The objects of a 3D scene are generally stored in a scene graph, a tree structure intended to form them into a hierarchy. The most simple way to render the scene, like it is viewed from a camera, involves traversing the whole tree (= start from its root, go recursively down each branch, sub-branch, etc), and draw every object that is totally or partially visible. An object is considered 'visible' when its bounding volume (AABB, sphere or whatever) is at least partly contained in the view frustum of the camera.
This (too) simple method has two major drawbacks :
the traversal of the whole graph takes a significant amount of time (especially since the graph probably can't entirely stay in the cache). Actually the algorithm doesn't need to explore every branch till its end : if the bounding volume of a graph's node (= volume that includes all children of this node as well as the objects it contains) is outside the view frustum, it is unnecessary to go down further as every child node is invisible.
overdraw can be large. Ideally, each pixel of the screen should be drawn only once per rendering of the scene ; overdraw names the fact that things can be different, that some visible objects cover each other, that some completely masked faces are drawn for nothing. Overdraw is generally measured by dividing the number of pixels drawn 'for nothing' (= number of pixels drawn minus number of really visible pixels) by the number of visible pixels ; its optimal value is so zero, it is reasonable till 1 (= for each frame a pixel is drawn twice on average), and becomes problematic for bigger values. Without going down to the face level, an obvious optimization would consist in detecting the objects that are completely hidden by others, and not rendering them at all ; these occlusion tests are unfortunately quite complex (because objects have complex shapes, and can't be replaced by their bounding volumes that mask inevitably more things than they do themselves). This is why it is better to do the opposite : detect areas allowing to see 'somewhere else', for example in the neighbouring room, thanks to portals.
图1 模板深度的例程
该“模板深度”例程源于DirectX 8,其显示了重画:红色象素部分只画一次,绿色象素部分画两次,黄色象素部分画三次,蓝色象素部分画四次。
"stencil depth" sample from DirectX 8, showing overdraw : - in red the pixels drawn once - in green the pixels drawn twice - in yellow the pixels drawn 3 times - in blue the pixels drawn 4 times.
2、什么是入口?(What is a portal ?)
There are two different definitions :
for some people (and I belong to this group) a portal is a n-sided flat and convex polygon, handled in a special way at rendering time. Its goal is actually not to be drawn, but to define an area 'you' can cross to go from one place to another in the level (example : a door between two rooms, a window, a hole in a wall...). 'You' means vision in particular : if a camera in a room 'is seeing' a portal of this room, this means it can also see what is 'on the other side' of the portal. A portal establishes a link between two graph nodes, that don't necessarily have any other relation.
一些人则认为场景被划分为较小部分的多边形,所以叫其(这些块)做入口。他们的“入口”与我的“房间” 定义相符,他们不再是多边形而是有体积了,根据处理目的的不同它们可能是凹的或者凸的(凹多面体一般都可以细分为几个单独的凸多面体)。我会在后面详细分析凹凸多面体的概念因为这是很重要的。现在我们讨论入口的定义:这里入口表示一个平面的凸多边形,其他的文献中可能表示场景中间的一个基本的空间或者单元。
other people consider those polygons divide the scene in small parts, and they call these pieces portals. So their 'portals' correspond to my 'rooms', they are no more polygons but volumes, they can be convex or concave depending on the pursued aim (a concave volume can always be subdivided into several all convex volumes). I will precise this concept of convex / concave volumes later because it's very important, for the moment let's come back to our definition of the portal : in this whole document it means my n-sided flat and convex polygon, but be aware that in other texts it can represent an elementary volume of the scene (or 'cell').
让我们以一个房间为例:图的根节点代表这整个的房子,根节点下面的每个节点是一个房间,每个房间包含家具,在家具上有物体等等。演示程序中就是这么做的:首先是“初层”节点(假定根为0层)代表各房间或走廊,它的孩子是放置在房间里的对象(例如在中间的房子里有:四面墙、一面天花板、一面地板、一架楼梯、一座喷泉、二个粒子系统、一盏灯 ― 由于门是房子之间的边界所以有点特殊)。入门就是房间或走廊的毗邻处的“洞”,它们的形状和过道正好相符合的(简单的矩形)。
Let's take the example of a house : the graph root represents this whole house, each node under the root is a room, each room contains furniture, in pieces of furniture there are objects, etc. This is the same thing in the demo #3 of Fairy : the 'first level' nodes (if the root is the 0-level) each represent a room or a corridor, their children are the objects placed in this room (for example in the central room : 4 'wall' objects, 1 ceiling, 1 floor, 1 staircase, 1 fountain, 2 particle systems, 1 light - the doors' case is a bit special because they are at the borderline between two rooms). Portals are placed on each 'hole' allowing to go to the neighbouring room or corridor, their shapes fit exactly those of the passages (simple rectangles).
Note : because portals are polygons, they could be stored with 'normal' faces, a flag indicating they have to be treated differently ; however it is simpler to keep them in a separate list, especially as they can contain additional informations as we are going to see later.
example : rough plan of my flat (inaccurate scale)
图2 我房间的平面草图
A:卧室(bedroom)1 ― B:卧室(bedr