Cisco 3640 with T1 CAS
acc-3640-6a#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 1137 bytes
version 12.1
no service single-slot-reload-enable
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
service internal
hostname acc-3640-6a
logging rate-limit console 10 except errors
username dialin password 0 user
! -- Usernames for local authentication of the call.
! -- The client presents the username/password and the NAS
! -- authenticates the peer. To use AAA with RADIUS or TACACS+, refer to
! -- the document Implementing the Server-Based AAA Subsystem.
ip subnet-zero
no ip finger
no ip domain-lookup
async-bootp dns-server
! -- Specifies (for async clients) the IP address of domain name server.
async-bootp nbns-server
! -- Specifies (for async clients) the IP address of WINS server.
call rsvp-sync
controller T1 0/0
! -- T1 Physical interface controller configuration.
! -- Interfaces are addressed as controller slot/port.
! -- In this example, the NM-1CT1-CSU module is in slot 0.
framing esf
! -- Framing for this T1 is Extended Super Frame (ESF).
! -- Obtain this information from the telco.
linecode b8zs
! -- Linecoding for this T1. Obtain this information from the telco.
ds0-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-immediate-start
! -- CAS T1 with E&M Immediate Start provided by telco.
! -- Verify your signaling type with your local provider. Prior to Cisco IOS
! -- Software Release 12.0(5)T, this command was known as cas-group.
interface Ethernet2/0
ip address
interface Group-Async1
! -- This group-async interface is the configuration template for all modems.
! -- Individual async interface do not have to be configured since they
! -- can be cloned from one managed copy.
ip unnumbered Ethernet2/0
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer-group 1
!--- Apply interesting traffic definition from dialer-list 1.
! -- Note: The specified dialer-group number must be the same as
! -- the dialer-list number; in this example, defined to be "1".
! -- Interesting traffic specifies the packets that should reset the idle timer.
dialer idle-timeout 600
! -- Sets Idle timer to 600 seconds (10 minutes).
async mode dedicated
! -- Allows only PPP dialup. Prevents users from establishing
! -- an "EXEC session" to the router. If the async interface is to answer
! -- different connection types (exec,ppp,slip etc),
! -- use async mode interactive in conjunction with autoselect ppp
! -- under the line configuration to auto detect the connection type.
peer default ip address pool dialin
! -- Clients are assigned addresses from the ip address pool named "dialin".
ppp authentication chap pap
group-range 33 56
! -- Modems 33 through 56 are members of this group async interface.
! -- This range was determined in the section Pre-configuration Tasks.
ip local pool dialin
! -- IP address pool for dialin clients.
ip classless
ip route
no ip http server
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
! -- Specifies all IP traffic as interesting. Interesting traffic
! -- specifies the packets that should reset the idle timer.
! -- This is applied to interface Group-Async 1 using dialer-group 1.
! -- Note: The specified dialer-list number must be the same as the
! -- dialer-group number; in this example, defined to be "1".
dial-peer cor custom
line con 0
transport input none
line 33 56
! -- TTY lines for the NM-24DM Modems.
! -- This line range was determined in the section Pre-configuration Tasks.
modem InOut
! -- Support incoming and outgoing modem calls.
transport input all
line aux 0
line vty 0 4