12.5. Is there a way to find out what is in my perl/Tk "PATH"?
Presuming this question is asking for a little more than the answer you get when you type: ls perl5/lib/Tk/*.pm
there are ways to find out what gets EXPORTED by Tk.pm. Use a script like: #!/usr/bin/perl use Tk; require 'dumpvar.pl'; dumpvar('Tk');
or more succintly at the shell command prompt: perl -e 'use Tk; require "dumpvar.pl"; dumpvar("Tk");'
The advantage of using dumpvar over ls is that it gives you a brief summary of all the arguments your widgets want. Note that the output is many lines and you may wish to pipe through more or less.
If you wish to determine the Configuration options a given widget accepts (and what the values are at a given point in a script) you may use the ->configure method with no arguments to retrieve the list of lists, as in this example: #!/usr/bin/perl use Tk; my $main = MainWindow -> new; my $scrl = $main -> Scrollbar('-orient' => 'horizontal'); @scrollconfig = $scrl -> configure; for (@scrollconfig) { print "@$_\n"; } etc.
Such code is useful for development but is probably best left out, commented out, or switched out of "production line" code.
12.5 有什么办法可以了解Perl/Tk的路径中有哪些模块吗?
ls perl5/lib/Tk/*.pm
use Tk;
require 'dumpvar.pl';
perl -e 'use Tk; require "dumpvar.pl"; dumpvar("Tk");'
perl -e "use Tk; require 'dumpvar.pl';dumpvar('Tk');")
use Tk;
my $main = MainWindow -> new;
my $scrl = $main -> Scrollbar('-orient' => 'horizontal');
@scrollconfig = $scrl -> configure;
for (@scrollconfig) {
print "@$_\n";