问题六:在Clearquest Designer里设置Field时那些Type都代表什么意思?比如,Type里的REFERENCE,REFERENCE_LIST都是什么类型,设置成这个类型后,会出现什么结果?您能给我详细说一下吗?
解答提示:在ClearQuest Designer Help中的Selecting a field data type中有相应的说明。
ClearQuest supports the following field data types:
Data Description/Comments
ATTACHMENT_LIST Allows records to store files related to the record.
DATE_TIME SQL date and time.
INT SQL integer.
MULTILINE_STRING A variable-length string of unlimited size.
REFERENCE A reference to a unique key in a record type.For REFERENCE type fields, you must select a state-based or stateless record type to refer to. You can also enter an optional back-reference field to create a link from the referenced record back to this field's record and can specify that the referenced record type is under security control.
REFERENCE_LIST Multiple references to unique keys in record types. Reference-list fields allow you to reference multiple records within a field. You can use reference-list fields with a parent/child control to link related records.For REFERENCE_LIST type fields, you must select a state-based or stateless record type to refer to. You can also enter an optional back-reference field to create a link from the referenced record back to this field's record.Note: You cannot use the REFERENCE_LIST type when creating a report. Multiple record references within a field will return a report error.
SHORT_STRING A variable-length character string with a 254-character maximum. You set the length in the Properties dialog box when defining the field. Enter a value between 1 and 254 in the Maximum Length field.
DBID Reserved for system fields
ID Reserved for system fields
JOURNAL Reserved for system fields
STATE Reserved for system fields
Note: You cannot modify the data type or the DB Column Name of a field after you check in the schema. To change the data type, delete the existing field and create a new field with the data type you want.
选择REFERENCE就会出现reference to,其中对应的就是左侧树中Record Types和Record Types -Stateless下面的各种类型,比如最常用的Defect就是一个集合,你建立的字段可以指向这个集合。 这些是我自己的一些看法,不一定正确,因为我没有用过,
if project="工程1" then
a=GetFieldValue(subsystem).GetValue ‘取subsystem的内容
Select case a '判断subsystem的取值
case "subsystem1"
SetFieldValue people,"tester1" '填写subsystem1对应的人员内容
case "subsystem2"
SetFieldValue people,"tester2" '填写subsystem2对应的人员内容
case "subsystemn"
SetFieldValue people,"testern" '填写subsystemn对应的人员内容
End Select
End if
if project="工程2" then
Select case b
End Select
End if
问题九:如何使用邮件规则(E-mail rule)?
解答提示:邮件规则的设置,不是在Designer中,而是在客户端。在客户端中,选择菜单中View->E-mail Options设置邮件服务器;Actions->New->Email_Rule设置在什么条件下把缺陷发给什么人。具体的设置,自己查看帮助。
Designer中的Email rule,是设置客户端中的显示界面内容的,可以根据需要修改。但是一般我觉得不用管这里,因为通常情况下都是测试人员建立邮件规则,开发人员通常看不到邮件规则的界面。而且建立好后,一般就不做改动了,所以是否好看、是否有冗余字段等都可以不在考虑的范围之内。
问题十:在clearquest designer中改了提交界面和处理界面后,在clearquest client中提交bug时,界面怎么没有变化
解答:Designer设计后,没有变化,那是因为你没有Update数据库。在Designer中设计完成后,点击菜单中的File->Check In保存修改,再选择菜单中的Database->Upgrade Database,在里面选择你修改完毕的数据库,一般会有新的版本,upgrade新版本就可以了。