Copy the following into ~/.cshrc
set NONE="33[0m"
set BLACK="33[0;30m"
set DK_GRAY="33[1;30m"
set BLUE="33[0;34m"
set LT_BLUE="33[1;34m"
set GREEN="33[0;32m"
set LT_GREEN="33[1;32m"
set CYAN="33[0;36m"
set LT_CYAN="33[1;36m"
set RED="33[0;31m"
set LT_RED="33[1;31m"
set PURPLE="33[0;35m"
set LT_PURPLE="33[1;35m"
set BROWN="33[0;33m"
set YELLOW="33[1;33m"
set LT_GRAY="33[0;37m"
set WHITE="33[1;37m"
# %B begin bold
# %b end bold
# %{ begin control escape
# %} end control escape, cannot be the last in prompt
# %m hostname, without domain
# %/ current directory
# %D day in dd format
# %W month in mm format
# %Y year in yyyy format
# %l tty
# %P time in 24 hour format
# %h history number
#set mhost=`/bin/uname -n | /bin/sed -e '/^ *$/d' -e 's/..*//'`
set mhost=`/bin/uname -n`
set mtty=`/usr/bin/tty | cut -d/ -f 3-4`
alias precmd '/usr/bin/tput bold; set mclock=`date +%X`; echo "
t}${NONE} : ${LT_CYAN}${mtty}${NONE} : ${LT_GREEN}${mclock}${NONE} : ${YELLOW}${
cwd}${NONE}"; /usr/bin/tput sgr0'
if ( -o /bin/su ) then
set prompt="%B%{${LT_PURPLE}%}%h %{${NONE}%}# %b"
set prompt="%B%{${LT_PURPLE}%}%h %{${NONE}%}% %b"