·出版社:Beijing Review
·页码:48 页码
·开本:16开 16开
Though only nine months into his term as UN Secretary General,Ban Ki-moon has already scored a couple of early victories.He has restructured the international organization's peacekeeping operation department and its disarmament sector.Now the 63-year-old former top South Korean diplomat has turned his attention to fortifying the UN's power to promote the peaceful settlement of disputes,changing the UN's working culture and advancing global discussions and activities on climate change.He is also doing his part to help resolve the crisis in Darfur.Ban's 37years of experience in government service and on the world stage position him well to tackle these tasks.In an exclusive interview with Beijing Review at UN headquarters in New York,Ban discussed his action plan for these matters and shared his thoughts on the six-party talks on the North Korean nuclear issue,China's role in the UN and in global affairs and his expectations for the peace talks on Darfur,scheduled for later this month.
Though only nine months into his term as UN Secretary General,Ban Ki-moon has already scored a couple of early victories.He has restructured the international organization's peacekeeping operation department and its disarmament sector.Now the 63-year-old former top South Korean diplomat has turned his attention to fortifying the UN's power to promote the peaceful settlement of disputes,changing the UN's working culture and advancing global discussions and activities on climate change.He is also doing his part to help resolve the crisis in Darfur.Ban's 37years of experience in government service and on the world stage position him well to tackle these tasks.In an exclusive interview with Beijing Review at UN headquarters in New York,Ban discussed his action plan for these matters and shared his thoughts on the six-party talks on the North Korean nuclear issue,China's role in the UN and in global affairs and his expectations for the peace talks on Darfur,scheduled for later this month.
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