

王朝oracle·作者佚名  2008-05-19
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1. 概述

Oracle9iAS 证书全名叫:Oracle9iAS Web Administrator Certified Associate,下文简称 9iAS WACA. 这是 Oracle9iAS 目前唯一的证书. 它不同于 DBA, 因为 DBA 有 OCA,OCP 和 OCM 三种.很多公司现在需要全职或兼职的 Oracle9iAS Web Administrator.这种工作也是 DBA 工作的延伸.很多人在考完 DBA 的OCA/OCP 后加考9iAS WACA 以拓宽自己的知识面和增加工作机会.

要得到 9iAS WACA,简单来说:考一门试,得一个证.无参加 Oracle 培训的要求.


9iAS WACA 考试全名: #1Z0-301 Oracle9iAS: Basic Administration. 考试时间为 2 小时.计分题为 83 题. 答对 53 题(63%)为通过. 考试报名等事项与考OCP一样,请参见 Kamus 的“OCP 完全指南”( http://www.itpub.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=161935 ).



1. D37338 Oracle9iAS: Basic Administration, Student Guide V1,V2. Production 2.0 October 2002

2. Oracle9i: Security Concepts in an Internet Environment

3. Oracle9i: Introduction to LDAP and Oracle Internet Environment

参考资料 1 目前还未见有电子版,只有印刷版.网上传过的那本是2001年讲 Oracle9iAS Release One 的,已经很老了.且 Oracle9iAS Release One 和 Release Two 有着本质的不同.学习内容 2 和 3 可通过参加 Oracle 网上图书馆的培训.没有网上图书馆用户的朋友可去 http://www.oracle.com/education/oln/ 免费注册一用户,注册后可试用一个月.可苦干一个月,搞定这两门.


Oracle 提供上述三门课的培训.第一门是由 Oracle 大学的讲师主讲,五天.第二,三门可参加网上图书馆培训.


1. Oracle9iAS Installation Options

[ ] Describe the architecture and main components of the middle-tier Oracle9i Application Serve

[ ] Explain the installation options for Oracle9iAS and how the various installation options enable different features

[ ] Explain the installation dependencies

[ ] Indentify the recommended deployment strategies

2. Installing Oracle9i Application Server

[ ] Install J2EE and Web Cache

[ ] Describe the difference between the first installation on a machine and subsequent installation

[ ] Describe when you need to assign a J2EE and Web Cache instance to an Infrastructure

[ ] Install Oracle9i AS Infrastructure, and: Explain a first installation of this type

[ ] Describe the installation if components already exist

3. Managing Oracle9iAS Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

[ ] Use the Oracle9iAS Web-based management tools, and explain and use symbols and icons to start, stop, restart instances or components

[ ] Start and stop an Oracle9iAS instance or a component

[ ] Explain the structure of the Farm page

[ ] Use the navigation bar to access different component homepages and get back to your starting point

4. Managing the Oracle HTTP Server

[ ] Specify the directory structure and location of configuration files

[ ] Configure and manage Oracle HTTP Server: using Oracle Enterprise Manager, using dcmctl command line utility

[ ] Locate the main configuration file httpd.conf

[ ] Use directives to:

__ Specify server and administrator functions

__ Specify file location

__ Limit the number of processes and connections

__ Manage the network connection

__ Configure and use server log files

5. Configure the Oracle HTTP Server - Advanced Features

[ ] Describe the allowed locations and context merging of directives

[ ] Explain the configuration context of directives

[ ] Use container directives such as: , and ,

[ ] Create and configure virtual hosts

6. Managing PL/SQL, CGI, and Perl Applications

[ ] Configure mod_plsql

[ ] Use the mod_plsql configuration files such as plsql.conf, dads.conf, and chache.conf

[ ] Create a database access descriptor (DAD): using dads.conf, using OEM

[ ] Define authentication for PL/SQL applications

[ ] Prevent the execution of specific procedures and packages from a browser

7. Introducing Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

[ ] Describe the deployment and management features of OC4J

[ ] Explain the OC4J architecture

[ ] Describe the Oracle Process Management and Notification System (OPMN)

[ ] Locate the mod_oc4j configuration files and configure mod_oc4j using directives such as: Oc4jMount, Oc4jMountCopy, Oc4jCacheSize

[ ] Monitor the OC4J instances

8. Configuring OC4J

[ ] Describe the OC4J configurationand deployment process

[ ] Explain OC4J configuration basics

[ ] Locate the configuration directory and describe the structure

[ ] Describe the server configuration files such as: server.xml, default-web-site.xlm, application.xml

[ ] Describe the relationships among the configuration files

9. Deploying Java Applications with OC4J

[ ] Describe how J2EE applications connect to databases

[ ] Create and configure data sources to be used with OC4J

[ ] Describe the data-sources.xml file

[ ] Obtain data sources information from OC4J homepage

[ ] Create a data source using OEM

[ ] Deploy Web application modules: using Oracle Enterprise Manager, using dcmctl command line utility

[ ] Deploy J2EE applications:

__ Using OEM

__ Using the Deploy J2EE application wizard to deploy an EJB

__ Using dcmctl command line utility

10. Introducing Oracle9iAS Web Cache

[ ] Describe key concepts of Oracle9iAS Web Cache

[ ] Explain the architecture of Oracle9iAS Web Cache

[ ] Explain the communication flow with Oracle9iAS Web Cache

[ ] Describe common deployment scenarios

[ ] Administer and configure Oracle9iAS Web Cache

[ ] Use Oracle Web Cache Manager

[ ] Use the command line utility webcachect

[ ] Describe the directory structure of Oracle9iAS Web Cache

[ ] Locate configuration and log files

[ ] Start, stop, and restart Oracle9iAS Web Cache using Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site

[ ] Obtain status, statistics and metrics from OEM Web Cache Homepage

[ ] Modify security settings, including:

__ Change the passwords to Oracle9iAS Web Cache

__ Use Web Cache Manager to change the administrator or invalidator password

11. Using and Managin Oracle9iAS Web Cache

[ ] Create and configure caching rules using Web Cache Manager

[ ] Set up invalidation mechanisms

12. Managing the Oracle9iAS Infrastructure

[ ] Describe the key features of Oracle9iAS Infrastructure

[ ] Describe the benefits of usingOracle9iAS Infrastructure

[ ] Start of stop Oracle9iAS Infrastructure

[ ] Manage the metadata repository, including starting, stopping and restarting

13. Introducing Oracle9iAS clustering concepts

[ ] Explain the terms cluster, farm, instance, and component cluster

[ ] Describe the architecture and components of Oracle9iAS instances and clusters

[ ] Explain how different failure scenarios are managed by Oracle9iAS:

__ A node within a cluster goes down OPMN goes down

__ An Oracle HTTP Server goes down

__ An OC4J process goes down

[ ] Describe how distributed configuration management works when you:

__ Deploy a J2EE application to a cluster

__ Create a new OC4J instance with which joins a cluster

[ ] Deploy Oracle9iAS clusters

14. Managing Security

[ ] Explain basic security concepts and common deployment topologies

[ ] Describe the authentication and restriction schemes available with the Oracle HTTP Server

[ ] Define host based access control:

__ Use IP-based acc

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