你如何了解系统是否被攻克?在你发现系统中多了些奇怪的帐号或者某些特洛伊程序时,一切已经太迟了。除非你的机器非常强大,否则你的机会只存在于当你在机器被扫描后、而攻击发生前的短暂的时间段里。当然你可以用类似于tcp wrappers的程序来保证系统连接的安全,但它并不能监测到stealth扫描或者DOS攻击,你也可以购买商业版本的入侵监测系统――只要你不嫌贵的话,其实性价比最高的就是从互联网上获取类似的免费的软件,安装或者改造它以适应你的需求,watcher就是这么一个家伙。
- 所有的TCP扫描
- 所有的UDP扫描
- Synflood攻击
- Teardrop攻击
- Land攻击
- Smurf攻击
- Ping of death攻击
所有的参数以及配置都是在命令行给出的,你可以配置它仅仅监视扫描行为或者仅仅监视DOS攻击。它的监测行为是这样的:如果在短时间内有超过7个以上的端口收到信息包(不管类型如何),那么这一事件就被当成端口扫描记录下来。UDP扫描认定的原理也一样。当watcher在同一端口收到超过8个的syn包没有带ack或者fin位的话,就会认定是synflood攻击事件。如果UDP的碎片包――IP包的id号是242,它就认为是teardrop攻击,因为发布的攻击代码使用的是242的id号――这点存在不足;(。对同一端口的大量TCP SYN包,带源地址及目标地址的,将被认为是land攻击,如果有超过5个icmp echo replies 在很短时间内出现(时间可以自定义),将记录为smurf攻击……
比如一些web server上会有漂亮的gif图片或者flash等玩意儿,而客户端这时往往会开了多个线程来下载它,这时watcher的规则就会认为这是一次tcp scan,所以作者只好加上了只有超过40个tcp连接才记录下的的规则――这些都是可定制的。就不详述了,你可以自行参看下面的代码。
Usage: watcher [参数]
-d device 将'device'设定为当前的网卡,默认为第一个non-loopback的interface
-f flood 设定接收到多少不完全的连接后才认为是flood的攻击
-h 帮助信息
-i icmplimit 设定接收到多少icmp echo replies就认为是smurf攻击
-m level 可以设定监控的机器,比如subnet为子域中的机器,或者all为所有
-p portlimit 在timeout的限制时间内有多少端口接收到信息包算是一次端口扫描
-r reporttype 如果reporttype设为dos,那么只有拒绝服务攻击会被记录,如果是scan
-t timeout 每隔timeout的时间就记录信息包并打印出潜在的攻击行为
-w webcount 设定我们从80口接收到多少信息包才算是一次端口扫描(cgi)
----[ 代码
Program: watcher
A network level monitoring tool to detect incoming packets indicative of
potential attacks.
This software detects low level packet scanners and several DOS attacks.
Its primary use is to detect low level packet scans, since these are usually
done first to identify active systems and services to mount further attacks.
The package assumes every incoming packet is potentially hostile. Some checks
are done to minimize false positives, but on occasion a site may be falsely
identified as having performed a packet scan or SYNFLOOD attack. This usually
occurs if a large number of connections are done in a brief time right before
the reporting timeout period (i.e. when browsing a WWW site with lots of
little GIF's, each requiring a connection to download). You can also get false
positives if you scan another site, since the targets responses will be viewed
as a potential scan of your system.
By default, alerts are printed to SYSLOG every 10 seconds.
#define PKTLEN 96 /* Should be enough for what we want */
#ifndef IP_MF
#define IP_MF 0x2000
/***** WATCH LEVELS ******/
#define MYSELFONLY 1
#define MYSUBNET 2
/***** REPORT LEVELS *****/
#define REPORTALL 1
#define REPORTDOS 2
#define REPORTSCAN 3
struct floodinfo {
u_short sport;
struct floodinfo *next;
struct addrlist {
u_long saddr;
int cnt;
int wwwcnt;
struct addrlist *next;
struct atk {
u_long saddr;
u_char eaddr[ETH_ALEN];
time_t atktime;
struct pktin {
u_long saddr;
u_short sport;
u_short dport;
time_t timein;
u_char eaddr[ETH_ALEN];
struct floodinfo *fi;
struct pktin *next;
struct scaninfo {
u_long addr;
struct atk teardrop;
struct atk land;
struct atk icmpfrag;
struct pktin *tcpin;
struct pktin *udpin;
struct scaninfo *next;
u_long icmpcnt;
} ;
struct scaninfo *Gsilist = NULL, *Gsi;
u_long Gmaddr;
time_t Gtimer = 10, Gtimein;
int Gportlimit = 7;
int Gsynflood = 8;
int Gwebcount = 40;
int Gicmplimit = 5;
int Gwatchlevel = MYSELFONLY;
int Greportlevel = REPORTALL;
char *Gprogramname, *Gdevice = "eth0";
/******** IP packet info ********/
u_long Gsaddr, Gdaddr;
int Giplen, Gisfrag, Gid;
/****** Externals *************/
extern int errno;
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind, opterr;
void do_tcp(), do_udp(), do_icmp(), print_info(), process_packet();
void addtcp(), addudp(), clear_pktin(), buildnet();
void doargs(), usage(), addfloodinfo(), rmfloodinfo();
struct scaninfo *doicare(), *addtarget();
char *anetaddr(), *ether_ntoa();
u_char *readdevice();
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int pktlen = 0, i, netfd;
u_char *pkt;
char hostname[32];
struct hostent *hp;
time_t t;
doargs(argc, argv);
openlog("WATCHER", 0, LOG_DAEMON);
if(gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname))