

王朝other·作者佚名  2008-05-19
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1. Which choice best describes the , and tags?

A. examples of block-level tags in HTML 4.

B. tags are used to build HTML 4 forms.

C. tags have been DEPRECATED from HTML 4 and should not be used.

D. tags can make text appear in a fixed font in an HTML 4 compliant

browser window. ***

2. What is the correct definition of a block level tag?

A. a HTML element that affects one or more paragraphs***

B. it affects an individual character or word.

C. it doesn? require a paragraph break before the tag is used.

D. it creates a table border.

3. Which URL is the best example of a fully qualified URL?

A. FTP: //FPP.ciw.com/examine.exe

B. /private/ciw.com/examine.exe

C. HTTP://www.ciwcertified.com ***

D. ciwcertified.html

4. Which statement is true regarding the


tags in HTML 4?

A. Both tags require start and end tags.

B. Both tags never require tags.

C. The

tag never requires an empty tag.

D. The

tag never requires an empty tag.

5. You uses the following code in an HTML file.

div align= 'center'

Building a house


Buying wood

The browser window is maximized on a VGA 640x480 screen.How this section

of texts will appear in the web browser?

A. "Building a house" will be centered at the top of the browser window.

"Buying wood" will appear below the sentence.

B. "Building a house" will appear centered in the browser window.

"Buying wood" will appear at the bottom left of the browser window ***

C. "Building a house" and "buying wood" will each appear centered at the top

of the browser window.

D. "Building a house" will appear at the top center of the browser window.

"buying wood" will appear at the bottom center of the browser window.

6. Which of the following choices is an example of country level domain?


B. CA ***



7. You receive an e-mail message from a friend that contains a zip file. You open the file and later notices that your e-mail application has sent a copy

of that zip to each person in your address book. What event has most likely occurred?

A. You have accidentally sent a mass e-mail to every one in his address book.

B. A virus has infected your computer. ***

C. A hacker has taken over your computer.

D. Your e-mail application has malfunctioned and must be replaced.

8. Which of the following is an example of a browser plug in?

A. RealAudio ***

B. Netscape Navigator

C. Microsoft Windows

D. Microsoft PowerPoint

9. Which is the criterion to selecte an Internet service provider?

A. Proximity to your home.

B. Good technical support.

C. Support for your desired connection type ***

D. Good online content.

10. You're interested in installing a full text search engine on your

corporate intranet. The IT manager advises against this. For which reason

should you choose not to install a full text search engine?

A. Full text search engines are highly complicated to use.

B. Full text search engines are less time consuming than keyword searches.

C. Full text search engines consume a large number of resources. ***

D. Full text search enginse are not yet technologically possible.

11. You work in an information technology department for a large company.

A manager in another department tells you that he needs an online forum to discuss issues. Which solution should you implement for the manager?

A. Create a newsgroup that each member of the department can access ***

B. Write an easy ASP application that allows file sharing.

C. Create an opt-in mailing list for the department.

D. Install an FTP server that can house a shared spreadsheet.

12. You want to buy stock in a company and you need some unbiased

information. Which is the best way to obtain objective information?

A. Visit the company's website.

B. Research the company in a newsgroup. ***

C. Create a mailing list that sends messages to several employees in the

company asking them for the information.

D. Review the company's stock at Yahoo.com.

13. Which term best describes an older application in which a company organization has already invested time and money?

A. Archived application.

B. Legacy application. ****

C. Internal application.

D. IT infrastructure.

14. Which of the following best explains how encryption works on the World

Wide Web?

A. allows specified user access to web sites that offer online shopping.

B. validates a username and password before sending information across the Internet.

D. encodes information using specific logarithms using a string of numbers

known as a key. ***

D. works only in transactions processed by UNIX servers.

15. Which IP class allots 8 bits for the network portion of the address and

24 bits for the host portion?

A. Class A. ***

B. Class B.

16. You're the system administrator for a small company. One morning you

notice that one of the accounts on the network is locked out because of

multiple login failures.

A. The account was a target of a brute force attack. ***

B. The account was a target of a spoofing attack.

C. The account was a target of a Trojan horse attack.

D. Your ENTER key is stuck.

17. Your're troubleshooting an ASP script. The system runs as expected

until it tries to access a database server. Which of the following is a

possible reason for this problem?

A. The database server is not configured properly.

B. The script needs to be debugged.

C. you don? have the permission to execute query on the database server***

E. You should switch scripting languages. ASP is not designed to execute

queries on databases.

18. Which hardware device operates at network layer of OSI model?

A. Repeater.

B. Hub.

C. Bridge.

D. Router. ****

19. You're creating a web page that contains images that uses a proprietary graphic format. How can the client system identify this image type?

A. Create a special extension for the images that is easy to understand.

B. Define a mime type to accommodate the proprietary formats. ***

C. Convert the graphic to gif before posting it on the web.

D. Ensure that web browsers have correct permission to down load her

graphic type.

20. You're the IT manager for a large company. You receive increasing

numbers of complaints from employees saying that web sites they visit

frequently are not updated in their browser.

A. investigate the company's web server to see if the server interfere

s with the employee's browser.

B. examine the cache settings on the proxy server.***

C. examine the certificate server to verify that the company's certificate

is not expired.

D. examine the media server to verify that it? functioning properly.

21. You frequently use e-mail at work and notice that the delivery time is increasing for messages you sent to people outside of work. What is the

possible cause of the slow delivery time?

A. firewall is the bottleneck for delivery to outside addresses***

B. network

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