

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-19
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I first started thinking about the CCIE about 4 years ago. At first I really didn't know much about it except that it sounded pretty cool and I knew it was not easy. The CCIE seemed to be an enigma and there was so much mystery and rumour that I didn't know where to start. I wanted it and I wanted it before I was 30 years old and before the year 2000.

My first step was to pick up some of the books on the CCIE reading list. That was a good start and a real eye opener. My employer was really supportive and I got to do most of the recommended training also. More importantly I was now working with Cisco gear 100% which helped out with the experience required for the lab. I doubt if it is possible if you don't actually work with the equipment and have seen at least a few bizarre configs and debug outputs.

My goal was to study as much as possible, do the written and book the lab. I stuck to this and I picked up the CCNA and CCNP along the way. I was so focused that I wrote all the CCNP exams in one week! Once I had the CCNP I still had to study for almost a year before I booked the written exam. The day I did the written portion I was really nervous. All I wanted was a pass so I could book the lab. It was now September and I knew there was a 3 Month wait for the lab. If I was going to make it before Y2K I had to pass the written first attempt. Most people say the written is easy. I can say it was tricky but I did pass first try and I was off to the office to call Cisco and book the infamous lab exam.

My lab was booked for December 20th-21st 1999. Whew.... the last two testing days of 1999. Barely made it, or did I. I still have to pass.

The 3 months leading up to the lab were very intense. I already knew most of the theory and now I am doing configs constantly. I have 6 routers and a Catalyst setup at home and I am just going nuts every chance I get. I knew that even if I fail I can config 6 routers from scratch in 20 minutes without blinking!!!


I live in Halifax, NS. There is a CCIE lab right here. Bonus!! No travel, no hotel, no extra things to worry about. Just parking. I walk in to TARA and sign the guest sheet then go sit on the couch outside the LAB. Other candidates start to show up. One guy is a CCIE already and is now shooting for the ISP CCIE. Another is on his second attempt and the others are virgins like me. We make small talk until the proctor comes around and gives us the orientation and assigns us to our racks and passses out the exams. The clock starts...........

It's NOON already!! Hours are like minutes in the lab. Time is a real enemy. We are forced to take lunch. Nobody speaks. After lunch we are back at it....... " time is up...save your configs... see you tomorrow" the proctor says as we look at him like he just let us back for lunch.


The next morning you find out if you have enough points to continue or if you go home. I made to day 2. Big relief!! Another makes it.... the rest are done.... including the CCIE. Better luck next time.

Day 2 morning flies by and there is another eval. at lunch time. Whew, made it to the afternoon.... just got to get through this portion and I am a CCIE. The exam just keeps getting harder though and I am starting to get tired mentally. Got to hold on a little longer. Finally, it's over. Now I got to wait another half an hour to find out if I passed. Now time is dreadfully slow and the suspense is killing me. Finally I see the proctor coming my way....... oh no all he has is a small piece of paper. I must have failed!!

" Congratulations, here is your CCIE #"

I look at the paper it says........

Stephen Barnes

# 5442.

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