FreeBSD4.7 上搭建squid代理mysql认证服务器
接着声明一下,本人的语文水平很不好,写的文档可能比较糟糕,但是看在我辛辛苦苦作了好几个通宵的份上希望有人在转载时注名出处http: // 和作者wjp,还有第一段感谢的人。^_^谢谢。
一. 我试用了squid,socks5,wingate,kingate,觉得squid适用像我们学校这种单位应用。
二. 我用的操作系统是FreeBSD,虽然我是BSD的超级菜鸟,但是在浏览squid的FAQ时看到,squid可能在FreeBSD上运行是比较快的,加上hj的极力推荐,我相信FreeBSD不会让大家失望的。
操作系统和软件的安装,本人学FreeBSD没有一个星期,全靠hj的帮助,还有FreeBSD手册才搞定得,我装的是FreeBSD4.8从 ftp.freeBSD.org上下载的mini版,大家可以参考FreeBSD的手册http: // 。我现在会的就是能把FreeBSD安装完,设好ip上网,大家肯定比我厉害^_^。
现在的BSD上是没有squid和mysql的,我先安装squid。我是用ports安装的(如果你不会和我一样菜的话,我建议你仔细读一下 这篇文章,我相信你也会喜欢ports的):
BSD# cd /usr/ports/www/squid
BSD# make install
BSD# make clean
BSD# cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql323-server
BSD# make install
BSD# make clean
我把它放在/tmp下(这儿是e文的文档 )。
BSD# tar -zxvf mysql_auth-0.5.tar.gz
BSD# cd mysql_auth-0.5
BSD# make
BSD# make install
BSD# make
gcc -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -c src/mysql_auth.c
gcc -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -c src/confparser.c
gcc -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -c src/mypasswd.c
gcc -o mysql_auth src/mysql_auth.c src/confparser.c -lmysqlclient -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib
/usr/libexec/elf/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient
*** Error code 1
Stop in /tmp/10-13/mysql_auth-0.5.
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib
LDFLAGS = -lmysqlclient
SRC = src
OBJS = $(SRC)/mysql_auth.o $(SRC)/confparser.o $(SRC)/mypasswd.o
INSTALL = /usr/bin/install
CONF = $(SRC)/mysql_auth.conf
all : mysql_auth mypasswd
rm -rf src/*.o *.o mysql_auth mypasswd
mysql_auth: $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o $@ $(SRC)/mysql_auth.c $(SRC)/confparser.c $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)
mypasswd: $(OBJS)
$(CC) -o $@ $(SRC)/mypasswd.c $(SRC)/confparser.c $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)
$(INSTALL) -o nobody -g nogroup -m 755 mysql_auth /usr/local/squid/bin/mysql_auth
$(INSTALL) -o root -g wheel -m 700 mypasswd /usr/local/bin/mypasswd
$(INSTALL) -o nobody -g nogroup -m 600 $(CONF) /usr/local/squid/etc/mysql_auth.conf
$(INSTALL) -o nobody -g nogroup -m 600 $(CONF) /usr/local/squid/etc/mysql_auth.conf.default
关键是CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib这一行它认为libmysqlclients.a在/usr/local/lib这个目录下,实际上我的在 /usr/local/lib/mysql下,这个就是错误的原因,所以你要改写这句话把它改成你的libmysqlclients.a所在的地方,(这个文件cp 到/usr/local/lib不行我试过,不知道别人怎么样)
我的就是CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib/mysql
然后在make install,如果这儿过不去,那么可能是这个问题看看你现在有没有对/usr/local/squid/bin和 /usr/local/squid/etc这个有权限,如果没有改过来,如果没有这个目录那么mkdir建立这两个目录,相信这样之后你就能通过编译了。
BSD# cd /usr/local/etc/squid
BSD# vi squid.conf
acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED
http_access allow password
auth_param basic program /usr/local/squid/bin/mysql_auth
运行squid看看正常吗,squid –z先初始话cache,然后squid -NCd1
BSD# cd /tmp/10-13/mysql_auth-0.5/scripts
BSD# cd path/to/mysql_auth-source/scripts
BSD# mysql -u root -p < create_script
Enter password: 你的root的密码,如果没有那么就没有这行输入
To add a user:
BSD#> mysql –u root-p mysql_auth
Enter password:
Welcome message...
mysql> insert into data values ('wjp', '123456');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
如果你希望data表里存的密码是加密的那么就用password这个函数如下如果这儿用的是加密方式那么mysql_auth.conf中也要指定是加密方式,默认的密码是不加密的。mysql_auth.conf中的选项是encrypt_password_form NO
shell> mysql -u your_user_name -p mysql_auth
Enter password:
Welcome message...
mysql> insert into data values ('wjp', password("123456"));
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
到这一步你运行mysql,运行squid,然后设上代理用wjp这个帐号,用123456这个密码就可以了,good luck!^_^
如果你的mysql不和squid装在一台机器上,你就要配置mysql_auth.conf这个文件了以下是对mysql_auth.conf 简单的解释,说明写的很清楚,如果你熟悉mysql的话作这个没有问题的。我也不多说了。如果不太明白的我建议先看看mysql。
# mysql_auth.conf - an mysql authenticator config file
# this is the default name. you can call this by other name,
# but set up it in mysql_auth-source/src/define.h.
# comment: first character in line is '#'
# empty line (EOL at first) allowed
# format of parameters and their values:
# parameter - SPACE(S) and/or TAB(S) - value
# IMPORTANT: see the mysql_auth-source/scripts/create_script
# this configuration file made by this script
# by Ervin Hegedus, 2002
# hostname
# where is the mysql server - the server hostname or IP address;
# first 'hostname' directive, and after space(s) or tab(s) its
# value
# default:
hostname localhost
# user
# which user can connect to database
# default:
user squid
# password
# user's password for database, that store the accounts
# default:
password squid
# database
# mysql database name, where accounts places are
# default:
database mysql_auth
# next three directives tells what will the select query,
# like this:
# SELECT * FROM table WHERE user_column LIKE "username" AND password_column LIKE "password"
# where username and password comes from client in HTTP header,
# and user_column and password_column is the columns name in table
# this is an easy way to tune this program to your existing database
# table
# the table name, where accounts exist in user-password pair
# default:
table data
# user_column
# user column name in table
# if you already have a database, what contains user-password
# pair, you can set it here
user_column user
# password_column
# password column name in table
# like user column name above
password_column password
# encrypt_password_form
# passwords are stored in encrypted form,
# using mysql internal 'password()' function
# this mean, you just storing the passwords encrypted format,
# Squid and clients doesn't use encrypt form!
# The value is case insensitive (YES/yes or not one of these).
# For backward compatibility, default is NO.
encrypt_password_form NO
写到这儿已经是2003-10-15 2:15了,困了,睡觉了,good luck!^_^