你先试着看看这段天空体的演示程序(skybox program),以为你的下一步做好铺垫:动态天空体。你也许曾经看过不少的例子,如Unreal或LithTech公司的游戏,及其它。其基本思路通常就是使用一个缺少现实色彩的静态背景图作为天空体。唉,至少你会想应该有一些移动的云彩吧。因此让我们来看看如何实现它。
If you've tried out the skybox program from the downloads page, you're ready to take the next step: animated skyboxes. You've probably seen examples of these in Unreal or LithTech games, or others. The basic idea is that a static background usually just isn't realistic. At the very least, you'll want some moving clouds. So let's find out how it's done.
If you haven't seen the static skybox program on the downloads page, I suggest you take a look at it first. Make sure you understand how it works before returning to this article.
Now that we've got that sorted out, let's determine what it is that we want to do. Probably something like in Unreal:
在这里,我们实际上有三层天空体。在最外层,我们使用一些静态的背景材料,例如象星星。最里层则用了许多的“局部”细节,例如象山脉。在上面的截图中,月亮可能在最里层(它处于云层的覆盖下,而且很朦胧)。在这两层中,有个第三者 ― 移动云层覆盖物。
What we have here is actually a three-layered skybox. On the outermost layer, we have some static background stuff, like stars. On the innermost layer there's the more "local" detail like mountains. In the screenshot above, the moon is probably also on the innermost layer (it's never completely obscured by the clouds). Between these two layers there's a third with a moving cloud deck.
So how do we render a layered skybox? Many beginners seem to think that it involves multitexturing. Well, forget about that. the proper solution is even simpler: draw a differently-sized skybox for each layer. The result would look something like figure 1:
This works, but we can't make the clouds move yet. To make them move, there are two options: transforming the entire cloud box or transforming the box's texture coordinates. The latter might seem interesting, but try to think of a way to create six bitmaps so that they always line up perfectly, even when you start transforming texture coordinates. Can't find one? I didn't think so. So we'll just tranform the box itself then, right?
We might come up with the idea of rotating the box around the X or Z axis, as in figure 2 above. This could look good if the viewing direction is perpendicular to that axis, but if we look along the rotation axis, we will see the center of rotation, which will ruin the illusion. We also need to be make sure that the outermost layer is large enough, so that the cloud box never intersects it.
We don't really seem to be getting anywhere with this, are we? In real life, clouds are wrapped around a huge sphere, but we don't want to draw that many polygons. Let's try out the best approximation then: a plane. We can draw a single polygon above the innermost skybox and scroll a tileable texture on it. However, figure 3 shows that this approach also has its problems:
The clouds will suddenly dissappear where the cloud plane intersects the outermost layer. This will make the viewer painfully aware that he's trapped inside a cube. Very annoying. In reality, the edges of the cloud plane would dissappear at the horizon, and probably end up below the mountain tops. So if we lower the cloud plane below the mountain tops, it's edges won't be visible - but the plane will intersect the mountains. To solve this problem, we need to make sure that the mountains always get drawn over the cloud plane. This is really easy though: don't draw the cloud plane to the depth buffer. Note that we can't lower the cloud plane below the viewpoint (marked with a star in figure 4). The algorithm would then look like this:
画面上将出现漂亮的卷云。注意:看到地平线的地方不会产生这种效果。解决办法是在云平面的周围画上边框 ― 这样云的效果就是逐渐变淡,而不是消失。
And there you have it: perfectly scrolling clouds. Note that this doesn't work in skyboxes where you can see the horizon. To fix this, you might want to draw a border around your cloud plane that goes from fully opaque (at the sides that touch the cloud plane) to fully transparent (at the outer edges). This way the clouds will fade away at the horizon rather than just dissappear.
That's it: you just made a nicely animated skybox. This technique can really add a lot of impact to your 3D engine, and it doesn't require a lot of polygons: the worst case described here requires no more than 21 - which is peanuts for any 3D card.