1. Integration Model:顶级model,是外部系统与Process Model(即Workflow)之间,Process Model彼此之间的集成模型
2. Process Model:即其它系统中的Workflow,由state,transition等组成;不过在BusinessWare中,只有human interaction的Process Model才称为Workflow
3. Transformer Model:内部数据适配器,分in和out两个方向
4. Connector:外部系统适配器,分两个方向:from External to BW is Source Connector, while from BW to External is Target Connector
5. Connector对适配器显式建模,是EAI的关键;以前自己的系统把这种Connector建模为了自动型活动
6. Proxy:外部对象适配器,通常是远程过程调用的代理
7. BPO:似乎对应相关数据,但比"相关数据"模型更清晰,更模块化
8. Project Module:共享的Project Library,应该beyond sub flow
9. 在建模工具(BWE)中,新建一个project的菜单居然不在File--New中,而是放在"Project--Project Manager"中,真是令初次见面者一头雾水
10. 建模工具BWE:全程可视化,代码产生器,自动同步,调试、部署、运行...真是很强大
11. Types:算是Metadata,“Operations, parameters, exceptions, business process objects (BPOs), and events are all examples of BusinessWare types. To enable BusinessWare to store, transport, and manipulate your data, you describe it to BusinessWare using types. In addition to a generic BPO, you can define specific BPOs that describe your data and operations.”