1.视图/模型变换 -- 朝着需要投影到场景的方向。
3.缩放和偏移(bias 是叫偏移吗?),它将近裁剪面到纹理坐标。
Projecting a texture image into your synthetic environment requires many of the same steps that are used to project the rendered scene onto the display. The key to projecting a texture is the contents of the texture transform matrix. The matrix contains the concatenation of three transformations:
1. A modelview transform to orient the projection in the scene.
2. A projective transform (perspective or orthogonal).
3. A scale and bias to map the near clipping plane to texture coordinates.
The modelview and projection parts of the texture transform can be computed in the same way, with the same tools that are used for the modelview and projection transform. For example, you can use gluLookat() to orient the projection, and glFrustum() or gluPerspective() to define a perspective transformation.
模型/视图变换的作用和它在OpenGL 观察管道里的作用是一样的,它将观察者沿-Z方向移动到原点和投影中心,在这种情况下,观察者就好比是是光源,近裁剪平面好比是需要投影的纹理图象的所处的位置,纹理图象可以被看作一个在投影的透明胶片。或者,你也可以想象一个观察者在观察位置,透过近平面上纹理去看那些需要被贴上纹理(投影纹理)的表面。
The modelview transform is used in the same way as it is in the OpenGL viewing pipeline, to move the viewer to the origin and the projection centered along the negative z axis. In this case, viewer can be thought of a light source, and the near clipping plane of the projection as the location of the texture image, which can be thought of as printed on a transparent film. Alternatively, you can conceptualize a viewer at the view location, looking through the texture on the near plane, at the surfaces to be textured.
The projection operation converts eye space into Normalized Device Coordinate (NDC) space. In this space, the x, y, and z coordinates range from -1 to 1. When used in the texture matrix, the coordinates are s, t, and r instead. The projected texture can be visualized as laying on the surface of the near plane of the oriented projection defined by the modelview and projection parts to the transform.
变换的最后一部分是对纹理映射进行缩放和偏移,它让文理坐标的范围变成0到1,这样,整个纹理图象(或者期望的区域)能覆盖整个投影近平面。因为近平面被定义为NDC(规格化设备坐标)坐标。把NDC坐标下的近平面对应到纹理图象上需要把s和t方向的坐标都缩小1/2,然后平移1/2。(注:[-1,1] * 1/2 + 1/2 = [0,1])。纹理图象将居中而且覆盖整个近平面(我一直没有看懂Back Plane是什么)。纹理在投影图象的方向被改变时候也可以旋转。
The final part of the transform scales and biases the texture map, which is defined in texture coordinates ranging from 0 to 1, so that the entire texture image (or the desired portion of the image) covers the near plane defined by the projection. Since the near plane is now defined in NDC coordinates, Mapping the NDC near plane to match the texture image would require scaling by 1/2, then biasing by 1/2, in both s and t. The texture image would be centered and cover the entire back plane. The texture could also be rotated if the orientation of the projected image needed to be changed.
1. glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE);
2. glLoadIdentity();开始。
3. glTranslatef(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f);
4. glScalef(0.5f,0.5f,1.0f);
5. 设置投影矩阵(如:glFrustum())
6. 设置视图/模型矩阵(如:gluLookAt())。
The projections are ordered in the same as the graphics pipeline, the modelview transform happens first, then the projection, then the scale and bias to position the near plane onto the texture image:
2. glLoadIdentity() (start over)
3. glTranslatef.5f, .5f, 0.f(.5f, .5f, 0.f)
4. glScalef.5f, .5f, 1.f(.5f, .5f, 1.f) (texture covers entire NDC near plane)
5. Set the perspective transform (e.g., glFrustum()).
6. Set the modelview transform (e.g., gluLookAt()).
那么该如何定义图元的纹理坐标的映射方式呢?因为我们的投影和视图/模型变换是在眼空间中定义的(所有的场景都是在这个空间中被安装起来的)。最直接的方法就是在纹理坐标空间和眼空间创建一个 1对1的对应关系,这个方法可以通过把纹理坐标生成方式设置成Eye Linear方式,同时把Eye Planes设置成1对1的映射:(具体见OpenGL的纹理坐标生成,D3D的方法也可以找到。)
GLfloat Splane[] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
GLfloat Tplane[] = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f};
GLfloat Rplane[] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f};
GLfloat Qplane[] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
What about the texture coordinates for the primitives that the texture will be projected on? Since the projection and modelview parts of the matrix have been defined in terms of eye space (where the entire scene is assembled), the straightforward method is to create a 1-to-1 mapping between eye space and texture space. This can be done by enabling texture generation to eye linear and setting the eye planes to a one-to-one mapping:
GLfloat Splane[] = {1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
GLfloat Tplane[] = {0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f};
GLfloat Rplane[] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f};
GLfloat Qplane[] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
You could also use object space mapping, but then you'd have to take the current modelview transform into account.
So when you've done all this, what happens? As each primitive is rendered, texture coordinates matching the x, y, and z values that have been transformed by the modelview matrix are generated, then transformed by the texture transformation matrix. The matrix applies a modelview and projection transform; this orients and projects the primitive's texture coordinate values into NDC space (-1 to 1 in each dimension). These values are scaled and biased into texture coordinates. Then normal filtering and texture environment operations are performed using the texture image.
当变换和纹理映射被施加在所有需要渲染的多边形上的时候,如何去把投影纹理限制在一个单一的区域里呢?有许多的办法可以达到这个目的的。最简单的方法就是你当你打开投影纹理和设置纹理变换矩阵的时候仅仅渲染那些你试图把纹理投射上去的多边形。但是这样方法是粗糙的。另外一个办法是在多遍渲染中使用模板缓存的算法来控制场景中那些部分将被投影纹理更新。场景先不使用投影纹理来渲染一遍,然后使用Stencil Buffer来遮盖一个特定的区域,并且场景以打开投影纹理的状态下被重新渲染一遍。Stencil Buffer可以把整个不希望被使用投影纹理的区域都遮盖住,这允许你创建一个投影图象任意的轮廓线,或者把一个纹理投影到有纹理的表面上(就是多遍纹理了.而且不需ARB_Muti_Texture的支持哦。)
If transformation and tex