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Chapter 1
On the North Pole
Chapter 2
Childhood Dream
I woke up suddenly, cold and trembling. Iopened my eyes to see the huge monster standingover my bed.
He opened his mouth as if he were trying tospeak. I heard strange noises coming from histhroat. He reached for me but I couldn' t stand tolet him touch me. I jumped up and ran out intothe street.
I spent the rest of the night outside in therain. I sat shivering, thinking what a mistake lhad made. I was terrified and disgusted, and Ididn t know what to do. I stood in the streetmumbling to myself. I tried to think but mythoughts always returned to the monster.“My God! ” I cried. “What have I done?”
A s the sun came up, I began to walk. Icouldn't stand to go back into the house.I walked through the streets in a daze. I didn'tcare where I went as long as I left the monsterbehind.
I had been walking for two hours when Istopped at an inn. When I looked up, I saw awonderful surprise. A coach from Geneva wasquickly approaching. Inside the coach wasHenry Clerval.
“Victor! ”Henry called to me and I managed towave. “My father has let me come to school, ”heshouted excitedly.
I was thrilled to see my best friend. For a fewmoments I felt safe and happy again.
“I'm so glad you' re here, Henry, “ I cried”Would you like to come to my apartment?”
He accepted my invitation and I led himthrough the streets. He talked about home andmy family as we walked.
“Everyone is quite worried about you, Victor,"he said. "I have to say that you're not lookingwell. ”
“I'm just tired, Henry, ” I lied. “I've beenworking on an important project for school.”
Just then,we reached my apartment and Iremembered the monster.I left Henry standingn the porch while I ran inside.The monster wasnowhere to be seen.Happily.I invited Henryjnside.
Relieved,I began laughing uncontrollably,wild geam in my eyes.Henry began to Worry.He thought I WaS going crazy.He tried to lead meto the bed,bu