

王朝java/jsp·作者佚名  2006-01-30
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  


Then call its encrypt or decrypt method with an authenticator byte array (the parameter Auth which is a 16 octet byte array) and the data which is wanted to be encoded or decoded, the result is a byte array you wanted.

package org.kyle.util;

import java.security.*;

import java.io.*;

import java.text.*;

import java.util.*;

import java.math.*;

/* Call the shared secret S and the pseudo-random 128-bit

Authenticator RA.

Break the password into 16-octet chunks p1, p2,

etc. with the last one padded at the end with nulls to a 16-octet

boundary. Call the ciphertext blocks c(1), c(2), etc. We'll need

intermediate values b1, b2, etc.

b1 = MD5(S + RA) c(1) = p1 xor b1

b2 = MD5(S + c(1)) c(2) = p2 xor b2

. .

. .

. .

bi = MD5(S + c(i-1)) c(i) = pi xor bi

The String will contain c(1)+c(2)+...+c(i) where + denotes


On receipt, the process is reversed to yield the original



public class Cryptology


/** hidden secret data for encryption and decryption. */

private byte[] m_secret;

/** default secret length. */

private int m_defaultSecretLength = 256;


* Default constructor to create object with default hidden secret.


public Cryptology()


m_secret = createSecret( m_defaultSecretLength, normalize( getClass().getName() ) );



* Allow to use user desired hidden secret to instantiate this object.

* @param specSecret the user desired hidden secret string.

* @param secretLen the length of secret in bytes.


public Cryptology( String specSecret, int secretLen )


if ( specSecret == null )

specSecret = getClass().getName();

m_secret = createSecret( secretLen, normalize( specSecret ) );



* Set a new Shared Secret for encryption and decryption.

* @param newSecret byte[] the new shared secret.


public void setSecret( byte[] newSecret )


m_secret = newSecret;



* Set a string for shared secret.


public void setSecret( String theSecret )


m_secret = normalize( theSecret );


public byte[] getSecret()


return m_secret;



Encrypting the rawData with random auth value.


public byte[] encrypt(byte[] rawData, byte[] auth)


//if no secret or no authenticator data, don't encrypt the rawData.

if ( rawData == null ||

auth == null ||

auth.length != 16 ||

m_secret == null )

return rawData;

ArrayList cBlocks = getCipherBlocks( getChunks( rawData ), auth, true );

return concatChunks( cBlocks );



Decoding the encoded data ( encData ) with given authenticator array ( auth ). The result is the byte array of plain value.


public byte[] decrypt(byte[] encData, byte[] auth)


//if no secret or no authenticator data, don't decrypt the encData.

if ( encData == null ||

auth == null ||

auth.length != 16 ||

m_secret == null )

return encData;

ArrayList cBlocks = getCipherBlocks( getChunks( encData ), auth, false );

return concatChunks( cBlocks );



* Data to be encrypted should be normalized to multiple 16 octets first.

* Origin string should be encoded to bytes in UTF-8. If UTF-8 not supported, * null will be returned.


public static byte[] normalize( String wData )




byte oData[] = wData.getBytes("UTF-8");

//return bNormalize( oData );

return oData;


catch( UnsupportedEncodingException uee )


//Debug.println( new DbgMsg( uee, 3 ) );

Debug.warning("normalize UnsupportedEncodingException in Class Cryptology");


return null;



* Get the UTF-8 encoded string of a decrypted byte array.

* @param oData byte array which was decrypted from an encrypted byte array.

* @return String encoded in UTF-8. If oData length is zero,

* empty string returned, if UTF-8 not supported, null returned.


public static String rNormalize( byte oData[] )


int wdLen = oData.length;

//Debug.println("raw data length: " + wdLen );

if ( wdLen == 0 ) return "";



return new String( oData, "UTF-8" );


catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee)


Debug.warning("normalize UnsupportedEncodingException in Class Cryptology");


return null;


private byte[] concatChunks( ArrayList chunks )


if ( chunks == null ) return new byte[0];

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

for( int i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i ++ )


BigInteger bgInt = (BigInteger)chunks.get( i );

byte[] cBytes = bgInt.toByteArray();

baos.write( cBytes , 0, cBytes.length );


return baos.toByteArray();



private ArrayList getCipherBlocks( ArrayList pChunks, byte[] raBytes, boolean cipher)


if ( m_secret == null || raBytes == null || pChunks == null ) return null;

byte[] ss = new byte[ m_secret.length ];

System.arraycopy(m_secret, 0, ss, 0, m_secret.length );

Iterator iPs = pChunks.iterator();

ArrayList cipherBlocks = new ArrayList( pChunks.size() );

BigInteger bi = getIntMediValue( ss, raBytes );

String inter = "intermedium integer: " + bi.intValue() + "\n" ;

String ciph = "";

while( iPs.hasNext() )


BigInteger pi = (BigInteger)iPs.next();

BigInteger ci = cipherBlock( pi, bi );

//error occurred, invalid password not necessary to be creatDebug.println("intermedium integer: " + bi.intValue() );ed.

if ( ci == null ) return null;

cipherBlocks.add( ci );

//ciph += "Created ciphered integer: " + ci.intValue() + "(bitLen:" + ci.bitLength() + ")\n";

if ( cipher )

bi = getIntMediValue( ss, ci.toByteArray() );


bi = getIntMediValue( ss, pi.toByteArray() );

//inter += "intermedium integer: " +( bi == null ? "null" : bi.intValue() + "(bitLen:" + bi.bitLength() + ")\n") ;


//Debug.println( new DbgMsg( inter, Debug.TRACE_IN ) );

//Debug.println( new DbgMsg( ciph, Debug.TRACE_IN ) );

return cipherBlocks;


private ArrayList getChunks( byte[] rawPwd )


if ( rawPwd == null ) return null;

int chunkCnt = (rawPwd.length + 15) / 16 ;

ArrayList chunks = new ArrayList( chunkCnt );

ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( rawPwd );

String msg = "";

for( int i = 0; i < chunkCnt; i++)


int len = bais.available();

if ( len > 16 ) len = 16;

byte[] chunk = new byte[ 16 ];

int bitLen = bais.read(chunk, 0, len );

//Debug.println("read bytes:" + bitLen +"; value:" + (new String( chunk ) ) );

if ( bitLen != -1 )


if ( len < 16 )

Arrays.fill( chunk, len, 15, (byte)0x00 );

BigInteger bi = new BigInteger( chunk );

chunks.add( bi );



//Debug.println( new DbgMsg( msg, Debug.TRACE_IN ) );

return chunks;


private BigInteger getIntMediValue(byte[] secret, byte[] raOrct )


if ( secret == null || raOrct == null || raOrct.length < 16 ) return null;



MessageDigest msgDgt = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");

byte[] input = new byte[ secret.length + raOrct.length ];

System.arraycopy(secret,0, input, 0, secret.length );

System.arraycopy(raOrct,0, input, secret.length, raOrct.length );

return new BigInteger( msgDgt.digest( input ) );


catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae)


Debug.warning("normalize NoSuchAlgorithmException in Class Cryptology");


return null;


private BigInteger cipherBlock( BigInteger pi, BigInteger bi )


if ( pi == null || bi == null ) return null;

BigInteger cpbk = pi.xor( bi );

return cpbk;



* If a password's length is less than 16, it will be padded

* to 16 with null. This makes its decrypted value have a

* invalid tail encoded in the nulls. This method will compare

* the string from decrypted bytes and stored origin string

* with the padding nulls tail considered.

* @param decryptedPwd the restored password string

* created from decrypted bytes.

* @param storedPwd the origin password stored

* for authentication.

* @return boolean true if and only if the decryptedPwd

* is started with storedPwd and appended

* by a serias of nulls or none.


public static boolean equals( String decryptedPwd, String storedPwd )




if ( decryptedPwd.length() < storedPwd.length() ) return false;

byte[] dp = decryptedPwd.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");

byte[] sp = storedPwd.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");

if ( dp.length > sp.length )


int tLen = dp.length - sp.length;

byte [] spe = new byte[ tLen ];

Arrays.fill( spe, (byte)0x00 );

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

baos.write( sp );

baos.write( spe );

sp = baos.toByteArray();


return Arrays.equals( dp, sp );


catch( Exception e )


Debug.warning("normalize Exception in Class Cryptology");


return false;


private byte[] createSecret( int len, byte[] seed )


if ( seed == null )


seed = normalize( getClass().getName() );


if ( len <= 0 ) len = m_defaultSecretLength;

SecureRandom scRdm = new SecureRandom( seed );

byte[] aSec = new byte[ len ];

scRdm.nextBytes( aSec );

return aSec;



* If a password's length is less than 16, it will be padded

* to 16 with null. This makes its decrypted value have a

* invalid tail encoded in the nulls. This method will cut the

* invalid tail and return the "CLEAR" data.

* @param data byte[] the origin decrypted byte array.

* @return byte[] bytes from data without the nulls tail.

* if any exception occurred, null returned.


public static byte[] getClearData( byte[] data)




StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

sb.append( new String(data, "ISO-8859-1") );


BigInteger rBi = new BigInteger( sb.toString().getBytes("ISO-8859-1") );

sb = new StringBuffer();

sb.append( new String( rBi.toByteArray(), "ISO-8859-1") );


return sb.toString().getBytes("ISO-8859-1") ;


catch(Exception e)


Debug.warning("normalize Exception in Class Cryptology");


return null;



//for test

public static void main( String argv[] )


Cryptology crypto = new Cryptology();

if ( argv.length < 1 )




//Store default secret to file default.sec



FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("default.sec");

fos.write( crypto.getSecret() );



catch(IOException e){}

if ( argv.length == 2 )

crypto.setSecret( argv[1] );

SecureRandom scRdm = new SecureRandom( SecureRandom.getSeed( 16 ) );

byte[] auth = new byte[16];

scRdm.nextBytes( auth );

String rawStr = argv[0];

System.out.println("Origin String: " + rawStr );

byte[] scStr = crypto.normalize( rawStr );

if ( scStr == null )


System.out.println(" Normalization of origin string failed.");





scStr = crypto.encrypt( scStr, auth );

System.out.println( "Encrypted string: " + crypto.rNormalize( scStr ) + "; bytesCount: " + scStr.length );

scStr = crypto.decrypt( scStr, auth );

System.out.println( "Decrypted string: " + crypto.rNormalize(scStr) );

System.out.println( "Cleared Decrypted password: " + ( new String( Cryptology.getClearData( scStr ) ) ) );


catch( Exception uee)





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