sCurrent configuration : 1251 bytes
version 12.2
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname cisco3640
boot system flash:c3640-i-mz.122-8.T
enable secret 5
username abc password 0 abc
( Usernames for local authentication of the call.! )
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain-lookup
ip domain-name cisco.com
async-bootp dns-server
(Specifies (for async clients) the IP address of domain name
interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Ethernet2/0
ip address
! (Unused interface configuration omitted.)
interface Group-Async1
( This group-async interface is the configuration template for all modems.! -- Individual async interface do not have to be configured since they! -- can be cloned from one managed copy.)
ip unnumbered Loopback0
encapsulation ppp
dialer in-band
dialer idle-timeout 600
( Sets Idle timer to 600 seconds (10 minutes,but default value is 120 seconds).
dialer-group 1
( Apply interesting traffic definition from dialer-list 1.! -- Note: The specified dialer-group number must be the same as! -- the dialer-list number; in this example, defined to be "1".! -- Interesting traffic specifies the packets that should reset the idle timer.)
async mode interactive
( If the async interface is to answer different connection types ! -- (exec,ppp,slip), use this command in conjunction with autoselect ppp! -- under the line configuration to auto detect the connection type.
To prevent users from establishing an "EXEC session" to the router.to use the command async modem dedicated instead.)
peer default ip address pool DIALIN
( Clients are assigned addresses from the ip address pool named "DIALIN".)
ppp authentication chap
group-range 1 8
( Modems/lines 1 to 8 are members of this group async interface.
If you want, for example, only 4 modems for incoming and the rest
for outgoing then configure the group range for any set of
four consecutive modems in the module.)
ip local pool DIALIN
( IP address pool for dialin clients.)
ip classless
ip route
ip http server
ip pim bidir-enable
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
( Specifies all IP traffic as interesting. Interesting traffic! -- specifies the packets that should reset the idle timer.! -- This is applied to interface Group-Async 1 using dialer-group 1.! -- Note: The specified dialer-list number must be the same as the! -- dialer-group number; in this example, defined to be "1".)
line con 0
password abc
line 1 8
( TTY lines for the NM-8AM Modems.
Note the line number range matched the group-range
under the group-async config.)
modem InOut
(Support incoming and outgoing modem calls.)
transport input all
autoselect ppp
Launch ppp if ppp packets are detected. This is used in conjunction
with async mode interactive under the group-async config.)
flowcontrol hardware
line aux 0
line vty 0 4