21. Is there a version for Microsoft Windows(tm)? MacOS? Is there a browser plugin?
Yes, no, and yes. Gurusamy Sarathy made a Perl/Tk for Windows NT available first with the Spring 1997 alpha release of Tk402.000. Subsequent developments appear to include multi-compiler support, firmer Win 95 support, better out of the box extensibility with XS based modules, etc. ActiveState Corporation now makes a binary of the Tk module available through its PPM mechanism.
Apparently no one is putting together Perl/Tk for OpenVMS, MacOS, BeOS, QNX, or the other platforms where one might imagine it feasible.
On the other hand, maintenance of a Perl/Tk "plugin" for Netscape Navigator is gearing up as of late 2000. While it seems to be moving to SourceForge, most of the content is at its old home page.
21. Perl/Tk有Microsoft Windows(tm)下的版本吗?MacOS呢?有浏览器插件吗?
在Windows 系统中,简单的办法就是使用ActiveState公司提供的ActivePerl,那样的话就可以直接采用PPM安装他们提供的Tk包了。当然如果你实在不喜欢ActivePerl,也可以自己在Windows系统上编译安装Perl,以及Perl/Tk包。(译者注:这段没有按照原著翻译……畅
另一方面,从2000年开始,已经有人在给Netscape Navigator浏览器制作Perl/Tk的“插件”了。现在,它们的项目被搬到了SourceForge上,不过大部分的内容还在他们的旧主页上。(译者注:本人也是第一次听说这个,好像是挺不错的想法!但是因为手头没有Netscape,所以没法试,也不知道是不是真的好用?希望哪位试过以后告诉大家一下,谢谢!)