsub("}[", "[")# ${var}[ -> ${var[


# substitute special variables:

gsub("$#0", "${0:+1}")# special case: $?0 must be in ((...))

gsub("${status[@]}", "$?")

gsub("${child[@]}", "$!")

gsub("${cwd[@]}", "${PWD}")


# miscellaneous:

gsub("![<>]!", "")

#XXXgsub(":g[ehrtq]", "")# specifiers won't work on array elmts

gsub(":q", "")# implement instead using dquotes!

gsub("}:e", "##*.}")

gsub("}:h", "%/*}")

gsub("}:r", "%.*}")

gsub("}:t", "##*/}")


/(^|[ ;&|])set[ ]/ {# set command syntax

#XXX $0 alert! (must then be EOL)

# "set var = ( ... )"

# -xor-

# "set var = value" -or- "set var=value" -or- "set var"

# "set echo/ignoreeof/noclobber/noglob/nonomatch/notify/verbose"

sub("(^|[ ]+)set[ ]+", "")

if (gsub("[ ]+=", "="))

gsub("=[ ]+", "=")

if ($0~")($|[ ])")

{# "set var=(...)" -> "set -A var ... ;"

gsub("[^ ]+=(", " ; set -A &")

gsub("=(", " ")

gsub(")", " ; ")

gsub("set -A argv[^;]*", "& && set -- "${argv[@]}"")

sub("^ ; ", "")



{#XXX quoted text may get changed!!

$0=" " $0 " "

gsub("[ ]+", " ")

gsub(" [A-Za-z_0-9]+ ", " &= ")

gsub(" +=", "=")

sub("^ +", "") #XXX

print "DEBUG: |" $0 "|" >"/dev/tty"

# "set echo/ignoreeof/noclobber/noglob/nonomatch/notify/verbose"

sub("echo=", ";set -o xtrace ;")

sub("ignoreeof=", ";set -o ignoreeof ;")

sub("noglob=", ";set -o noglob ;")

sub("nonomatch=", ";set -o verbose ;")

sub("verbose=", ";set -o verbose ;")



/(^|[ ;&|])source[ ]/ {# source script

#XXX either this or function _source defined above!

if (nopreamble=="ON")

gsub("source[ ]+", ". ")


/(^|[ ;&|])echo($|[ ])/ {# echo -> print

gsub("echo[ ]*", "print -- ")

sub("print -- -n[ ]", "print -n -- ")


/(^|[ ;&|])foreach[ ].*(.*)/ {# foreach -> for ... do

# warning! (.*) must appear on the same line

#XXX must appear before (.*) part

#XXX $2 alert! (foreach must then be BOL)

gsub("foreach", "for ")

sub($2, $2 " in ")

gsub("(", "")

gsub(")", " ; do ")


/(^|[ ;&|])while[ ]+(.*)/ {# while -> while ... do

# warning! (.*) must appear on the same line

gsub("(", "")

gsub(")", " ; do ")


/(^|[ ;&|])goto[ ]/ {# goto -> funct call (see docs)

#XXX must appear before "case" part

#XXX can goto's be right semi delimited ?

# _Back_ reference(s) and/or _one_ skip-to-EOF

# label ("_bailout") are the only ones permitted.

gsub("goto[ ]+_?", "_")



/(^|[ ;&|])case[ ].*/ {# case -> case-pattern

# warning! must appear rightmost

#XXX must appear before label part

if (prevcase!=NR-1)

gsub("case[ ]+", "")


gsub("case[ ]+", "|")

gsub(":", "")

# for multiple "case" statements having appeared on same line: #XXX

gsub("\[ ]+|?", " | ")



/(^|[ ;&|])switch[ ]+(.*)/ {# switch -> case ... {

# warning! must not appear with another (.*)

#XXX (.*) must appear on the same line

gsub("switch[ ]+", "case ")

gsub("(", " ")

gsub(")", " { ")


/(^|[ ;&|])breaksw$/ {# breaksw -> ;;

# warning! you _must_ use the (optional!) "breaksw" command

#XXX can this be right semi delimited?

gsub("breaksw", " ;; ")


/(^|[ ;&|])endsw$/ {# endsw -> esac

#XXX can this be right semi delimited ?

gsub("endsw", "}")


/(^|[ ;&|])alias[ ]/ {# alias syntax

#XXX $0 alert! (must then be EOL)

# unalias is meant to pass through

# "csh: alias var 1 2" -> "alias var (1 2)"

sub("alias[ ]+[A-Za-z_0-9]+[ ]", "&!<!") #XXX

sub(" !<!", "='")

$0=$0 "'"


/(^|[ ;&|])setenv($|[ ])/ {# setenv -> export

#XXX $2 alert! (must then be BOL)

#XXX $0 alert! (must then be EOL)

#XXX can this be right semi delimited ?

gsub("setenv", "export ")

if ($2!="")

{sub($2, $2 "=")

sub("=[ ]*", "='")

$0=$0 "'"



/(^|[ ;&|])end$/ {# end -> done

#XXX can this be right semi delimited ?

gsub("end", "done")


/(^|[ ;&|])endif$/ {# endif -> fi

# csh: must be the first word on the line

#XXX can this be right semi delimited ?

gsub("endif", "fi")


/(^|[ ;&|])(else[ ]+)?if[ ]*(/ {# else if -> elif

# csh: must be the first word on the line

#XXX must appear before "if" part

gsub("else[ ]+if[ ]*", "elif ")


/(^|[ ;&|])(el)?if[ ]*(.*)/ {# (else)if/then syntax

# warning! (.*) must appear on the same line

#XXX except when their is no "then" part!

#XXX $0 alert! (must then be EOL) ??

if ($0~/)[ ]+then($|[ ])/)

{gsub(")[ ]+then($|[ ])", ") ; then ")



{# if ... syntax -> ... &&

gsub("if[ ]+(", "( ")

gsub(")[ ]+", ") && ")



/(.*)/ {# expression syntax

# warning! (.*) part must appear on the same line

#XXX need to convert to ((...)) when applicable

#gsub("&&", " ]] &&

[[ ")

#gsub("||", " ]] ||

[[ ")


# (...)grouping

# ~one's complement

# !logicalnegation

# * / %multiplication,division, remainder (These are

# right associative, which can lead to

# unexpected results. Group combinations

# explicitly withparentheses.)

# + -addition, subtraction (also right associative)

# << >>bitwiseshift left, bitwise shift right

# < > <= >=less than, greater than, less than or equal

# to, greater than or equal to

# == != =~ !~equal to, not equal to,filename-substitution

# patternmatch (described below), filename-

# substitution pattern mismatch

# &bitwiseAND

# ^bitwiseXOR (exclusive or)

# |bitwiseinclusive OR

# &&logicalAND

# ||logicalOR


#XXX change into ((...)) or [[ ... ]], where appropriate.

gsub("(", " [[ ")

gsub(")", " ]] ")

gsub("==", "=")

gsub("=~", "=")

gsub("!~", "!=")

gsub("<=", "-le")

gsub(">=", "-ge")

gsub(">", "-lt")

gsub("<", "-gt")


/[ ="']`.*`/ {# command substitution syntax

#XXX must be after expression part

#XXX do csh bquotes need to both be on the same line?

while (sub("`", "$("))

sub("`", ")")


/$</ {# $< -> read ...

#XXX must appear after expression syntax

#XXX set var = ($<) ??

gsub("$<", "$(line)")

#gsub("=$<", "")

#gsub($1, "read " $1)


/(^|[ ;&|])unalias[ ]/ {# unalias syntax

#XXX unalias with no arguments is meant to pass through

#XXX will choke on escaped file substitution words!

gsub("*", ".*", $2)

gsub("?", ".", $2)

gsub("unalias[ ]+", "unalias $(typeset +|grep '^" $2 "$')")


/(^|[ ;&|])unset[ ]/ {# unset syntax

#XXX must appear after `.*` and expression parts

#XXX will choke on escaped file substitution words!

gsub("*", ".*", $2)

gsub("?", ".", $2)

gsub("unset[ ]", "unset $(typeset +|grep '^" $2 "$')")



/XXX(^|[ ;&|)@($|[ ])/ {# @ -> let

#XXX must appear after expresssion part

#XXX does "@" have a significance to a "nawk" r.e. ??

if ($2!="")

{sub("@[ ]+", "(( ")

$0=$0 " ))"



{sub("@", "typeset -")



/(^|[ ;&|])onintr($|[ ])/ {# interrupt trapping

#XXX $0 alert (must then be EOL!)

if ($0~/onintr$/)

{$0="trap -"


else if ($0~/[ ]-$/)

{$0="trap ''"



{gsub("onintr[ ]+", "trap _")

$0=$0 " INT"



/^[ ]*default:$/ {# default: -> *)

#XXX must appear before "label" part

gsub("default:", "*)")


/(^|[ ;&|])[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*:$/ {# goto label -> function definition

#XXX $0 alert! (must then be EOL)

# The special label "_bailout" should be used

# for the usual purpose of breaking to EOF.

if ($0~/(^|[ ]+)_?bailout:$/)

next# already defined as function above

sub("[A-Za-z_0-9]+:", "_&")

sub(":", " () { eval ${1:+trap "set -- $@; set -A argv "$@"" EXIT}")


/>&?(?!)?/ {# redirection operators syntax

# > >! >& >&!

# >> >>& >>! >>&!

gsub(">>&", " 2!#!&1 !#!>")

gsub(">&", " 2>&1 >")

gsub("!#!", ">")

gsub(">(\)?!", ">|")

gsub(">>|", ">>")# because ">>|" is ksh syntax error


{gsub(" +", " ")# strip redundant spaces

#XXX this should be subsumed by escnl rejoined in prior pass

if ($0~/[&|][ ]+$/)

# "|", "||", "&&" operators don't need escaped newline

$0=substr($0, 1, length($0)-2)

sub(" ", "")

sub("[ ]+$", "")# strip any trailing whitespace

sub("[^;];$", "")# strip any trailing semicolon

sub("[^;];$", "")# and do it again (#XXXtry "@" feature)

if (!prevcase || prevcase==NR-1)

# append right paren delimiting multi-line case patterns


" $0


#printf "%2d,%2d: %s

", NR, prevcase, $0



#XXX undefined hash print order!

# for every "onintr" label turned into a function...

for (key in label)

if (key!="_bailout")

print "}; " label[key]



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