

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-18
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Open WebMail is a webmail system based on

the Neomail version 1.14 from Ernie Miller.

Open WebMail is targeted on dealing with very big mail folder files in a

memory efficient way. It also provides many features to help users to

switch from Microsoft Outlook smoothly.



Open WebMail has the following enhanced features:

1. fast folder access

2. efficient messages movement

3. smaller memory footprint

4. convenient folder and message operation

5. graceful filelock

6. remote SMTP relaying

7. virtual hosting

8. user alias

9. pure virtual user support

10. per user capability configuration

11. various authentication modules

12. pam support

13. full content search

14. strong MIME support (presentation and composing)

15. draft folder support

16. reply with stationery support

17. spelling check support

18. POP3 mail support

19. mail filter support

20. message count preview

21. confirm reading support

22. charset auto conversion

23. calendar with reminder/notification support

24. web disk support

25. persistent running through SpeedyCGI

26. HTTP compression support



Apache web server with cgi enabled

Perl 5.005 or above

CGI.pm-2.74.tar.gz (required)

MIME-Base64-2.12.tar.gz (required)

libnet-1.0901.tar.gz (required)

Text-Iconv-1.2.tar.gz (required)

libiconv-1.8.tar.gz (required if system doesn't support iconv)

CGI-SpeedyCGI-2.21.tar.gz (optional)

Compress-Zlib-1.21.tar.gz (optional)

ispell-3.1.20.tar.gz (optional)

Quota-1.4.6.tar.gz (optional)

Authen-PAM-0.12.tar.gz (optional)

ImageMagick-5.5.3.tar.gz (optional)



First, you have to download required packages from


and copy them to /tmp

For CGI.pm do the following:

cd /tmp

tar -zxvf CGI.pm-2.74.tar.gz

cd CGI.pm-2.74

perl Makefile.PL


make install

ps: It is reported that Open Webmail will hang in attachment uploading

when used with older version of CGI module. We recommend using CGI

version 2.74 or above for Open WebMail.

To check the version of your CGI module :

perl -MCGI -e 'print $CGI::VERSION'

For MIME-Base64 do the following:

cd /tmp

tar -zxvf MIME-Base64-2.12.tar.gz

cd MIME-Base64-2.12

perl Makefile.PL


make install

ps: Though you may already have the MIME-Base64 perl module,

we recommended you install MIME-Base64 module from source.

This would enable the XS support in this module which greatly

improves the encoding/decoding speed of MIME attachment.

For libnet do the following:

cd /tmp

tar -zxvf libnet-1.0901.tar.gz

cd libnet-1.0901

perl Makefile.PL (ans 'no' if asked to update configuration)


make install

For Text-Iconv-1.2 do the following:

Since Text-Iconv-1.2 is actually a perl interface to the underlying iconv()

support, you have to check if iconv() support is available in your system.

Please type the following command

man iconv

If there is no manual page for iconv, your system may not support iconv().

Don't worry, you can have the iconv() support by installing libiconv package.

cd /tmp

tar -zxvf libiconv-1.8.tar.gz

cd libiconv-1.8



make install

Type 'man iconv' again to make sure the libiconv is successfully installed.

Then we start to install the Text-Iconv package

cd /tmp

tar -zxvf Text-Iconv-1.2.tar.gz

cd Text-Iconv-1.2

perl Makefile.PL

ps: if your system is FreeBSD, or you just installed libiconv manually,

please edit the Makefile.PL and change the LIBS and INC lines

to the following before doing 'perl Makefile.PL'

'LIBS' => ['-L/usr/local/lib -liconv'], # e.g., '-lm'

'INC' => '-I/usr/local/include', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'


make test

ps: If the 'make test' failed, it means you set wrong value for LIBS and

INC in Makefile.PL or your iconv support is not complete.

You may copy the uty/iconv.pl.fake to iconv.pl to make openwebmail work

without iconv support.

make install



The latest released or current version is available at


If you are using FreeBSD and install apache with pkg_add,

then just

1. chmod 4555 /usr/bin/suidperl

2. cd /usr/local/www

tar -zxvBpf openwebmail-X.XX.tgz

3. modify /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/openwebmail.conf for your need.

4. execute /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail-tool.pl --init

ps: If you are using RedHat 7.x (or most Linux) with Apache

1. cd /var/www

tar -zxvBpf openwebmail-X.XX.tgz

mv data/openwebmail html/

rmdir data

2. cd /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail

modify auth_unix.pl

a. set variable $unix_passwdfile_encrypted to '/etc/shadow'

b set variable $unix_passwdmkdb to 'none'

3. modify /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/openwebmail.conf

a. set mailspooldir to '/var/spool/mail'

b. set ow_htmldir to '/var/www/html/openwebmail'

set ow_cgidir to '/var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail'

c. set spellcheck to '/usr/bin/ispell'

d. change default_signature for your need

e. other changes you want

4. add

/var/log/openwebmail.log {


/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd



to /etc/logrotate.d/syslog to enable logrotate on openwebmail.log

5. execute /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail-tool.pl --init

If you are using RedHat 6.2, please use /home/httpd instead of /var/www

ps: It is highly recommended to read the doc/RedHat-README.txt(contributed by

elitric.AT.yahoo.com) if you are installing Open WebMail on RedHat Linux.

ps: Thomas Chung (tchung.AT.openwebmail.org) maintains the rpm for all

released and current version of openwebmail, It is available at


You can get openwebmail working in 5 minutes with this :)

If you are using other UNIX with apache, that is okay

Try to find the parent directory of both your data and cgi-bin directory,

eg: /usr/local/apache/share, then

1. cd /usr/local/apache/share

tar -zxvBpf openwebmail-X.XX.tgz

mv data/openwebmail htdocs/

rmdir data

2. modify /usr/local/apache/share/cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/openwebmail.conf

a. set mailspooldir to where your system mail spool is

b. set ow_htmldir to '/usr/local/apache/share/htdocs'

set ow_cgidir to '/usr/local/apache/share/cgi-bin'

c. set spellcheck to '/usr/local/bin/ispell'

d. change default_signature for your need

e. other changes you want

3. cd /usr/local/apache/share/cgi-bin/openwebmail

modify openwebmail*.pl

change the #!/usr/bin/suidperl to the location where your suidperl is.

modify auth_unix.pl

a. set variable $unix_passwdfile_encrypted to '/etc/shadow'

b set variable $unix_passwdmkdb to 'none'

4. execute /usr/local/apache/share/cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail-tool.pl --init

ps:If you are installing Open WebMail on Solaris, please put

'the path of your openwebmail cgi directory' in the first line of

file /etc/openwebmail_path.conf.

For example, if the script is located at


then the content of /etc/openwebmail_path.conf should be:


ps: If you are using Apache server 2.0 or later,

please edit your Apache Configuration file, replace

AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1


AddDefaultCharset off



In the last step of installing openwebmail, you have done:

cd the_directory_of_openwebmail_cgi_scripts

./openwebmail-tool.pl --init

This init will create the mapping tables used by openwebmail in the future.

If you skip this step, you will not be able to access the openwebmail through

web interface.

And since perl on various platforms may use different underlying dbm system,

the init routine will test them and try to give you some useful suggestions.

1. it checks dbm_ext, dbmopen_ext and dbmopen_haslock options in

openwebmail.conf, if they are set to wrong value, you may see output like


Please change the following 3 options in openwebmail.conf


dbm_ext .db

dbmopen_ext none

dbmopen_haslock no


dbm_ext .db

dbmopen_ext %dbm_ext%

dbmopen_haslock yes


2. it checks if the dbm system uses DB_File.pm by default and

will suggest a necessary patch to DN_File.pm, you may see output like


Please modify /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/mach/DB_File.pm by adding

$arg[3] = 0666 unless defined $arg[3];

before the following text (about line 247)

# make recno in Berkeley DB version 2 work like recno in version 1


Please follow the suggestion or the openwebmail may not work properly.

And don't forget to redo './openwebmail-tool.pl --init' after you complete

the modification.



To make openwebmail use other SMTP server for mail sending,

you have to set the option 'smtpserver' in openwebmail.conf.

Just change the default value '' to the name/ip of that SMTP server.

Please be sure the SMTP server allows mail relayed from your openwebmail host.



The mailfilter checks if messages in INBOX folder matches the filters rules

defined by user. If matches, move/copy the message to the target folder.

If you move a message to the DELETE folder, which means deleting messages

from a folder. If you use INBOX as the destination in a filter rule,

any message matching this rule will be kept in the INBOX folder and

other rules will be ignored.



The disk space used by webmail, webcalendar or webdisk are counted together as

the user quota usage. There are five options can be used to control the user

quota in openwebmail.conf.default. You may override the defaults by setting

them in openwebmail.conf.

1. quota_module

This option is used to choose the quota system for your openwebmail.

There are two quota modules available currently.

a. quota_unixfs.pl

This is the recommended quota module if the openwebmail user is the real

unix user and you system has enables the disk quota.

It has the minimal overhead.

ps:You have to install the Quota-1.4.6.tar.gz to use the module.

b. quota_du.pl

This is the recommended module only if quota_unixfs.pl could not be used on

your system (eg: openwebmail user is not standard unix user or unix quota

is not available.), because it uses the 'du -sk' to get the user quota usage.

Since running 'du -sk' on a large directory may be quote time consuming,

this module will cache the result of the 'du -sk' to avoid too much overhead.

The default cache lifetime is 60 seconds and could be changed in quota_du.pl

If you set this option to 'none', then no quota system will be used in openwebmail

2. quota_limit

This option sets the limit (in kb) for user quota usage.

The webmail and webdisk operation is limited to 'delete' if quota is hit.

This option does not prevent the operation taking the user over this limit

from completing, it simply inhibits further saving of messages or files

until the user quota usage is brought down again.

ps: The value set in this option is used only if quota module doesn't support

quotalimit. ( whose quota_info() routine returns the quotalimit as -1 )

ps: If you use the quota_unixfs.pl as the quota module,

please be sure that there is some space between the softlimit and

hardlimit (eg:5mb)

eg: filesystem quota softlimit=25000, hardlimit=30000

3. quota_threshold

Normally, the user quota info will be put in the window title of the browser.

But if the user quota usage is more the threshold set by this option,

a big quota string will be displayed at the top of webmail and webdisk main menu

4. delmail_ifquotahit

Set this option to yes to make openwebmail remove oldest messages from user

mail folders automatically in case his quotalimit is hit. the new total

size will be cut down to apporximately 90% of option quota_limit

5. delfile_ifquotahit

Set this option to yes to make openwebmail remove oldest files from webdisk

/ automatically in case his quotalimit is hit. the new total

size will be cut down to apporximately 90% of option quota_limit

ps:The above options are used to control quota of user homedir.

if you want to limit the size of user mail spool (the INBOX folder),

you have to use the spool_limit option.

Please refer to openwebmail.conf.help for more detail.

COMMAND TOOL openwebmail-tool.pl


Since mail filtering is activated only in Open WebMail, it means messages

will stay in the INBOX until user reads their mail with Open WebMail.

So 'finger' or other mail status check utility may give you wrong

information since they don't know about the filter.

A command tool 'openwebmail-tool.pl' can be used as finger replacement.

It does mail filtering before report mail status.

Some fingerd allow you to specify the name of finger program by -p option

(eg: fingerd on FreeBSD). By changing the parameter to fingerd in

/etc/inetd.conf, users can get their mail status from remote host.

openwebmail-tool.pl can be also used in crontab to prefetch pop3mail or do folder

index verification for users. For example:

59 5 * * * /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail-tool.pl -q -a -p -i

The above line in crontab will do pop3mail prefetching, mail filtering and

folder index verification quietly for all users at 5:59 every morning.

If you have enabled the calendar_email_notifyinterval in openwebmail.conf,

you will also need to use openwebmail-tool.pl in crontab to check the calendar

events for sending the notification emails. For example:

0 */2 * * * /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail-tool.pl -q -a -n

The above line will use openwebmail-tool.pl to check the calendar events for all

users every two hours. Please note we use this frequency because the default

value of option calendar_email_notifyinterval is 120 (minute).

You have to set the crontab according to your calendar_email_notifyinterval.



Current support for global addressbook/filterrule/calendar is very limited.

The administrator has to make a copy of addressbook/filterbook/calendar to

the file specified by global_addressbook, global_filterbook or

global_calendarbook by himself.

ps: An account may be created to maintain the global addressbook/filterbook,

for example: 'global'

ln -s your_global_addressbook ~global/mail/.address.book

ln -s your_global_filterbook ~global/mail/.filter.book

ln -s your_global_calendarbook ~global/mail/.calendar.book

Please be sure that the global files are writeable by user 'global'

and readable by others



To enable the spell check in openwebmail, you have to install the ispell or

aspell package.

1. download ispell-3.1.20.tar.gz from

http://www.cs.ucla.edu/ficus-members/geoff/ispell.html and install it,

or you can install binary from FreeBSD package or Linux rpm

ps: if you are compiling ispell from source, you may enhance your ispell

by using a better dictionary source.

a. download http://openwebmail.com/openwebmail/download/contrib/words.gz

b. gzip -d words.gz

c. mkdir /usr/dict; cp words /usr/dict/words

d. start to make your ispell by reading README

2. check the openwebmail.conf to see if spellcheck is pointed to the

ispell binary

3. If you have installed multiple dictionaries for your ispell/aspell,

you may put them in option spellcheck_dictionaries in openwebmail.conf

and these dictionary names should be separated with comma.

ps: To know if a specific dictionary is successfully installed on

your system, you can do a test with following command

ispell -d dictionaryname -a

4. If the language used by a dictionary has a different character set than

English, you have to define the characters in %dictionary_letters in

the openwebmail-spell.pl for that dictionary.



The auto reply function in Open WebMail is done with the vacation utility.

Since vacation utility is not available on some unix, a perl version of

vacation utility 'vacation.pl' is distributed with openwebmail.

This vacation.pl has the same syntax as the one on Solaris.

If the autoreply doesn't work on your system,

you can do debug with the -d option

1. choose a user, enable his autoreply in openwebmail user preference

2. edit the ~user/.forward file,

add the '-d' option after vacation.pl

3. send a message to this user to test the autoreply

4. check the /tmp/vacation.debug for possible error information



The webdisk module provides a web interface for user to use his home

directory as a virtual disk on the web. It is also designed as a

storage of the mail attachments, you can freely copy attachments

between mail messages and the webdisk.

The / of the virtual disk is mapped to the user's home directory,

any item displayed in the virtual disk is actually located under the

user home directory.

Webdisk supports basic file operation (mkdir, rmdir, copy, move, rm),

file upload and download (multiple files or directories download is supported,

webdisk compresses them into a zip stream on the fly when transmitting).

It can also handle many types of archives, including zip, arj, rar, tar.gz,

tar.bz, tar.bz2, tgz, tbz, gz, z...

Obviously, WebDisk have to call external program to provide all the above

features, it finds the external programs in /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin

and /bin respectively.

the external programs used by webdisk are:

basic file uty - cp, mv, rm,

file compression/decompression - gzip, bzip2,

archive uty - tar, zip, unzip, unrar, unarj, lha

image thumbnail uty - convert (in ImageMagick package)

ps: You don't have to install all external programs to use WebDisk,

a feature will be disabled if related external program is not available.

External commands are invoked with exec() and parameters are passed by

array, which prevents using /bin/sh for shell escaped character

interpretation and thus is quite secure.

To limit the WebDisk space used by the user, please refer to the

'USER QUOTA' section



You can have as many virtual domains as you want on same server with only one

copy of openwebmail installed. Open Webmail supports per domain config file.

Each domain can have its own set of configuration options, including

domainname, authentication module, quota limit, mailspooldir ...

You can even setup mail accounts for users without creating real unix accounts

for them. Please refer to Kevin Ellis's webpage:

"How to setup virtual users on Open WebMail using Postfix & vm-pop3d"


eg: To create configuration file for virtualdomain 'sr1.domain.com'

1. cd cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/sites.conf/

2. cp ../openwebmail.conf sr1.domain.com

3. edit options in file 'sr1.domain.com' for domain 'vr1.domain.com'



Open Webmail can use the sendmail virtusertable for user alias mapping.

The loginname typed by user may be pure name or name@somedomain. And this

loginname can be mapped to another pure name or name@otherdomain in the

virtusertable. This gives you the great flexibility in account management.

Please refer to http://www.sendmail.org/virtual-hosting.html for more detail

When a user logins Open WebMail with a loginname,

this loginname will be checked in the following order:

if (loginname is in the form of 'someone@somedomain') {



} else { # a purename


domain=HTTP_HOST# hostname in url


is user@domain a virtualuser defined in virtusertable?

if not {

if (domain is mail.somedomain) {

is user@somedomain defined in virtusertable?

} else {

is user@mail.domain defined in virtusertable?



if (no mapping found && loginname is pure name) {

is loginname a virtualuser defined in virtusertable?


if (any mapping found) {

if (mappedname is in the form of 'mappedone@mappeddomain') {



} else {





if (option auth_withdomain is on) {

check_userpassword for user@domain

} else {

if (domain == HTTP_HOST) {

check_userpassword for user

} else {

user not found!



ps: if any alias found in virtusertable,

the alias will be used as default email address for user

Here is an example of /etc/virtusertable






Assume the url of the webmail server is http://mail.company1.com/....

The above virtusertable means:

1. if a user logins as projectmanager,

openwebmail checks projectmanager@mail.company1.com


projectmanager as virtualuser---> pm

2. if a user logins as johnson@company1.com

openwebmail checks johnson@company1.com---> john1

if a user logins as johnson,

openwebmail checks johnson@mail.company1.com

johnson@company1.com---> john1

3. if a user logins as tom@company1.com,

openwebmail checks tom@company1.com---> tom1

if a user logins as tom@company2.com,

openwebmail checks tom@company2.com---> tom2

if a user logins as tom,

openwebmail checks tom@mail.company1.com

tom@company1.com---> tom1

4. if a user logins as mary,

openwebmail checks mary@mail.company1.com


mary as virtualuser---> not an alias



Pure virtual user means a mail user who can use pop3 or openwebmail

to access his mails on the mail server but actually has no unix account

on the server.

Openwebmail pure virtual user support is currently available for system

running vm-pop3d + postfix. The authentication module auth_vdomain.pl is

designed for this purpose. Openwebmail also provides the web interface

which can be used to manage(add/delete/edit) these virtual users under

various virtual domains.

Please refer to the description in auth_vdomain.pl for more detail.

ps: vm-pop3d : http://www.reedmedia.net/software/virtualmail-pop3d/

PostFix : http://www.postfix.org/

Kevin L. Ellis (kevin.AT.bluelavalamp.net) has written a tutorial

for openwebmail + vm-pop3d + postfix

Iis available at http://www.bluelavalamp.net/owmvirtual/



While options in system config file(openwebmail.conf) are applied to all

users, you may find it useful to set the options on per user basis sometimes.

For example, you may want to limit the client ip access for some users or

limit the domain which the user can sent to. This could be easily done with

the per user config file support in Open Webmail.

The user capability file is located in cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/user.conf/

and named as the realusername of user. Options in this file are actually

a subset of options in openwebmail.conf. An example 'SAMPLE' is provided.

eg: To creat the capability file for user 'guest':

1. cd cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/users.conf/

2. cp SAMPLE guest

3. edit options in file 'guest' for user guest

ps: Openwebmail loads configuration files in the following order

1. cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/openwebmail.conf.default

2. cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/openwebmail.conf

3. cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/sites.conf/domainname if file exists

a. authentication module is loaded

b. user alias is mapped to real userid.

c. userid is authenticated.

4. cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/users.conf/username if file exists

Options set in the later files will override the previous ones



PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) provides a flexible mechanism

for authenticating users. More detail is available at Linux-PAM webpage.


Solaris 2.6, Linux and FreeBSD 3.1 are known to support PAM.

To make Open WebMail use the support of PAM, you have to:

1. download the Perl Authen::PAM module (Authen-PAM-0.12.tar.gz)

It is available at http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~pelov/pam/

2. cd /tmp

tar -zxvf Authen-PAM-0.12.tar.gz

cd Authen-PAM-0.12

perl Makefile.PL


make install

ps: Doing 'make test' is recommended when making the Authen::PAM,

if you encounter error in 'make test', the PAM on your system

will probable-ly not work.

3. add the following 3 lines to your /etc/pam.conf

(on Solaris)

openwebmail authrequired/usr/lib/security/pam_unix.so.1

openwebmail accountrequired/usr/lib/security/pam_unix.so.1

openwebmail passwordrequired/usr/lib/security/pam_unix.so.1

(on Linux)

openwebmail authrequired/lib/security/pam_unix.so

openwebmail accountrequired/lib/security/pam_unix.so

openwebmail passwordrequired/lib/security/pam_unix.so

(on Linux without /etc/pam.conf, by protech.AT.protech.net.tw)

If you don't have /etc/pam.conf but the directory /etc/pam.d/,

please create a file /etc/pam.d/openwebmail with the following content

auth required/lib/security/pam_unix.so

account required/lib/security/pam_unix.so

password required/lib/security/pam_unix.so

(on FreeBSD)

openwebmail authrequired/usr/lib/pam_unix.so

openwebmail accountrequired/usr/lib/pam_unix.so

openwebmail passwordrequired/usr/lib/pam_unix.so

ps: PAM support on some release of FreeBSD seems broken (eg:4.1)

4. change auth_module to 'auth_pam.pl' in the openwebmail.conf

5. check auth_pam.pl for further modification required for your system.

ps: Since the authentication module is loaded only once in persistent mode,

you need to do 'touch openwebmail*pl' to make the modification active.

To avoid this, you may change your openwebmail backto suid perl mode

before you make the modifications.

ps: For more detail about PAM configuration, it is recommended to read

"The Linux-PAM System Administrators' Guide"


by Andrew G. Morgan, morgan.AT.kernel.org



Various authentications are directly available for openwebmail, including












In case you found these modules not suitable for your need,

you may write a new authentication module for your own.

To add new authentication module into openwebmail, you have to:

1. choose an abbreviation name for this new authentication, eg: xyz

2. declare the package name in the first line of file auth_xyz.pl

package openwebmail::auth_xyz;

3. implement the following 4 function:

($retcode, $errmsg, $realname, $uid, $gid, $homedir)=

get_userinfo($r_config, $domain, $user);

($retcode, $errmsg, @userlist)=

get_userlist($r_config, $domain);

($retcode, $errmsg)=

check_userpassword($r_config, $domain, $user, $password);

($retcode, $errmsg)=

change_userpassword($r_config, $domain, $user, $oldpassword, $newpassword);

where $retcode means:

-1 : function not supported

-2 : parameter format error

-3 : authentication system internal error

-4 : username/password incorrect

$errmsg is the message to be logged to openwebmail log file,

this would ease the work for sysadm in debugging problem of openwebmail

$r_config is the reference of the openwebmail %config,

you may just leave it untouched

ps: You may refer to auth_unix.pl or auth_pam.pl to start.

And please read doc/auth_module.txt

4. modify option auth_module in openwebmail.conf to auth_xyz.pl

5. test your new authentication module :)

ps: If you wish your authentication module to be included in the next release

of openwebmail, please submit it to openwebmail.AT.turtle.ee.ncku.edu.tw.

ps: Since the authentication module is loaded only once in persistent mode,

you need to do 'touch openwebmail*pl' to make the modification active.

To avoid this, you may change your openwebmail backto suid perl mode

before you make the modifications.



It is very simple to add support for your language into openwebmail

1. choose an abbreviation for your language, eg: xy

ps: You may choose the abbreviation by referencing the following url




2. cd cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc.

cp lang/en lang/xy

cp -R templates/en templates/xy

3. translate file lang/xy and templates/xy/* from English to your language

4. change the package name of you language file (in the first line)

package openwebmail::xy

5. add the name and charset of your language to %languagenames,

%languagecharsets in ow-shared.pl, then set default_language

to 'xy' in openwebmail.conf

6. check iconv.pl, if the charset is not listed, add a line for this charset

in both %charset_localname and %charset_convlist.

7. translate the files used by HTML editor

cd data/openwebmail/javascript/htmlarea.openwebmail/popups

cd xy

then translate htmlarea-lang.js, insert_image.html, insert_sound.html,

insert_table.html and select_color.html into language xy

Some style sheel setting in insert*html may need to be adjusted to

get the best layout for your language. They are

a. the width and height of the pop window, defined in the first line

<html style="width: 398; height: 243">

b. the boxies for fieldsets, defined in middle of the file

.fl { width: 9em; float: left; padding: 2px 5px; text-align: right; }

.fr { width: 6em; float: left; padding: 2px 5px; text-align: right; }

.fl is for box in the left and .fr is for box in the right,

you may try wider width for better layout

8. If you want, you may create the holidays of your language with the

openwebmail calendar, then copy the ~/mail/.calendar.book into

etc/holidaysdir/your_languagename. Them the holidays will be displayed

to all users of this language

9. If you want, you may also translation help tutorial to your language

the help files are located under data/openwebmail/help.

ps: if your language is Right-To-Left oriented and you can read Arabic,

you can use the Arabic template instead of English as the start templates.

And don't forget to mention it when you submit the templates

to the openwebmail team.

ps: Since the language and templates are loaded only once in persistent mode,

you need to do 'touch openwebmail*pl' to make the modification active.

To avoid this, you may change your openwebmail backto suid perl mode

before you make the modifications.

ps: If you wish your translation to be included in the next release of

openwebmail, please submit it to openwebmail.AT.turtle.ee.ncku.edu.tw.


Please be sure your translation is based on the template files in the

latest openwebmail-current.tgz. And please send both your tranlsation

and english version files it based on to us. So we can check if there

is any latest modification should be added your translation.



Openwebmail can do charset conversion automatically if a message is written

with charset other than the one you are using. Openwebmail does this by calling

the iconv() charset conversion function, as defined by the Single UNIX Specification.

To make openwebmail do auto-convert a new charset for your language:

1. find the charset used by your language in %charset_convlist in charset_iconv.pl

2. put this new charset to the convlist of the charset of your language

3. define the localname of the new charset on your OS to the %charset_localname.

(It is always the same as the name of charset but in capitals.)

Note: The possible conversions and the quality of the conversions depend on the

available iconv conversion tables and algorithms, which are in most cases

supplied by the operating system vendor.



If you would like to add some background images into openwebmail for your

user, you can copy them into %ow_htmldir%/images/backgrounds.

Then the user can choose these backgrounds from user preference menu.

ps: If you wish to share your wonderful backgrounds with others,

please email it to openwebmail.AT.turtle.ee.ncku.edu.tw



If you are interested in designing your own image iconset in the openwebmail,

you have to

1. create a new sub directory in the %ow_htmldir%/images/iconsets/,

eg: MyIconSet

ps: %ow_htmldir% is the dir where openwebmail could find its html objects,

it is defined in openwebmail.conf

2. copy all images from %ow_htmldir%/images/iconsets/Default to MyIconSet

3. modify the image files in the %ow_htmldir%/images/iconsets/MyIconSet

for your need

ps:In case you want to design iconsets with text inside, the default font used

in Default.English and Cool3D.English is 'Arial Narrow'.

If you are interested in designing your own text iconset in the openwebmail,

you have to

1. create a new sub directory started with Text. in the %ow_htmldir%/images/iconsets/,

eg: Text.MyLang

ps: %ow_htmldir% is the dir where openwebmail could find its html objects,

it is defined in openwebmail.conf

2. copy %ow_htmldir%/images/iconsets/Text.English/icontext to Text.MyLnag/icontext

3. modify the Text.MyLang/icontext for your language

ps: If your are going to make Cool3D iconset for your language with Photoshop,

you may start with the psd file created by Jan Bilik <jan@bilik.org>,

it could save some of your time. The psd file is available at


ps: If you wish the your new iconset to be included in the next release of

openwebmail, please submit it to openwebmail.AT.turtle.ee.ncku.edu.tw



1. chdir to openwebmail cgi dir (eg: /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail)

and check the owner, group and permission of the following files

~/openwebmail*.pl - owner=root, group=mail, mode=4755

~/vacation.pl - owner=root, group=mail, mode=0755

~/etc - owner=root, group=mail, mode=755

~/etc/sessions - owner=root, group=mail, mode=770

~/etc/users - owner=root, group=mail, mode=770

/var/log/openwebmail.log - owner=root, group=mail, mode=660

2. test your webmail with http://your_server/cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail.pl

If there is any problem, please check the faq.txt.

The latest version of FAQ will be available at




SpeedyCGI: http://www.daemoninc.com/SpeedyCGI/

"SpeedyCGI is a way to run perl scripts persistently, which can make

them run much more quickly."

Openwebmail can get almost 5x to 10x speedup when running with SpeedyCGI.

You can get a quite reactive openwebmail systems on a very old P133 machine :)

Note: Don't try to fly before you can walk...

Please do this speedup modification only after your openwebmail is working.

1. install SpeedyCGI

get the latest SpeedyCGI source from



cd /tmp

tar -zxvf path_to_source/CGI-SpeedyCGI-2.21.tar.gz

cd CGI-SpeedyCGI-2.21

perl Makefile.PL (ans 'no' with the default)

then edit speedy/Makefile

and add " -DIAMSUID" to the end of the line of "DEFINE = "

(Now, please check the end of this paragraph to see if any

modification to the source is required for your platform)


make install

(If you encounter error complaining about install mod_speedy,

that is okay, you can safely ignore it.)

ps:To make SpeedyCGI works with setuid scripts on Solaris,

you have to apply the following temporary fix.

This fix is provide by Sam Horrocks, author of SpeedyCGI :)

open src/speedy_backend_main.c

goto the main() function (about line 168)

find the following block (about line 179-184)

/* Close off all I/O except for stderr (close it later) */

for (i = 32; i >= 0; --i) {

if (i != 2 && i != PREF_FD_LISTENER)

(void) close(i);


move the block down below the speedy_perl_init(); (after line 201)

ps:If you have problem to compile SpeedyCGI on RedHat9,

please adding the following lines to the top of src/speedy_perl.c:

#ifndef setdefout

# define setdefout(a) Perl_setdefout(aTHX_ a)


Thanks to Douglas, Joshua, jdouglas.AT.enterasys.com

ps:If you are compiling SpeedyCGI on FreeBSD 5.0 or above,

please apply the following patch or you may get 'segmentation fault'.


--- src/speedy_opt.cMon Sep 30 07:19:54 2002

+++ /tmp/speedy_opt.cTue May 20 11:11:28 2003

@@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ static void cmdline_split(


if (*p)

strlist_append(doing_speedy_opts ? speedy_opts : perl_args, *p);

+ else



if (*p) {

@@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ const char * const *speedy_opt_script_ar


SPEEDY_INLINE const char *speedy_opt_script_fname(void) {

- return exec_argv.ptrs[script_argv_loc];

+ return exec_argv.len > script_argv_loc ? exec_argv.ptrs[script_argv_loc] : NULL;




Thanks to Lars Thegler, lars.AT.thegler.dk

2. set speedy to setuid root

Find the speedy binary according to the messages in previous step,

it is possible-ly at /usr/bin/speedy or /usr/local/bin/speedy.

Assume it is installed in /usr/bin/speedy

cp /usr/bin/speedy /usr/bin/speedy_suid

chmod 4555 /usr/bin/speedy_suid

3. modify openwebmail for speedy

The code of openwebmail has already been modified to work with SpeedyCGI,

so all you have to do is to

replace the first line of all cgi-bin/openwebmail/openwebmail*pl


#!/usr/bin/suidperl -T


#!/usr/bin/speedy_suid -T -- -T/tmp/speedy

The first -T option (before --) is for perl interpreter.

The second -T/tmp/speedy option is for SpeedyCGI system,

which means the prefix of temporary files used by SpeedyCGI.

ps: You will see a lot of /tmp/speedy.number files if your system is

quite busy, so you may change this to value like /var/run/speedy

4. test you openwebmail for the speedup.

5. If you are installing openwebmail on a low end machine, then you may

wish to eliminate the firsttime startup delay of the scripts for the user.

You may use the preload.pl, it acts as a http client to start

openwebmail on the web server automatically.

a. through web interface


Please refer to preload.pl for default password and how to change it.

b. through command line or you can put the following line in crontab

to preload the most frequently used scripts into mempry

0 * * * */usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/preload.pl -q openwebmail.pl openwebmail-main.pl openwebmail-read.pl

If your machine has a lot of memory, you may choose to preload all

openwebmail scripts

0 * * * */usr/local/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/preload.pl -q --all

6. Need more speedup?

Yes, you can try to install the mod_speedycgi to your Apache,

but you may need to recompile Apache to make it allow using root as euid

Please refer to README in SpeedyCGI source tar ball..

Another approach for speedup is to use some httpd that handles muliples

connections with only one process, eg: http://www.acme.com/software/thttpd/,

instead of the apache web server.

Please refer to doc/thttpd.txt for some installation tips.

ps: Kevin L. Ellis (kevin.AT.bluelavalamp.net) has written a tutorial

and benchmark for OWM + SpeedyCGI.

It is available at http://www.bluelavalamp.net/owmspeedycgi/



To make this feature work, you have to install the Compress-Zlib-1.21.tar.gz.

HTTP Compression is very useful for users with slow connection to the

openwebmail server (eg: dialup user, PDA user).

Note: There are some compatibility issues for HTTP compression

1. Some proxy servers only support HTTP compression via HTTP 1.1,

the user have to enable the use of HTTP1.1 for proxy in their browser

2. Some proxy servers don't support HTTP compression at all,

the user have to list the webmail server as directly connected in

the advanced proxy setting in their browser

3. Some browsers have problems when using HTTP compression with SSL,

4. Some browsers claim to support HTTP compression but actually not.

The login screen has a checkbox for HTTP compression.

So in case there is any problem, the user can relogin with checkbox unchecked.



A small script has been made to let static html page display the

user mail/calendar status dynamically.

All you need to do is to put the following text in html source code.

<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>

<script language="JavaScript"





<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>

<script language="JavaScript"




If the user has ever logined openwebmail successfully,

then his mail/calendar ststus would be displayed in this html page

as an link to the openwebmail login page.



Features that we would like to implement first...

1. web bookmark

2. PGP/GNUPG integration

3. shared folder/calendar

Features that people may also be interested

1. maildir support

2. online people sign in

3. log analyzer



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