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★ 始终贯穿“玩中学”的理念:以小学生日常生活学习为主线进行编排,使英语学习在日常生活中自然而然地实现;
★ 由浅入深,由简到难:每本书分蜗牛篇、鹦鹉篇、百灵篇三个梯度,可以帮助小读者增强信心,逐步提高语言能力,也有利于教师因材施教;
★ 内容时尚,语言地道:语言材料由有外国生活经验的教师精心采集,配套磁带由外籍专家精心录制,让学生掌握地道的英语发音,学会听、说,从小培养良好的英语语感。
1 A Busy Day!
2 Two New Schoolkids
3 Twins' Bedroom
4 Soup
S A Shop
6 The Name of a Woman
7 The Snowman
8 The Best Job
9 Jimmy and a Salesman
10 What Are Stars Like?
11 How Do Mail Carriers Keep Dogs Away?
12 An Old Woman and Her Cats
13 Father's Hobby
14 Be My Friends
IS Two Bicycles
16 My Special Friend
17 A Friendly American Family
18 Visit Shanghai
19 A Sports Lover
20 The Sea
21 Sea Horses
22 A Flying Fox
23 Where Are the Girl's Ducks?
24 Flying Birds
25 Air
26 Mary
27 Clocks
28 ANice Farm
29 Christmas Day
30 A Desert
31 Animals' Home
32 The Dirtiest Hand
33 Peter
34 An Outing
35 The Pizza Machine
36 Water
37 The Great Wall of China
38 Funny Presents
39 A Barber's Joke
40 A Boy or a Girl?
41 A Missing "Tiger"
42 An Interesting Newspaper
43 Lucky or Unlucky
44 Kate's Homework
45 A Yo-yo
46 A Bridge
47 Go Fishing
48 A Good Breakfast
49 Alarm Clock
50 Stop Writing
51 Two Different Lives
52 The Robots
53 A Broken Mirror and Bad Luck
54 A Holiday From School
55 The Candy Kings
56 Yawn
57 Letters
58 Two Thieves
59 The Proverb
60 A Giant Kite
61 Once a Year!
62 A New Pet
63 A Lovely Weekend
64 Fire Fighters
6S Hair and Beard
66 The Martins
67 A Composition
68 The Frog That Changes Color
69 The City of San Francisco
70 A Second Language
71 Two American Presidents
72 Computers
73 The Sun and the Earth
74 Benjamin Franklin
75 ?
76 Be Polite!
77 The Sun
78 School in Air
79 Helen's Glasses
80 A Frenchman in New York
81 Air Jordan
82 Who Is the God?
83 My Dog
84 The Strongest Power in the World
85 Quick Thinking
86 The Best Salesman in the World
87 Not So Stupid
88 A Cheap Meal
89 The Diet
90 Noise
91 Mr. Black and the Fishmonger
92 The Favorite Coat
93 The Pianist and an Old Woman
94 Books on "How to ..."
95 A Drunken Man
96 Two Flights
97 A Lazy Man
98 Pandas
99 Fall
lO0 A Warmhearted Man
Key to the Exercises