Device Characteristics
Table 1 shows the device characteristics for ISP1BB1.
Table 1 Hardware and Software Device Characteristics for ISP1BB1
Host name ISP1BB1
Chassis type Cisco 12012 GSR
Physical interfaces ?1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3
?12 Packet Over SONET (POS)
Hardware components ?Cisco 12012/GRP (R5000) processor (revision 0x00)
?2 Route Processor cards
?2 clock scheduler cards
?3 switch fabric cards
?3 four-port OC-2 POS controllers (12 POS)
Software loaded Release 12.0(10)S
Memory Cisco 12012/GRP (R5000) processor (revision 0x00): 128 MB
IP addresses ?Loopback0: J.1.0.201
?POS0/0: J.1.0.5
?POS0/1: J.1.71.2
?POS0/2: J.1.71.26
?POS0/3: J.1.71.18
?POS1/0: J.1.64.1
?POS1/1: J.1.0.5
?POS1/2: J.1.0.1
?POS1/3: J.1.71.9
Configuration File
version 12.0
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log datetime localtime show-timezone
no service password-encryption
service udp-small-servers
service tcp-small-servers
service download-fl
hostname ISP1BB1
logging buffered 100000 debugging
no logging console
enable password lab
clock timezone PDT -8
clock summer-time PDT recurring
auto-sync startup-config
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain-lookup
ip multicast-routing distributed
ip multicast multipath
clns routing
no tag-switching ip
no tag-switching advertise-tags
interface Loopback0
ip address J.1.0.201
ip directed-broadcast
ip pim sparse-mode
ip router isis
ip mroute-cache distributed
interface POS0/0
description to ISP1BB2, POS 0/0
ip address J.1.0.5
no ip directed-broadcast
ip pim sparse-mode
ip router isis
ip mroute-cache distributed
crc 32
clock source internal
pos ais-shut
aps revert 1
aps protect 1 J.1.0.201
interface POS0/1
description TO ISP1DA1, POS 1/0/0
ip address J.1.71.2
no ip directed-broadcast
ip pim sparse-mode
ip router isis
ip mroute-cache distributed
tag-switching ip
crc 16
clock source internal
interface POS0/2
description TO ISP1DA2, POS 1/0/0
ip address J.1.71.26
no ip directed-broadcast
ip pim sparse-mode
ip router isis
ip mroute-cache distributed
tag-switching ip
crc 16
clock source internal
interface POS0/3
description TO ISP1DA3, POS 2/0/0
ip address J.1.71.18
no ip directed-broadcast
ip pim sparse-mode
ip router isis
ip mroute-cache distributed
tag-switching ip
crc 16
clock source internal
interface POS1/0
description TO ISP1FDR, POS 1/0/0
ip address J.1.64.1
no ip directed-broadcast
ip pim sparse-mode
ip router isis
ip mroute-cache distributed
tag-switching ip
crc 16
clock source internal
interface POS1/1
description TO ISP1BB2, POS 1/1
ip address J.1.0.5
no ip directed-broadcast
ip pim sparse-mode
ip router isis
ip mroute-cache distributed
crc 32
clock source internal
pos ais-shut
aps working 1
interface POS1/2
description to ISP1BB3, POS 1/0/0
ip address J.1.0.1
no ip directed-broadcast
ip pim sparse-mode
ip router isis
ip mroute-cache distributed
crc 16
clock source internal
router isis
net 49.0001.0000.0000.0001.00
is-type level-1
router bgp 1
no synchronization
redistribute connected route-map connected-bgp
neighbor ISP1INTERNAL peer-group nlri unicast multicast
neighbor ISP1INTERNAL remote-as 1
neighbor ISP1INTERNAL update-source Loopback0
neighbor J.1.0.200 peer-group ISP1INTERNAL
neighbor J.1.0.202 peer-group ISP1INTERNAL
neighbor J.1.0.203 peer-group ISP1INTERNAL
neighbor J.1.0.204 peer-group ISP1INTERNAL
neighbor J.1.0.205 peer-group ISP1INTERNAL
neighbor J.1.0.208 peer-group ISP1INTERNAL
neighbor J.1.0.209 peer-group ISP1INTERNAL
neighbor J.1.0.210 peer-group ISP1INTERNAL
no auto-summary
no ip classless
ip http server
ip pim rp-address J.1.0.100
access-list 112 permit ip J.1.0.0
access-list 112 deny ip any any
route-map connected-bgp permit 10
match ip address 112
set ip next-hop J.1.0.201
set origin igp
snmp-server engineID local 0000000902000010F60873FF
snmp-server community public RO
snmp-server community STSS RW
snmp-server contact sysadmin
snmp-server chassis-id ISP1BB1
line con 0
exec-timeout 0 0
login authentication NOTACACS
length 40
transport input none
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
exec-timeout 0 0
password lab