

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-19
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I?e just passed the Site Design Exam (11/10/2001) I made it with a high score?I couldn? have done it with out the questions you?e all provided???


I?l do my best to remember all the questions and choices but I don? guarantee the sentence structure used ?. Here goes nothing:

1. A line art on a web page mostly suitable to be drawn using:





2. The electron gun from the monitor produces the red and green on a monitor screen what colour would show:





3. The windows system palate displays_______ and Netscape Navigator uses a _____ Colour palate:

?256 colours , 256

?256 colours , 216

?255 colours , 256

?216 colours , 256

4. Which provides HTTP services:


?Netscape Explorer

?Internet Information Server

?Macromedia Dreamwaver

5. Sasha has been playing a game online and each time she comes and continues from where she stoped?but at one time she had to start all over again?why

?Her cookie has expired

?Her browser does not support cashing



6. Jack decided to move from displaying his multimedia with Quick Time to RealNetwork RealPlayer why would he do that

?Quick time support multimedia and RealPlayer doesn?

?RealPlayer does not require download

?RealPlayer provide Streaming Cababilities


7. What does Lotus Domino Macromedia Ultra Div and Livewire all provide:

?Graphic editing

?Database integration

?Server Side Scripting


8. What characteristics define an Object-Oriented Programming Language:

?Methods, Properties and inheritance

?Methods, Propriety and inheritance from Event Driven scripting languages



9. Which Of the HTML versions most approprite to physically challenged users:


?Style Sheets



10. What would a designer do to get information about how to use style sheets in a page:

?A style Guide

?A cascading Style Sheet

?A W3C reference

?A CSS book

11. the * is most commonly known as



?Wild Card


12. Sasha is building a site for her co-worker at their network. Her boss want to store data from employees, what are they going to use:





13. Interactivity is required in which type of site





14. Liem is building a research site? And he heard about XML and excited about using it.. what feature will aid a lot

?XML is easy to learn

?XML makes use of procedural markup

?XML enhances Data format using Custom Tags


15. How can you indent a paragraph by 17 pixels to the left:





16. What conveys the company? look and culture to the user:




?White space

17. Alex has designed a graphic containing several words. Why should he choose to save this image file as a GIF rather than a JPG?

?JPG's render true color poorly at some screen resolutions, whereas GIFs do not.

?JPG's are about three times the size of GIFs and therefore take more time to render in a browser.

?The GIF file format is tailored to the Internet, whereas the JPG was developed for storage only.

?The file compression features of the JPG format may render the fonts unreadable.

18. Which Layout format is the most common to use:

?Left layout

?Top and left layout

?Top and right layout

?Top layout

19. FAQ's, About Us, Contact are all examples of?

?Guided Conventions

?Familiar Conventions

?Guided Navigation

?Organized navigation

20. To make an image Transparent on a web page:

?Use the image properties in an Image Editor

?Use the Transparent attribute in the tag

?Set the browser to make the image transparent


21. Vector graphics render better in a the Internet Space since:

?They are Loss less and compression does not affect them

?They use bitmap and use individual values for each colour

?They depend on mathematical calculations and their size is modular


22. To place the user in a high state the Spiral concept includes

?Interest Activity and Interaction

?Interest Activity and animation

?Interest Activity and resolution

?Entertainment Action and interest

23. What affects XML development:

?Server Development

?Browser Development

?Scripting Languages

?Server Side Scripting

24. Why wouldn? you decide to use Macromedia Flash to build a whole site:

?Development and Maintenance needs people with good skills in flash

?New Technologies ivolving might render Flash outdates later on

?Flash is an outdates technology


25. What is a metaphor:

?Suggests a likeness to another thing or idea

?Suggests a difference in shape and look

?Suggests a uniqueness

?Suggests a literal comparison to ideas described in the test of the site

26. What does SGML stands for

?Standard Generalized Markup Language



27. What will the following code do :

?a borderless page in Internet Explorer

?a borderless page in Netscape Navigator

?a borderless page in Internet Explorer and Navigator

?it will not show text on the page

28. Which tag is used to target hyperlinks in a whole page





29. Which attribute in tag is used to control Browser Cache:





30. Which information can you provide in a tag:

?Page Author information

?User information

?Browser Type information

?Server Side scripting

31. What is the overlapping type of styles called


?Style Sheet

?Cascading style sheet

?Linked style sheet

32. Which tag conferms to HTML 4 standards can inline style be applied to text within its container tags





33. External Style information for formatting text can be_______ in a web page:





34. what is wrong with this code:

?Missing ! mark

?Missing ? mark



35. Web design

Web design is important ?I ???


What is wrong with this code

?Improper use of the Head tags

?Missing close for a container tag

?Missing / in the tag

?Use of upper case

36. Sasha is thinking of the way her visitors will want to see the site then she is going to build her interface what approch is she following:

?Top-Bottom approach

?Bottom-Up approach



37. John will try to find a domain with his companies?product name and will use the product? name in many pages within his site.. What will this result in:

?Better relevance in Search Engine

?Will add the tag to his site

?Will place him automatically in a directory


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