

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-29
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  


private DataGridPrinter m_oDataGridPrinter;

protected System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog printPreviewDialog1;

private System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog printDialog1;

public System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument printDocument1;

// 预览



m_oDataGridPrinter = new DataGridPrinter(this.dataGrid_Brand, printDocument1, (DataTable)this.dataGrid_Brand.DataSource);






// 打印

public DialogResult Print()




// DataTable oDTTmp = (DataTable)this.dataGrid_Brand.DataSource;

// if (oDTTmp==null || oDTTmp.Rows.Count<=0)

// {

// MessageBox.Show("主窗口中没有数据,请进行\"查询\"或者\"显示所有\"等操作,将您要打印的数据显示在主窗口中,然后再进行打印!");

// return DialogResult.Cancel;

// }

m_oDataGridPrinter = new DataGridPrinter(this.dataGrid_Brand, printDocument1, (DataTable)this.dataGrid_Brand.DataSource);

if (this.printDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)



return DialogResult.OK;




return DialogResult.Cancel;






return DialogResult.Cancel;


return DialogResult.OK;


// 事件定义

this.printDocument1.DocumentName = "Brand";

this.printDocument1.PrintPage += new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(this.printDocument1_PrintPage);

// 事件响应

private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)


e.HasMorePages = m_oDataGridPrinter.DrawDataGrid(e.Graphics);

if (e.HasMorePages)


m_oDataGridPrinter.PageNumber += 1;




m_oDataGridPrinter.PageNumber = 1;

m_oDataGridPrinter.RowCount = 0;


// 基类定义

Imports System.Drawing.Printing

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Imports System.Drawing

Public Class DataGridPrinter

Public RowCount As Integer = 0

Public PageNumber As Integer = 1

Private m_DataTable As DataTable

Private m_DataGrid As DataGrid

Private m_ImageArray(2) As Image

Private m_PageWidth As Integer

Private m_PageWidthMinusMargins As Integer

Private m_PageHeight As Integer

Private m_AdjColumnBy As Integer

Private m_IsTooWide As Boolean

Private m_DataGridWidth As Integer

Private m_sSelectString As String

Private Const c_TopMargin As Integer = 50

Private Const c_BottomMargin As Integer = 50

Private Const c_LeftMargin As Integer = 50

Private Const c_RightMargin As Integer = 50

Private Const c_VerticalCellLeeway As Integer = 10

Public Sub New(ByVal dg As DataGrid, ByVal pd As PrintDocument, ByVal dt As DataTable)

m_sSelectString = ""

m_DataGrid = dg

m_DataTable = dt

'set the document as landscape

pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True

'extract our width and height values

m_PageHeight = pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width

m_PageWidth = pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Height

m_PageWidthMinusMargins = m_PageWidth - (c_LeftMargin + c_RightMargin)

'hard-coded images

'm_ImageArray(0) = Image.FromFile("images/major.gif")

'm_ImageArray(1) = Image.FromFile("images/medium.gif")

'm_ImageArray(2) = Image.FromFile("images/minor.gif")

m_DataGridWidth = GetDataGridWidth()

'set up some adjustments to scale the output later

If m_DataGrid.Width > m_PageWidthMinusMargins Then

m_AdjColumnBy = m_DataGrid.Width - m_PageWidthMinusMargins

m_DataGridWidth = m_DataGridWidth - m_AdjColumnBy

m_IsTooWide = True


m_AdjColumnBy = m_PageWidthMinusMargins - m_DataGrid.Width

m_DataGridWidth = m_DataGridWidth + m_AdjColumnBy

m_IsTooWide = False

End If

End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal dg As DataGrid, ByVal pd As PrintDocument, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal headString As String)

m_sSelectString = headString

m_DataGrid = dg

m_DataTable = dt

'set the document as landscape

pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True

'extract our width and height values

m_PageHeight = pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width

m_PageWidth = pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Height

m_PageWidthMinusMargins = m_PageWidth - (c_LeftMargin + c_RightMargin)

'hard-coded images

'm_ImageArray(0) = Image.FromFile("images/major.gif")

'm_ImageArray(1) = Image.FromFile("images/medium.gif")

'm_ImageArray(2) = Image.FromFile("images/minor.gif")

m_DataGridWidth = GetDataGridWidth()

'set up some adjustments to scale the output later

If m_DataGrid.Width > m_PageWidthMinusMargins Then

m_AdjColumnBy = m_DataGrid.Width - m_PageWidthMinusMargins

m_DataGridWidth = m_DataGridWidth - m_AdjColumnBy

m_IsTooWide = True


m_AdjColumnBy = m_PageWidthMinusMargins - m_DataGrid.Width

m_DataGridWidth = m_DataGridWidth + m_AdjColumnBy

m_IsTooWide = False

End If

End Sub

Public Function DrawDataGrid(ByVal g As Graphics) As Boolean



Return DrawPageRows(g)

Catch ex As Exception

' MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString())

Return False

End Try

End Function

Private Sub DrawPageHeader(ByVal g As Graphics)

'use this format when drawing later

Dim cellFormat As New StringFormat

cellFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.Word

cellFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap Or StringFormatFlags.LineLimit

If m_sSelectString.Length > 0 Then

'temp width to draw this column

Dim columnWidth As Integer = m_PageWidthMinusMargins - 10

'create a layout rectangle to draw within.

Dim cellBounds As New RectangleF(c_LeftMargin + 12, c_TopMargin - 9, columnWidth, m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway - 3)

g.DrawString(m_sSelectString, m_DataGrid.Font, New SolidBrush(m_DataGrid.HeaderForeColor), cellBounds, cellFormat)

'create the header rectangle

'Dim headerBounds As New RectangleF(c_LeftMargin, c_TopMargin, m_PageWidthMinusMargins, m_DataGrid.HeaderFont.SizeInPoints + c_VerticalCellLeeway)

Dim headerBounds As New RectangleF(c_LeftMargin + 12, c_TopMargin - 3 - 9 - 9 + m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway, m_PageWidthMinusMargins - 10, m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway - 3)

'draw the header rectangle

g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(m_DataGrid.HeaderBackColor), headerBounds)


'create the header rectangle

'Dim headerBounds As New RectangleF(c_LeftMargin, c_TopMargin, m_PageWidthMinusMargins, m_DataGrid.HeaderFont.SizeInPoints + c_VerticalCellLeeway)

Dim headerBounds As New RectangleF(c_LeftMargin + 12, c_TopMargin - 9, m_PageWidthMinusMargins - 10, m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway - 3)

'draw the header rectangle

g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(m_DataGrid.HeaderBackColor), headerBounds)

End If

Dim xPosition As Single = c_LeftMargin + 12 ' +12 for some padding

'find the column names from the tablestyle

Dim cs As DataGridColumnStyle

For Each cs In m_DataGrid.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles

If cs.Width > 0 Then

'temp width to draw this column

Dim columnWidth As Integer = cs.Width

'scale the summary column width

'note: just a quick way to fit the text to the page width

'this is not the best way to do this but it handles the most

'common ui path for this demo app

If cs.MappingName = "TaskSummary" And m_IsTooWide Then

columnWidth -= m_AdjColumnBy

ElseIf cs.MappingName = "TaskSummary" Then

columnWidth += m_AdjColumnBy

End If

If m_sSelectString.Length > 0 Then

'create a layout rectangle to draw within.

Dim cellBounds As New RectangleF(xPosition, c_TopMargin - 9 + m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway - 3, columnWidth, m_DataGrid.HeaderFont.SizeInPoints + c_VerticalCellLeeway)

'draw the column name

g.DrawString(cs.HeaderText, m_DataGrid.HeaderFont, New SolidBrush(m_DataGrid.HeaderForeColor), cellBounds, cellFormat)


'create a layout rectangle to draw within.

Dim cellBounds As New RectangleF(xPosition, c_TopMargin, columnWidth, m_DataGrid.HeaderFont.SizeInPoints + c_VerticalCellLeeway)

'draw the column name

g.DrawString(cs.HeaderText, m_DataGrid.HeaderFont, New SolidBrush(m_DataGrid.HeaderForeColor), cellBounds, cellFormat)

End If

'adjust the next X Pos

xPosition += columnWidth

End If


End Sub

Private Function DrawPageRows(ByVal g As Graphics) As Boolean

'Dim yPosition As Single = c_TopMargin + m_DataGrid.HeaderFont.SizeInPoints + (c_VerticalCellLeeway * 2)

Dim yPosition As Single = c_TopMargin + m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight

If m_sSelectString.Length > 0 Then

yPosition += m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight

End If

'use this format when drawing later

Dim cellFormat As New StringFormat

cellFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.Word

cellFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap Or StringFormatFlags.LineLimit


If m_DataTable.DefaultView.Count <= 0 Then

Dim xPosition As Single = c_LeftMargin + 12 ' +12 for some padding

Dim cellBounds As New RectangleF(xPosition, yPosition, c_LeftMargin - c_RightMargin, m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight)

g.DrawString("对不起,没有找到您需要打印的数据,请您确认程序主窗口中有您需要打印的数据!", m_DataGrid.Font, New SolidBrush(m_DataGrid.HeaderForeColor), cellBounds, cellFormat)

End If

Catch ex As Exception

Dim xPosition As Single = c_LeftMargin + 12 ' +12 for some padding

Dim cellBounds As New RectangleF(xPosition, yPosition, c_LeftMargin - c_RightMargin, m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight)

g.DrawString("对不起,没有找到您需要打印的数据,请您确认程序主窗口中有您需要打印的数据!", m_DataGrid.Font, New SolidBrush(m_DataGrid.HeaderForeColor), cellBounds, cellFormat)

Return False

End Try

'loop each visible row

Dim i As Integer = 0

For i = RowCount To (m_DataTable.DefaultView.Count - 1)

Dim xPosition As Single = c_LeftMargin + 12 ' +12 for some padding

'g.DrawLine(New Pen(m_DataGrid.GridLineColor, 1), xPosition - 3, yPosition - 3, xPosition - 3, yPosition + m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway - 1)

'loop the columns of this row, if the column is visible

'then print the cell value

Dim cs As DataGridColumnStyle

For Each cs In m_DataGrid.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles

If cs.Width > 0 Then

'temp width to draw this column

Dim columnWidth As Integer = cs.Width

'scale the summary column width

'note: just a quick way to fit the text to the page width

'this is not the best way to do this but it handles the most

'common ui path for this demo app

If cs.MappingName = "TaskSummary" And m_IsTooWide Then

columnWidth -= m_AdjColumnBy

ElseIf cs.MappingName = "TaskSummary" Then

columnWidth += m_AdjColumnBy

End If

'create a layout rectangle to draw within.

'Dim cellBounds As New RectangleF(xPosition, yPosition, columnWidth, m_DataGrid.Font.SizeInPoints + c_VerticalCellLeeway)

Dim cellBounds As New RectangleF(xPosition, yPosition, columnWidth, m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight)

'draw the item value

If cs.MappingName = "商标图片" Then


'draw image

Dim by As Byte() = CType(m_DataTable.DefaultView.Item(i).Item(cs.MappingName), Byte())

Dim imageToDraw As Image

Dim oMemoryStream As System.IO.MemoryStream

oMemoryStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(by, 0, by.Length)

'oMemoryStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream((byte[])this.GetColumnValueAtRow(source, rowNum), 0, CType(m_DataTable.DefaultView.Item(i).Item(cs.MappingName), Byte))

'oMemoryStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(CType(m_DataTable.DefaultView.Item(i).Item(cs.MappingName), [] Byte), 0, CType(m_DataTable.DefaultView.Item(i).Item(cs.MappingName), Byte))

'MemoryStream oMemoryStream=new MemoryStream((byte[])this.GetColumnValueAtRow(source, rowNum),0,((byte[])this.GetColumnValueAtRow(source, rowNum)).Length);

imageToDraw = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(oMemoryStream)

g.DrawImage(imageToDraw, New Rectangle(xPosition, yPosition, 125, 36))

'Select Case m_DataTable.DefaultView.Item(i).Item("PriorityText")

' Case "Major"

' g.DrawImage(m_ImageArray(0), New Point(Convert.ToInt32(cellBounds.X) - 5, Convert.ToInt32(cellBounds.Y)))

' Case "Medium"

' g.DrawImage(m_ImageArray(1), New Point(Convert.ToInt32(cellBounds.X) - 5, Convert.ToInt32(cellBounds.Y)))

' Case "Minor"

' g.DrawImage(m_ImageArray(2), New Point(Convert.ToInt32(cellBounds.X) - 5, Convert.ToInt32(cellBounds.Y)))

'End Select

Catch ex As Exception

End Try


'draw as short date format or regular string

'If m_DataTable.DefaultView.Item(i).Item(cs.MappingName).GetType() Is GetType(DateTime) Then

' g.DrawString(String.Format("{0:d}", m_DataTable.DefaultView.Item(i).Item(cs.MappingName)), m_DataGrid.Font, New SolidBrush(m_DataGrid.HeaderForeColor), cellBounds, cellFormat)


cellBounds.Y = cellBounds.Y + 8

'cellBounds.Height = cellBounds.Height - 8


g.DrawString(CType(m_DataTable.DefaultView.Item(i).Item(cs.MappingName), String), m_DataGrid.Font, New SolidBrush(m_DataGrid.HeaderForeColor), cellBounds, cellFormat)

'End If

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

cellBounds.Y = cellBounds.Y - 8

'cellBounds.Height = cellBounds.Height + 8

End If

g.DrawLine(New Pen(m_DataGrid.GridLineColor, 1), xPosition, yPosition - 4, xPosition, yPosition + m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway - 1)

'adjust the next X Pos

xPosition += columnWidth

End If


'set the rowcount (which is used for a possible next page)

RowCount += 1

g.DrawLine(New Pen(m_DataGrid.GridLineColor, 1), m_PageWidthMinusMargins + c_LeftMargin - 1, yPosition - 4, m_PageWidthMinusMargins + c_LeftMargin - 1, yPosition + m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway - 1)

'finished with this row, draw a nice line

g.DrawLine(New Pen(m_DataGrid.GridLineColor, 1), c_LeftMargin + 12, yPosition + m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway - 2, m_PageWidthMinusMargins + c_LeftMargin, yPosition + m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway - 2)

'adjust the next Y Pos

'yPosition += m_DataGrid.HeaderFont.SizeInPoints + c_VerticalCellLeeway + 3

yPosition += m_DataGrid.PreferredRowHeight + c_VerticalCellLeeway + 3

'if at end of page exit out for next page

If yPosition * PageNumber > PageNumber * (m_PageHeight - (c_BottomMargin + c_TopMargin)) Then

Return True

End If


Return False

End Function

Private Function GetDataGridWidth() As Integer


Dim cs As DataGridColumnStyle

Dim dgWidth As Integer = 0

For Each cs In m_DataGrid.TableStyles(0).GridColumnStyles

If cs.Width <> 0 Then

dgWidth = dgWidth + cs.Width

End If


Return dgWidth

Catch ex As Exception

Throw ex

End Try

End Function

End Class

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