CISCO再次调整CCNA 640-607考试大纲,增加OSPF等方面的知识点,再次提高CCNA的考试难度。在CISCO的官方网站,CISCO推荐考生采用2002年新版的ICND2.0进行备考。请点击这里了解ICND2.0教材的详细信息。
1.Configuring OSPF in a Single Area
2.Explain why OSPF is better than RIP in a large internetwork
3.Verify OSPF operation in a single area
4.Configuring EIGRP
5.Describe Enhanced IGRP features and operation
6.Explain how EIGRP operates in an NBMA environment
7.Describe how EIGRP supports large networks
8.Select and configure the different ways to control routing update traffic
9.Configure route redistribution in a network that does not have redundant paths between dissimilar routing processes
10.Configure route redistribution in a network that has redundant paths between dissimilar routing processes
11.Resolve path selection problems that result in a redistributed network