提要: 因为有些笔记本的网卡,在linux的开机启动时不能自行启动,进入系统后,还要激活,hulihutu兄就遇到这样的情况“ 我的笔记本使用的网卡是pcmcia的,但是在linux的启动时,他是现检测网卡,再启动pcmcia服务,这样的话,我的网卡每次都不能启动,怎么解决?”
讨论: http://www.linuxsir.org/bbs/showthread.php?s=&threadid=55345
Redhat's initialization scripts start ethernet before they initialize PCMCIA. So when it tries to initialize ethernet, it hasn't yet seen the ethernet card (a Xircom card which works great with Linux) and delays ethernet. I edited /etc/init.d/pcmcia and changed the line:
2345 20 96
to read
2345 9 96
-- use priority 9 because ethernet has priority 10. Then do chkconfig pcmcia off followed by chkconfig pcmcia on to install the file. I don't know if this is the best solution, but it does work.