·页码:234 页码
·开本:16 16
Unit 1How to Be a Good Bilingual Teacher
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know:Teacher\'s Personality, Attitudes and Roles
ⅢWhat to Do: Engaging Students in Activities
ⅣClassroom Language
ⅤImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅥSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅦConclusion:Teaching-related Vocabulary
Unit 2How to Do Classroom Management
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Classroom Management Styles
ⅢWhat to Do: Classroom Language, Teacher\'s Behavior
ⅣClassroom Language
ⅤImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅥSpeech and Pronunciation: Sentence Stress in English
Unit 3How to Use Textbooks
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Six Principles of Textbooks
ⅢWhat to Do: Choosing and Evaluating Textbooks
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation:A Sound Unit
ⅥThe language of Spontaneous Situations
Unit 4How to Plan a Lesson
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Lesson Planning
ⅢWhat to Do: Writing a Lesson Plan
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 5How to Begin A Lesson
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know:Making Introductions
ⅢHow to Do: Starting a Lesson
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 6How to Motivate Students
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Motivation
ⅢWhat to Do: Motivating Students to Read
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 7How to HandLe Questions
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Questioning Tactics
ⅢWhat to Do: Dialogues
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 8How to Describe Figures
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Figures Expressions
ⅢWhat to Do: Expressing Figures
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 9How to Describe Objects
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Ways to Describe Objects
ⅢWhat to Do: Describing Objects
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 10How to Do Interactive Teaching
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Interaction and Cooperation
ⅢWhat to Do: Writing and Vocabulary
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 11How to Conclude a Lesson
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Conclusion Skills
ⅢWhat to Do: Making Conclusions
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 12How to Teach Large Classes
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Large Classes versus Small Classes
ⅢWhat to Do: Teaching Experience of Large Classes
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 13How to Write Academic Papers
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know:Essentials for Writing Papers
ⅢWhat to Do: Grammar and Vocabulary
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Unit 14How to Make a Presentation
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know: Material Management
ⅢWhat to Do: Going through the Process of Preparation
ⅣGrammar and Vocabulary
ⅤImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅥSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅦClassroom Language
Unit 15How to Retrieve Information
ⅠStarter Activities
ⅡWhat to Know:Modem Means of Information Retrieval
ⅢWhat to Do: Knowing and Translating Technical Terms
ⅣImitation and Peer-teaching
ⅤSpeech and Pronunciation
ⅥClassroom Language
Tapeseripts for Listening
Keys and Teachers\' Notes