<%@ page import="java.io.*"%>
<%! class FileJSP implements FilenameFilter
String str=null;
FileJSP(String s)
public boolean accept(File dir,String name)
return name.endsWith(str);
<BODY bgcolor=cyan><FONT size=3>
<p> there are list all the file of .jsp in the document
<%File dir=new File("c:/test");
FileJSP file_jsp=new FileJSP("jsp");
String file_name[]=dir.list(file_jsp);
for(int i=0;i<file_name.length;i++)
<p> please input jsp file name,in order to load this file:
<FORM action="loadfile.jsp" method=post name=form>
<input type="text" name="ok">
<input type="submit" value="send" name=submit>
<%--here: --%> <%String fileName="";
<p>Excuete :<%=fileName%>
<p>the result is:
<jsp:include page="<%= fileName%>"/>//此处加载的是当前工作目录的文件,可以执行。可如果想
//<%String fileName="c:/jsp/",输入文件名点击加载,根本就没有