大家想必一定都了解XML,利用XML技术来存储数据和文档是一件很容易的事情,.NET Framework 在它的命名空间System.Xml 就提供了一种可以很方便的操作xml的类XmlDocument,它使用起来非常容易,XmlDocument 其实就是一个简单的树。下面详细的介绍XmlDocument 的使用方法。
// create a new node in the document object from the source node
//and name it as "sName"
// the return value indicates success or failure
public bool AddNode(XmlNode oSource, String sName);
// same as above except that it also specifies the parent node of the
// newly created node
// the return value indicates success or failure (returns false if the
// parent node does not exist)
public bool AddNode(XmlNode oSource, String sName, String sParent);
// create a set of new nodes in the document object from the source node
// list and name them as "sName"
// the return value indicates success or failure
public bool AddNodes(XmlNodeList oSourceList, String sName);
// same as above except that it also specifies the parent node of the
// newly created nodes the return value indicates success or failure
// (returns false if the parent node
// does not exist)
public bool AddNodes(XmlNodeList oSourceList, String sName, String sParent);
// merge the source node into a node named "sName" in the document object
// the node named "sName" will be created if it does not exist
// the return value indicates success or failure
public bool MergeNode(XmlNode oSource, String sName);
// same as above except that it also specifies the parent node of the merged node
// the return value indicates success or failure (returns false if the parent node
// does not exist)
public bool MergeNode(XmlNode oSource, String sName, String sParent);
Dim myDoc As XMLDocumentEx = New XMLDocumentEx()
myDoc.AddNode(docVehicle.SelectSingleNode("//Record"), "VehicleRecord", "Data")
myDoc.AddNode(docDriver.SelectSingleNode("//Record"), "DriverRecord", "Data")
</ Vehicle Record>
</Data> 我们也可是使用AddNodes方法把一个记录集的所有记录增加到节点上:Dim myDoc As XMLDocumentEx = New XMLDocumentEx()
myDoc.LoadXml("<Data> <VehicleData></Vehicle Data><DriverData></DriverData> </Data>")
myDoc.AddNodes(docVehicle.SelectNodes("//Record"), "VehicleRecord", " Vehicle Data")
myDoc.AddNodes(docDriver.SelectNodes("//Record"), "DriverRecord", "DriverData")结果如下:myDoc.xml<Data>
</Data>下面我介绍如何合并节点。假设我们有两个XmlDocument文件docBook1和docBook2,这两个文档都包含 <Book> 节点. 在docBook1 中的这个 <Book> 节点 包含 <Introduction>, <Chapter1>, and <Chapter2>. 在docBook2中的这个 <Book> 节点 包含 <Chapter3>, <Chapter4>, and <Chapter5>. 下面的代码演示如何合并这两个book节点:Dim myDoc As XMLDocumentEx = New XMLDocumentEx()
myDoc.LoadXml("<Data> <Book></Book></Data> ")
myDoc.MergeNode(docBook1.SelectSingleNode("//Book"), "Book", "Data ")
myDoc.MergeNode(docBook2.SelectSingleNode("//Book"), "Book", "Data")合并后的效果如下:myDoc.xml<Data>
< Chapter1 >...</Chapter1>
</Data>下面是所有的源代码:sealed public class XMLDocumentEx: XmlDocument
public bool AddNode(XmlNode oSource, String sName)
return AddNode(oSource, sName, null);
public bool AddNode(XmlNode oSource, String sName, String sParent)
if(sName!=null&&oSource!= null)
// create the new node with given name
XmlNode oNewNode = CreateElement(sName);
// copy the contents from the source node
oNewNode.InnerXml = oSource.InnerXml;
// if there is no parent node specified, then add
// the new node as a child node of the root node
if(sParent!= null) sParent = sParent.Trim();
if(sParent== null||sParent.Equals(String.Empty))
return true;
// otherwise add the new node as a child of the parent node
if (!sParent.Substring(0,2).Equals("//")) sParent = "//"+sParent;
XmlNode oParent = SelectSingleNode(sParent);
if (oParent!=null)
return true ;
catch (Exception)
// error handling code
return false;
public bool AddNodes(XmlNodeList oSourceList, String sName)
return AddNodes(oSourceList, sName, null);
public bool AddNodes(XmlNodeList oSourceList, String sName, String sParent)
if(oSourceList!= null)
// call AddNode for each item in the source node list
// return true only if all nodes are added successfully
int i = 0;
if (!AddNode(oSourceList.Item(i),sName,sParent)) return false;
return true;
catch (Exception)
// error handling code
return false;
public bool MergeNode(XmlNode oSource, String sName)
return MergeNode(oSource, sName, null );
public bool MergeNode(XmlNode oSource, String sName, String sParent)
if(sName!=null&&oSource!= null)
XmlNode theNode = null ;
// if there is no parent node specified ...
if(sParent!= null) sParent = sParent.Trim();
if(sParent== null||sParent.Equals(String.Empty))
// if the node with specified name does not exist,
// add it as a child node of the root node
theNode = SelectSingleNode("//"+sName);
if (theNode==null)
theNode = CreateElement(sName);
// if the parent node is specified ...
// find the parent node
if (!sParent.Substring(0,2).Equals("//")) sParent = "//"+sParent;
XmlNode theParent = SelectSingleNode(sParent);
if (theParent!=null)
// if the node with specified name does not exist, create
// it first, then add it as a child node of the parent node
theNode = theParent.SelectSingleNode(sName);
theNode = CreateElement(sName);
// merge the content of the source node into
// the node with specified name
if(theNode!= null)
theNode.InnerXml += oSource.InnerXml;
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;